Ps1 On The Gp32? What Could Come Of This?


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
From our front page...


Who'd have thought it! There's news from PDAi of a possible (and I say POSSIBLE - we all remember the Amiga emu!), Playstation emulator for the GP32. LDChen from that forum has posted that he has completed a very early alpha of a PSX emu for our beloved little plaything. Now, whether this will ever be usable, considering the constraints of the GP's hardware, is anyone's guess, but it's certainly intriguing! Is it even real??? Heading towards the unlikely side, but who knows!

The info goes as follows....

After some days of work (and some words... ), I was able to do the first version of a new port of FPSE!
It's derived from FPSEce and now it works.
There isn't ISO file support, so I just tested the bios and some demos.
It looks like that GP32 uses a different pixel than PocketPCs.
I hope to fix it easily...

The post is here - Make of it what you will! Most GP32ers would sell their grannies to get hold of a full PSX emu, so lets see what happens shall we?

Thanks for the news post, Axeman!
I may be a sucker, but those screens do look real...maybe he is just viewing a picture of a distorted psx bios? If it is true...I will be getting a RAM upgrade ASAP B) :rolleyes:
hehe there was a post about a gp32 port on a fpse forum some time ago... and now these screeens ;) argh even if its damn slow and without sound, its awesome so the the psx emulated on the gp32 ...
hope we can download this emu in some time and put it on our gp32
i rember waiting what felt like years for his pda emu but when it came out it was the shiznit.

this is possible because the ps1 had very little ram requirements but in order for it to be even the slightest bit playable we need at least 200mhz with at least 20mb ram.

even more reason for me to build my ULTIMATE gp32.

lets support this guys by posting on his forum and encouraging the work i remember many people saying his ps1 emu for the pda was a fake and nothing would come of it but look at it now it is simply amazing.

Protoss posted on Oct 17 2004 at 11:53 PM said:
Maybe someone could port it to GPLinux and we could load our roms onto a portable hard drive?

128mb would be more than enough once we rip out some of the extra bits plus gplinux is not that capable YET.
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we already went theough this
we could strip a game of some things and it would work size wise
damn, hope he release it, and its source for the communities sake

mingus_dew posted on Oct 17 2004 at 11:53 PM said:
wow i didnt even know that the pc could emulate the playstation now the gp

lol the pc can emulate just about any system out ATM.. even gamecube/dreamcast/ps2/xbox.. DC/PS2/Xbox are pretty fully playable with most games already, the slowest being gamecube.

as for the PSX emu for the gp32 we dont need to get rid of the sound in the iso's just downsample them... if this is possible or not i am not even sure, but i know its been done for another console *AHEM* ;) in the past.. in fact the whole lot can be downsampled, if there were some sort of program made so we could load the ISO and then the program just downgrades sounds/movies/graphics etc.. we probably wouldnt even notice the difference after it because of the GP's much smaller screen size :)

if this can be solved with 1 program automatically doing all this then there is no need for someone to directly alter the whole single game (ISO) just for us to play on the gp32
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thebluenewt posted on Oct 18 2004 at 12:30 AM said:
Xbox and PS2 are no where near playable, they ran at a few fps last thing I saw.

I suspect only 2D PSX games have any chance of being playable but that would still be great!

As long as Metal slug and X are playable I'll be happy forever :P
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But.. that is where you are wrong ;) PS2 is quite playable from what ive read.. i cant say ive tried it yet, but i do know you need a pretty fast processor for it.

Gamecube is slow, except for bust-amove 3000 which is full speed at near enough all times.

the new'ish Xbox emulator (or code converter if you like) can run turok evolution at full speed, and is being worked on for all other games.

Chankast DC emulator is in early stage and i can play most games at full speed.. SA2 that i tried only drops down to 30-40FPS occasionaly and have managed to get through quarter of the game without any problems, just a few minor glitches.

emulation is getting there, almost perfect.. still needs work though
hey shadow of chaos i think there is a program that can downsize stuff its called iso buster
Shadow of Chaos posted on Oct 18 2004 at 12:41 AM said:
But.. that is where you are wrong ;) PS2 is quite playable from what ive read.. i cant say ive tried it yet, but i do know you need a pretty fast processor for it.

Gamecube is slow, except for bust-amove 3000 which is full speed at near enough all times.

the new'ish Xbox emulator (or code converter if you like) can run turok evolution at full speed, and is being worked on for all other games.

Chankast DC emulator is in early stage and i can play most games at full speed.. SA2 that i tried only drops down to 30-40FPS occasionaly and have managed to get through quarter of the game without any problems, just a few minor glitches.

emulation is getting there, almost perfect.. still needs work though

Almost perfect are you kidding me???? The ps2 emu playe like 10 games max. THe xbox emulator plays 2 games and the gamecube emu plays 1. Near perfect as if. I think theres more that 10 games for each system even if they run at full speed. Might as well emulate one PS1 game on the GP32 at full speed and say its Near perfect, not gonna work on it anymore.
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