Go Go Igo!
I think he ment, sony is a big company, one unit aint a big loss for them... Not that it justifys, but's an explanation.
also, didnt answer my question lubidog^^
also, didnt answer my question lubidog^^
Hmm, now that I think of it, it wasn't Mystic Quest II lol, it was Final Fantasy Legend II for the Gameboy (that's why I said considering the medium, I had forgotten which was which).@iignitus: Never played II, but take my word Mystic Quest 1 for snes sucks. tongue.gif (Depends on how you define sucks. Bad gameplay, virtual no story, easy and quick to beat, etc)
I'm pretty sure the general idea is that you're paying for the enjoyment you get out of them game. Even if you never buy from them again, if you get any enjoyment from downloading one of their products, you do in fact owe them money based on their rationale.If my actions stop Rare from making games in the future, so what? I would never buy them anyway.
lubidog posted on Oct 3 2005 at 07:26 PM said:(I love Nintendo, but would Resident Evil come along first from Ninty? Not without green blood anyway.)
lol. you funny and stupid.lubidog posted on Oct 3 2005 at 07:29 PM said:Piracy not Fucking justified!!!
You don't wanna support Microsoft cos ytou believe they do bad things??? What the hell are most of us typing on? PCs? What would we be typing on if Windows hadn't come along? Well, we probably wouldn't be typing.
what about a guy who works in a nuclear bomb factory who has to find another job because I went on a CND march? What about the Sega console designing employee who lost a job when Sony decided to dominate the games market. Well that was business. thats how corporations work so must be OK.lubidog posted on Oct 3 2005 at 07:29 PM said:Listen, maybe I have a friend who works for Rare. He may not make the nest games, but he does his best under pressure from the big Bwigs at MS. So he should suffer, because of your wrath? Listen, you bad bad boy you, he makes games-he works hard! he doesn't sit there chuckling over a pot of poo thinking "How can we screw Dec for more money"!
maybe she shouldnt have sold her music to a record labl which will take all the royalties. Arent Sony stealing your friends money?lubidog posted on Oct 3 2005 at 07:29 PM said:Well, I work in music and a very good friend of mine is signed to Sony. Believe me, she doesn't make that much money although she has had several number ones across the world (classical charts). So I bet she will heartily agree with your ideas-go on, she'll say, take my money from me!
"I have no friend at the nuclear bomb factory, but its the same." Bit extreme, but you see my point?lubidog posted on Oct 3 2005 at 07:29 PM said:No, it's her work and her livelihood you would be taking. I have no friend at rare. But it's the same.
No. If you do that you are a stealing bastard actively doing harm to the develpers who's art you enjoy. Either buy the damn game or don't play it. I can imagine exceptions of this rule for games that are not made anymore but "I don't want to give M$ any money so I don't pay the developers either." does not work. Boycotting also means not playing the game.declaration posted on Oct 3 2005 at 09:13 PM said:Piracy justified!
But if you have even one or two megadrive/pc engine roms on your pc or smc then you also condone piracy. Simple as that.OrR posted on Oct 3 2005 at 08:54 PM said:No. If you do that you are a stealing bastard actively doing harm to the develpers who's art you enjoy. Either buy the damn game or don't play it. I can imagine exceptions of this rule for games that are not made anymore but "I don't want to give M$ any money so I don't pay the developers either." does not work. Boycotting also means not playing the game.declaration posted on Oct 3 2005 at 09:13 PM said:Piracy justified!
lubidog posted on Oct 3 2005 at 08:48 PM said:Right, Sony are a nuclear power plant.....
Yep, it is complicated. And I'm a hypocrate I know it. But you haven't justified it, Dec. You wanna play Rare games, but don't wanna pay for them. MS won't suffer-Rare will.
Nope, this attitude is nuts. You want to make a point? Don't buy from companies you disagree with. Don't buy an XBox or a PC. Boycott Sony etc. That's fine and Dandy.
But don't then STEAL their products, or say it's fine if no new games are made. And the Tetris example? Well, the guy that made it moved to America and is now making a healthy living from past royalties, so that's one analogy lost. Really, a socialist or even communist society wouldn't produce the games we DO enjoy.
Steal games if you want to, but don't try to justify your actions as some kind of Socialist warrior.
Yep, the whole area of roms is a grey area, and I have downloaded stacks of them in the past for 'old' systems. I might have had access to lots of pirated dvds too, so I am a real hypocrate again. But I side with alpha-I spend a lot of money on digital media products (too much...) I downloaded FF Advent Children. Loved it-will preorder it in English as soon as I can. Snes roms and Mega drive roms. I could donate money to Ninty and Sega, but haven't. I do buy current Sega and Ninty stuff. It's a hard subject. But it's different to downloading a game that is in your local game shop, playing it through and not paying for it! You enjoy it, you buy it! If you are a kid, that's a little different (only a little). If you have a wage then you are scum!
Look, I want a porsche. (another one). Should I save my money, go without here or there? or should I just say I can steal my neighbours, or just take one from the people that made it? No, i would work hard for it. Dec could say "The Germans are all bastards, I don't want to support them. SO I will NOT buy a porsche. I want one though, and I can get one for free. So I'm happy". Same thing.
Anyway, I don't have a porsche. I have a ford. Went without to pay for it. Has broken down a few times, but can get the pram in. Does anyone want to know this?
Please ignore most of this post.