Psp Emu

I can't believe you missed out on Golden Sun 1 and 2, they are such great RPGs so very true to the classics- I don't think there's anything not to like about them, all the modern glorified overcomplicated 3d rpgs of today can be damned!
Fire Emblem ownz da GBA. :)

Advance Wars, Castlevania & Tactics Ogre do as well.

And soon... GUNSTAR SUPERHEROES! Go Treasure!
lubidog- you really should avoid moralistic flames.

There are loads of perfectly decent reasons for wanting to play GBA/DS/PS2/XBOX (if any were possible) etc games on one single handheld console. Why carry three, when you could carry one?
Why should a games company decide when and where you play purchased games? What is so wrong with a person wanting to enjoy a game that they paid £40 for on the bus?

And if I could walk into Game, steal a PSP, and get away with it, I would do it tomorrow!
Morals are individual, not universal. Who wants to financially suport certain aspects of this rotten games industry anyway?
Really? So if you could get away with burgling my flat, that would be okay too?

And "Why should a games company decide when and where you play purchased games"? Nothing wrong. I never said anything to do with that. But what is wrong is saying "I don't want to give anything, but I want something in return!"

If you don't want to support this 'rotten' games industry, then fuck off! Why is it 'rotten'? Are the people working very hard, with passion and dedication, on the next great game that you intend to steal (and actually stealing from THEIR pockets) rotten? No of course not.

If you have a job, if you make something, I really hope somebody steals it from YOU! If you are a schoolkid with no income of your own, then grow up. When I was a kid I played lots of pirated games, can't deny it. And guess what? the games industry almost went tits up forever. I didn't direct my rant at kids copying games in the playgroubd, but at adults that should support our hobby, and not leech of the goodwill of others.

Anyway, your comment of "Theft is okay if you can get away with it" is so stupid and immature as to make further comments a waste of my time.

lubidog posted on Oct 3 2005 at 04:32 PM said:
Really? So if you could get away with burgling my flat, that would be okay too?

And "Why should a games company decide when and where you play purchased games"? Nothing wrong. I never said anything to do with that. But what is wrong is saying "I don't want to give anything, but I want something in return!"

If you don't want to support this 'rotten' games industry, then fuck off! Why is it 'rotten'? Are the people working very hard, with passion and dedication, on the next great game that you intend to steal (and actually stealing from THEIR pockets) rotten? No of course not.

If you have a job, if you make something, I really hope somebody steals it from YOU! If you are a schoolkid with no income of your own, then grow up. When I was a kid I played lots of pirated games, can't deny it. And guess what? the games industry almost went tits up forever. I didn't direct my rant at kids copying games in the playgroubd, but at adults that should support our hobby, and not leech of the goodwill of others.

Anyway, your comment of "Theft is okay if you can get away with it" is so stupid and immature as to make further comments a waste of my time.

I didnt say theft is Ok if you can get away with it.

I would never be so moronic as to say something that sweeping. You, on the other hand, are. I would not feel guilty if I stole a PSP from Sony, but would if I stole from you (although with the way you act sometimes, I might not). Things need context, not biblical commandments.

And by the way, there are plenty of things wrong with the modern games industry. for example the stupidly ridiculously overpriced games which makes gaming elitist, and means many people, espescially younger people at which games CORPORATIONS market the games, genuinely cannot afford the experience.

And by the way, you did say that people should play games on the system they were 'meant' to be played on.
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There's a difference.

If you walk in a store, and steal a game, you are stealing something that could've been sold to another guy. This makes the shop lose money, as they just lost a game that could/would've been sold to another person.

When you download a gba game, you are downloading an electronic file. You can download the same file tons of times, no one will lose any money of this. You could argue: "I was not planning to buy the game/program anyway, I wasn't a potential buyer, so they lost nothing."

This of course doesn't mean I promote illigal downloading. :)

As a matter of game industry. In earlier times, gaming wasn't popular, and games had to be good (with limited resources) to sell well. Also, genres weren't made yet, and people where inovating.
In modern times, gaming is so popular and the industry thinks: "Don't care if it's good, put a brand on it and we have $$$ in our pocket's."

Inovation rarely happens, the most important thing is graphics, and industry spends more money on artists then they should.

Now, a lot of movies get videogames. The people who order the videogame to be created don't care. They just want it to sell. "The game has to be finished in 6 months".

Once a successfull game is released, a sequal has to be made. (Madden 06, anyone? Same game, same graphics, different stats. It's a win win situation for everyone!)

I don't say sequals are bad, but a good one that follows up the original one good rarely happens. It's a society were everything turns around money... It's one of the reasons why we end up emulating older systems: Good, inovating and fun games.


And by the way, there are plenty of things wrong with the modern games industry. for example the stupidly ridiculously overpriced games which makes gaming elitist, and means many people, espescially younger people at which games CORPORATIONS market the games, genuinely cannot afford the experience.

Right. Games are commerced to each age with their own spiffy ad: "Do you want to be cool and rule your buds", "Fit in society and be special", "Bring up those old memories of the arcade halls"...

Buy a cellphone game, get 2 sms' weekly that cost you a dollar., whereas the only way to get off it is to send another sms that costs a dollar.

Modern games cost near 70 dollar, pure crap at that price, try and beat it.
But then again, society asks for it. People want fps, they get fps, they want stupid fighting games where the point is to kill eachother as bloody possible and where a normal game lasts an hour and half? They get it.

'Tis a shame, really.
No, I said people shouldn't steal games. If you buy a game you can play it on whatever system you like, as long as you bought it.

@Draken- if you download a GBA rom, and never play it-fine! You've saved yourself $70. But if you play it and love it-then that's stealing from the guys that made it! End of story.

But you steal a psp from game. Do you think that the manager and staff of this shop are working for charity, and that charity is Sony? No, when you steal from a shop you are stealing from the guys you see in the shop behind the counter! And don't kid yourself otherwise.

And I am fed up with this shit about Sony being a big evil 'rotten' empire. Absolute crap. Look, every survey you see will tell you that kids buy games. End of story. And Sony are a company. They need to make money. I'm no sonyfanboi, but what they did with the psx and then with the ps2 and psp has revolutionised the industry, and for the better! What do you want them to do? Sell at a loss????

No profits, no games. You are so off with all this "Evil Empire corporation" rubbish. Was Nintendo evil when it called the shots because of it's strict licensing laws? No, ot just wanted to do the best for itself.

In business, there are two ways of determining price, sell lots cheaply and make smaller pfofit margins, or sell higher fewer goods at a higher profit margin. So Sony, ninty et all sell the consoles cheap and the games dear. And that makes sense. After all the madness in the eighties when games companies knew nothing about marketing games and the gamers suffered most, I for one am happy that companies these days know about cash flows.

And I really disagree about the quality of our games. Sure a newly licensed crap from EA can sell lots, but the really great titles sell more- it's a quality will out industry. Why id FF7 so discussed? because it is a work of art on a grand scale, mass marketed and widely loved. It get's it's results because of people doing something well. Like the GTA games, they succeed because of people doing well.

Sony isn't a faceless wall, that can be hated by jealous individuals. It's a body of people who understand that the ONLY way to succeed is doing the best they can, and people who think it's okay to steal from them are living in cloud cuckoo land. If we all though and acted like how you advocate, well there would be NO new GTAs, NO new Pro evos, NO new FFs, NO new games. In fact there would be no new games.

We should praise the guys that make our games, not curse them!!!
lubidog posted on Oct 3 2005 at 05:06 PM said:
No profits, no games.
obviously you've never heard of the GP32 and community. Or any other homebrew developer who does it for the fun and the art.

lubidog posted on Oct 3 2005 at 05:06 PM said:
If we all though and acted like how you advocate, well there would be NO new GTAs, NO new Pro evos, NO new FFs,
I think I could live with that.

lubidog posted on Oct 3 2005 at 05:06 PM said:
In fact there would be no new games.
obviously you've never heard of the GP32 and community. Or any other homebrew developer who does it for the fun and the art.

Make games reasonably priced, and you would beat the piracy. Spend less on games if thats what it takes.
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Make games reasonably priced, and you would beat the piracy. Spend less on games if thats what it takes.
There was a campain in UK named fairplay. Wonder what happend to that.

I believe in evalution purpose of things. If i download a rom, I play it, If i like it, I buy it. There is no way in hell that i would have bought all my snes games if it wasn't for testing the snes roms first (And i have 40+ snes games). There is one exception, and that if its overpriced. Like Chrono Trigger (which goes for around 170$ here).

I'm with Ludidog that the EMU scene is there to play games which aren't sold anymore and there is no way to get a hold of a copy. And I will buy any game that i like i can find. But I will test them first, If it'll be by demo, or by rom, doesn't matter to me. And I'd doupt it do to the company, if it ends in me buying it.

And Lubidog, whats that game in your avatar? ^^

Right, so GP Holdings do it for the fun and profit too?

And, let me make sure I've got this correct before I think you are a total knob, you ONLY want to play old games? And aren't worried that in 20 or 30 years time there will be nothing after this time to emulate? That you think in 50 years time you will still be happy playing the same games that you are playing now, and that everyone else will feel the same. That the 'New' GP102X will be made (for a non profit charitable organization), just to play PS3 games with a better frame rate?

Yep, right. You are an idiot.

And $70 dollars doesn't buy you a piece of plastic-it buys you peoples time and effort. If Sony and Nintendo and Microsoft and whoever else create competition, then prices fall. But they only fall to a level where the company that makes the games makes a profit. Do you not see how stupid it is to complain at the price of games, then defend piracy? YOU MAKE THE GAMES BE EXPENSIVE BECAUSE FOOLS LIKE ME HAVE TO PAY FOR ALL THE GAMES YOU PIRATE!!!!!!!

But games aren't all top whack. The platinum games etc.

I know I'm being a holier than thou arshloch. And I am not perfect. I have a few things that I shouldn't have. But if I download something and like it I buy it! And I am not rich (!). Just got these morals, you see...

But it's got debate started.

Just wish some of the comments weren't so dumb!!!!
I don't have much against sony, nintendo, etc. They release the consoles, not the games. Without them, there would indeed be no console for us to play games on.

FF7 was a great success (released in what was it, 98?). The story was great, the music, everything really.
But take FFX-2, a piece of crap in my opinion. Hyped up on fashion and pop music, worst story in the FF series (not including mystic quest and gb versions), etc. You know what I mean if you played it.
FFXII? Looks to be the typical Big strong stereothypical hero with no personality saves poor innocent weak little beautifull girl.
The FF series went downhill... Just as the rest of the games released.

All a game needs to be is fun. But is it still fun when a game is either a blatant copy of another game's idea, a remake, an identic sequal, etc?
Because sequels sell, end of story. They want to make money. Problem it's games like ICO, Viewtiful and the companies that make them get shafted because mainstream consumers are not interested in them.

Indie developers like Introversion and PomPom prefer to sell their games directly from themselves since the majority of the money goes directly to them rather then the publishers. Declaration, are you saying its okay to pirate their games as well?
No. Games have always been expensive, and they're actually cheaper than they have been in the past.

I would love to pay for things all the time if the price structure was better analised. At least a third of the price of small goods like games is in shipping, handling, and storage. The internet is a brand-new medium for selling things, and no one has taken advantage of it yet.

Nintendo seems to have some incling for the idea with the Revolution, as it's supposed to download (purchase) old games off the internet for a reasonable price. That is the future of retro-gaming. That is also the future of any system that has hit its prime and is being largely emulated, but is not 'retro' (e.g, GBA). As soon as companies realise this, they will be in the black again.

Piracy is wrong. Theft is very wrong. But so is damn-near price-gouging.

not including mystic quest
Mystic Quest II (the only one I played) was kinda fun, considering the medium.
lubidog posted on Oct 3 2005 at 06:25 PM said:
And $70 dollars doesn't buy you a piece of plastic-it buys you peoples time and effort. If Sony and Nintendo and Microsoft and whoever else create competition, then prices fall. But they only fall to a level where the company that makes the games makes a profit. Do you not see how stupid it is to complain at the price of games, then defend piracy? YOU MAKE THE GAMES BE EXPENSIVE BECAUSE FOOLS LIKE ME HAVE TO PAY FOR ALL THE GAMES YOU PIRATE!!!!!!!

Err, no?
Name a good PS2, GC and XBOX emu for computers?
And you think everyone has knowledge of modding their PS2 or GC so it supports burned games?

It's not 70 bucks a game (Talking about consoles, not handhelds, who's games are much cheaper) because piracy...

@iignitus: Never played II, but take my word Mystic Quest 1 for snes sucks. :P (Depends on how you define sucks. Bad gameplay, virtual no story, easy and quick to beat, etc)
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No but there are a lot of people that will mod consoles for a fee, Xbox is the most common due to the ease of softmodding.

I can easily buy a lot of games online for around £30 for consoles which I think is pretty good price. What was better is that I brought Darwina Direct from the developer for £5-10 less then it on the same sites.
I read a report recently that stated that 30% of all games played were pirates. Now that was an industry report, so lets say realistically 20%. Do the maths, a fifth of the price of your $70 is down to people nicking them of the internet....

Sure, some of the recent FFs were rubbish, and I hate ports and meaningless sequals as much as anyone. But the next FF game might be as great again as FF7.

The point is, I want to play future greats. And if Piracy is considered "alright" and "harmless" then I won't. But dishing the guys that make my games, and make the machines I play them on as being greedy just doesn't add up. Sure they are greedy. But I think they know enough about pricing structures to make sure that they can go on being greedy for a long time.

The only thing that will kill games is piracy, not ridiculous pricing structures. If games are cheaper today than they were (which is true) it's because it's harder to pirate games now, and that gaming is more popular (Hey, thanks Mr Evil Sony! Cos they've done it!).

If you can't afford it, don't play it. If you want something in Life, then work for it!

Thus ends the lesson!

(BTW. I did provoke debate, and that's good!)

I don't advocate piracy of all games, but I think the issue is more complicated than "thou shalt not steal".
I could name one hundred situations where "theft" as you define it it not wrong. Remember, morality is subjective.

I just didnt like the holier than now flaming from lubidog.
I think the problem is with the publishers and retailers getting a sizeable chunk of the pie and the fact that to make use of the technology, budgets are higher, teams are bigger and therefore developers have to rely on a sure fire hit (hence sequels) to actually make any money.
Piracy of any new game is wrong, so sorry about my moralising tone but it's just how it is!

I am a hypocrate I know, I have lime-wire and bit-lord on here. Just your comment about it's okay if I can get away with it wound me up. Then trying to justify it by saying "it's only Sony" is really daft. It's only Sony that has kept the industry afloat these past few years. No Sony, no xbox. We'd all be playing what ever Ninty wanted us to (I love Nintendo, but would Resident Evil come along first from Ninty? Not without green blood anyway.)

Nope, Sony have been good for us all.

But the fact remains. You wanna play modern games, you pay for the sodding things. And if you don't, then keep quiet and don't try to justify what you do saying "Sony's evil, and they deserve to be ripped off"

And I am a moralizing twat that deserves to be slapped. But in the morning I will be ugly, and you will still be drunk. No wait, I've got that wrong...