Psp Emu

lubidog posted on Oct 4 2005 at 07:46 PM said:
People who just see companies like Sony and Microsoft as Huge Evil Empires, that deserve to be punished because they do not like FACITS of their behaviour, and cannot see that these companies are actually made up of a mass of mostly decent ordinary people doing the best work that they can for themselves and their families.... can you not see the parallels between this attitude and the attidute of those people out there who hate America and England? The guys who blew up the twin towers and have caused misery in Bali and London recently would have the same argument. They don't see the individuals, they just see the mass.

OK you lost me on that connection... I don't like the way either of those companies behave in a corporate sense. So I choose not to buy their products or steal in MS case as that is still helping them maintain their monopoly (and hence condone their behaviour)...

However I don't blaim the individuals that work there (beyond the management) although through my work I have seen the way some Sony reps behave and its scary. But the point is I don't know how that is compared to bombers killing civilians if they don't like a country. I am still spending as much money as I was when I did buy their products, just with different companies. So if many people do what I do and Sony and MS cut staff the other companies that are getting more revenue due to our choice, will need to pick up more staff.. In the end all we are doing is shifting the balance of power.
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Things like Broadcast flags eventually die out just like Divx (the original concept where you bought disks and you player, hooked to the internet would check to find out if your account was paid up before it would let you watch it). When normal people are immediately affected by these issues they vote by just not buying the junk. But they never see it comming, the battle against things like that are almost always fought by regular people after the fact.

At the end of the day Bill Gates, the man responsible for the software monopoly people claim to hate so much (not the people who work for M$ or whatever you decide to call it) still takes home a fat ass check. His fireing of Phil in accounting isn't hinging on how many copies of WinXP where hacked/pirated/stolen/urinated on today, it's about economy. Huge companies like Sony or M$ hardly feel the pinch from regular everyday occuring piracy (smaller companies really have more to worry about of course) but they fight it because they want people to know they want their money the way a Pimp does, on time and without any lip, otherwise eventually no one will take them seriously and the ratio of "pirates" to people who pay will swing out of their favor.

That fat ass check Bill Gates gets can pay for all the lobbyists and such that he needs to help the laws he feels will help him maintain his foothold. If it's a game of "David and Goliath" you think you're engaded in I think you should know Goliath is wearing sling shot deflecting armor this time around.

Ultimately, I think the moral (hehehe wait, that's funny!) of this thread is if you're going to steal/pirate/download/emule/torrent/whatever some piece of software, dont try to explain it as some sort of mini revolution and pretend you're striking a blow for independance, just admit you like getting shit for free, leave it at that and don't brag about it or expect to be hugged for it by everyone in an open forum. Likewise As long as a company can release a "classic games" collection of 10 or 20 year old games, then your "retro rom" collection is pretty much just as bad from a corporate perspective no matter how little you think it hurts someone, chances are even if it's not, they dont care because they didn't get cash from your possesion of it.

The only thing that matters is that you Do or Do Not buy their product or at the very least every copy in someone's possesion resulted in an increase in the bank account.

I feel there really is no "just" side for most of the people in this thread because we're ALL doing it to some degree it's just looking like a question of how honest are you about it.

I hate long posts dammit, stop making me write them! I'm going back to the Convex vs Concave threads already, dont make me come back here!
*shakes fist angrily*
ogisha007 posted on Oct 4 2005 at 06:20 PM said:
Man, this thread has gone waaaay off-topic!!

Alpha2 posted on Oct 4 2005 at 06:32 PM said:
because the topic was silly. no, seriously go back and read it.

That's true, its apsolutely stupid to think gp2x will emulate a console like psp, which btw doesnt have any extra good games so it wouldn't make much sense to emulate it(except for that crazy drum game but you can play it in japan on arcade machines :) ).I'll stick to MD and SNES :)
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this community has the best devs, and once the system has been released it will even more talented coders under it's belt.

Every handheld systems community regardless of which one is buzzing about the gp2x. The negative comments have thankfully all but disapeared.
lol this thread has exploded, i wanted to help out a real n00b because he would buy a gp2x then maybe, but all i got was a thousand people flaming at each other :P 6 pages! lol! i thought it would get locked after my first response or so...
lubidog posted on Oct 3 2005 at 05:25 PM said:
Do you not see how stupid it is to complain at the price of games, then defend piracy? YOU MAKE THE GAMES BE EXPENSIVE BECAUSE FOOLS LIKE ME HAVE TO PAY FOR ALL THE GAMES YOU PIRATE!!!!!!!

Please compare these last two links...

I think the games are expensive because the game companies are greedy, no offense. I would much rather pirate We <3 Katamari than Madden 06. or Madden 05...or 04...or 03... on and on.

I agree with most of what you say, but no one will ever convince me that the cost of games is high because of piracy.
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