Psp Slim Released

Nova said:
Your post was seemingly intelligent, and I agreed with you, until this line:

Nintendo peddle technology such as the DS and the Wii (DS = glorified N64, Wii = couple of Cubes strapped together with a wavey wand) and win everyone over, I'm left confused.
You lost all credibility and respect from me there.

I've got a big Mario-embossed tissue for you, if need be. :P

Either way, Nintendo were great up until the N64...a few games on it included. But honestly, the way people carry on about them is far too over-the-top. Especially for a company that doesn't really have great 3rd party support. And somehow manage to keep their prices ridiculously high, even for Cube games still sold - at least in Australia. Plus, apart from a spare few games, Metroid Prime Hunters and Advance Wars DS, the library is, IMO, a wasteland compared to the PSP.

I'd have traded it all to somehow save the Dreamcast's life, though. Both Nintendo and Sony could go down the gurgler in favour of Sega somehow clambering back if it HAD to happen.
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I love my PSP and I love my PS2, If I had life savings, I'd probably love a PS3 too. How exactly does that make me a fanboy, as you oh so subtly suggested?

Seriously, you are allowed to express your opinions on this board by all means, but if you want to retain some credibility, "Wii = couple of Cubes strapped together with a wavey wand" is not gonna do that for you.
Nova said:
I love my PSP and I love my PS2, If I had life savings, I'd probably love a PS3 too. How exactly does that make me a fanboy, as you oh so subtly suggested?

Seriously, you are allowed to express your opinions on this board by all means, but if you want to retain some credibility, "Wii = couple of Cubes strapped together with a wavey wand" is not gonna do that for you.
Hardware-wise, the Wii is more that than anything like it's counterparts, and disregarding its innovative control scheme, I'm entitled to say that. And please, if I were trying to insinuate you were a fanboy, I would have just said it.

I did indeed own an old DS Phat, with Advance Wars DS and Metroid Prime: Hunters...I'd still have it, if it weren't part of a desperate trade-in at EB when my old PSP hit the floor and crapped out. Either way, thanks for your lesson.

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The you Pylon, the Wii may seem like a couple of gamecubes stuck together. But look at it this way, the gamecube gave the last generation its best looking game in Resi Evil 4 and although i was released on PS2, its on the gamecube where it shone the most.

So what if the Wii can't stand up to the kind of graphics that the 360 and PS3 are giving us. What you don't understand is that there are more things to games than just graphics. The DS has clearly shown this with what you would call a 'wasteland library' when infact the DS' library far out reaches that of the PSP. Don't get me wrong, I like playing the PSP for certain games that wouldnt be released on the DS (GTA for example) but what we are seeing with th PSP is mere porting and very few original games, much in the same way as the first year has been with the Wii.

As things stand, the Wii is currently the best selling 'next gen' console as of this moment in time. Me, I have a Wii and a 360 and if it weren't for the price, I'd get a PS3 and may well get one in the near future. I am by no means a nintendo fanboy. Nintendo have made some terrible mistakes and still make them now. My alligance still lies with Sega and the dreamcast, but you my friend, from what I have been reading, display all of the charactreistics of a Sony Fanboy who is upset that the 'mighty' PS3 is being beaten badly by sales of an inferior machine.

As Nova has said, you have the right to say what you want. As the saying goes, I may not believe in what you are saying but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
I actually don't think I've championed the PS3 one bit! And the condescending attitudes around here with comments like "you lost all credibility because..." and "what you don't understand is that graphics aren't everything..." are, quite frankly, laughable. I'm not comparing the Wii to the PS3. Hell, if I had the money for a PS3, I'd probably NOT get one anyway - PC/PSP/GP2X is what I use, and all I need. And that's all judged on software. I'll leave the console collecting to you fellows.

But anyway, fair enough. Not actually getting a PSX until the last days of its life, and pretty much the same with the PS2, I wouldn't say I've been jumping on the bandwagon with rigorous fervor.

Your replies seem to get longer and longer to my viewpoint, fellows. Just take it easy. None of these machines are curing cancer or solving third-world hunger (or developed world hunger, as I'm quite hungry right now). So, stop getting all worried about one person unashamedly talking about which entertainment console they prefer.

And yeah, I'm comfortable calling the Wiimote a "wavey wand". Makes no different WHAT you call it. :P

Either way, everyone is incredibly spoiled. Myself included.

EDIT: Anyway, the new PSP Slim is great! I did a trade-in at Electronics Boutique - much like when the DS Lite came out - with the old PSP. It's incredibly light, considering how heavy and clunky the old one was. And with the ghosting reduction, that old shoehorned title Starwars: Battlefront 2 isn't such a messy thing to play.
nickspoon said:
jimid2 said:
The PSP community can be rough around the edges, but I've been taken to task here for calling anunfinished and long-abandoned EMU "half-assed" (a perfectly valid evaluation, imo)

Also, hooray for the new PSP being basically the same!
You're also missing the part where it has more ram. It went from 32 megs in the PSP phat to 64 in the Slim. So now Devs are now working on using the extra memory to get the already running fast emulators even faster. Good news for the N64 emu.

And seriously aren't most emulators faster on the psp anyways? I don't have a GP2x to compare but i have seen some youtube vids and allot of them seems slow and a little glitchy.

And also speaking from an aesthetic stand-point the PSP slim in my opinion looks better than the GP2X.

No disrespect but the GP2X looks very plasticee. Again No disrespect. I am not a fanboy of any sort. I own a Gp32 and other obscure hand helds, just not the GP2X. Never felt to need to own one.

So in a nutshell this is what you get on the PSP Slim now.

More Ram, Better Screen, Smaller/Lighter, TV-out capability, and an already huge selection of homebrew. Plus its mainstream content.

Why would I want anything else, besides a DS. :rolleyes:
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chaos engineer said:
can someone confirm whether the screen and/or the d pad has really been improved?
I can confirm that. The extra memory means reduced ghosting, case-in-point: Starwars Battlefront 2. An early title and suffered from visual drag, especially when in FP view. Now, it looks fine, has next to no ghosting at all.

The screen cover is separate from the faceplate, which wasn't the case before. The faceplate itself is minutely raised both along the top of the machine and along the start/select/volume/home etc. bar...which seems to help protect the screen in the event that it gets placed face-down.

The D-Pad is phenomenally better. I'm not the best observer, but my mate claims it's the best on the market. He told me of a test between the older model with both Streetfighter Alpha 3 Max and Ultimate Ghouls N Ghosts and the new D-Pad leads to a comfortable conclusion that it is much better. - his indepth review of it.
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Pylon_Trooper said:
chaos engineer said:
can someone confirm whether the screen and/or the d pad has really been improved?
I can confirm that. The extra memory means reduced ghosting, case-in-point: Starwars Battlefront 2. An early title and suffered from visual drag, especially when in FP view. Now, it looks fine, has next to no ghosting at all.

The screen cover is separate from the faceplate, which wasn't the case before. The faceplate itself is minutely raised both along the top of the machine and along the start/select/volume/home etc. bar...which seems to help protect the screen in the event that it gets placed face-down.

The D-Pad is phenomenally better. I'm not the best observer, but my mate claims it's the best on the market. He told me of a test between the older model with both Streetfighter Alpha 3 Max and Ultimate Ghouls N Ghosts and the new D-Pad leads to a comfortable conclusion that it is much better. - his indepth review of it.

ok, friend got it, I will try the new dpad with street fighter turbo on cps2, if there is really an improvement, then then I will buy it. BTW: ultimate gng is really a nice one.

EDIT: Got it, put firmware 3.71 M33 on it, really nice, the d pad is not perfect but really better than before. ... and I was weak, could not resist to acquire Sega Rally, although this was against my policy not to buy psp games.
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Well, I finally picked up my PSP Slim - it took a while for the Star Wars Battlefront 2 pack to make it into the stores around here, and then I was distracted with some household stuff for a while, but I managed to grab one last night and thought I'd post my impressions. For the record, I'm keeping my PSP phat (actually, we have three PSP phats in the house right now), but I really wanted a white PSP with Darth Vader on it ;)

First off, I have to say that I noticed right away that this unit is smaller and lighter than the original system - I don't understand people who say they can't feel the size difference because it's very noticable to me, but I might be more sensitive to the differences since I've been playing my original PSP nearly every day for two years or more... Anyway, I really like the weight reduction, but I'm not so sure about the reduced size... I kind of liked the bulges in the back of the original - they give you something to wrap your fingers around, I guess. Still, it's a very comfortable system to play... I know that some have posted that they think the new smooth plastic body feels "cheaper" than the original, but I don't see it that way. I think this unit feels like my DS Lite, frankly - it's the same sort of smooth polished plastic as Nintendo uses, and I've never thought of my DS Lite as "cheap". The D-pad and buttons feel much, much better on this unit, and direct side-by-side comparisons suggest that the screen has been slightly improved as well, though whether this was intentional or simply because my original PSP is a launch model and the screens have naturally improved as manufacturing and parts have evolved over the last couple of years, I can't really say. I know some people don't like the PSP screen, but I've never had a problem with it; I think it's absolutely beautiful for playing games or watching movies...

I've played a couple games on it so far, and I have to say that I noticed a significant difference in the load times on Splinter Cell Essentials - I've been working through this game again recently, and with the PSP-2001 the load times are reduced from excrutiating to just mildly irritating, which is a huge bonus! Ridge Racer might be a little quicker, but not substantially so. It helped Street Fighter Alpha a bit - the game used to "catch" or "pause" for just a second while reading from the disc during the spinning "A" part of the loading screen between matches every once in a while on my old system, but everything's smooth as silk on this machine. On the flip side, the audio is louder on the PSP-1001 - the double ports in the bottom of the older system really help with the projection, and the new PSP can't manage quite the same output.

I haven't bought the TV cable yet, so I can't comment on that at all. I honestly don't know how much I'd use it anyway - hooking up a PSP to my 57" widescreen (the only TV I own with component inputs) just seems foolish, somehow...

Over all, I really like the new system. I have to admit though, if I didn't collect handhelds AND have an extra $200 lying around AND really, really, really want a white PSP, I couldn't really justify buying this machine to replace my launch system - the differences just aren't significant enough; the lighter weight and better D-pad and buttons are the biggest "nice to haves" on the new model, but there's nothing here I couldn't live without if money was tight... Still, if you have to buy a new PSP or are looking for your first, this is the machine to get - it is a tidy upgrade on a great handheld...
Funny story:

I work in a local gamestop and I get plenty of hickish individuals who come in daily. The other day some kid and his mother came in holding the new psp slim and the battery for it, citing "this thing doesn't hold a charge! What could be wrong?"

Having both brain hemispheres, I of course took both, opened the battery latch on the side, and shoved in the battery. As I did this, I received a loud gasp. The kid says to me, "Oh. So It goes in there?!"...........................


His mother was equally confused and embarrassed. They seemed to be under the impression that by tapping the battery on the bottom of the unit (touching some bit of metal, whether it be the headphone jack or something else), it was supposed to magically work.

I'm still in complete awe at this. How absolutely sad for mankind everywhere ;)

Anyway, I agree that it is MUCH lighter than the old psp. It feels cheaper to me, tbh.

And also, the wii is definitely a bunch of gamecubes strapped together with a wavy wand thing. I'm sorry if the fanboys are emotionally distraught by this comment.
The PSP slim would be a must-buy for me if they moved the analog nub above the d-pad, rather than below. In its present location, I get some awful thumb cramps playing for any length of time, and whenever the option to use the d-pad instead of the nub is available, I choose the d-pad.

The other stuff is neat but really not enough to make me replace the PSP I already have.
daclassicgamingmaster said:
And also, the wii is definitely a bunch of gamecubes strapped together with a wavy wand thing. I'm sorry if the fanboys are emotionally distraught by this comment.
Who cares - a house full of good friends, some cold pops, and Wii Sports is about as much fun as you can have with video games and still keep your clothes on... :P
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I have to admit that I love my psp slim, playing streetfighter alpha 3 (CPS 2) with the new pad is just awesome, at least compared to the mk1 stick (waiting for the f200 though).
I've just upgraded to Slim a few weeks ago and it was worth it to me. I love the new d-pad, which is great for fighting games. I was also able to get a PSP in my favorite color (for electronics, that is, except computer hardware), white and a TV-out feature is something I've always wanted. I think these newer models also feel alot better in the hands (and I don't mean just weight wise), I don't miss those big bumps the older system had.

And then there are some minor differences such as the replacement of the memory stick slot and the new UMD door, both which I think are pretty cool (especially the new door, I like the way it looks and how it opens). Yes, I do have Vader on the back of my battery cover but I really don't think it's that bad, I actually kinda like it. Back when it was announced, I thought the Slim was gonna be a big waste of money but after doing a little research about it I decided to sell my original PSP to get the Slim.