Ps1 On The Gp32? What Could Come Of This?

Well what about the controls. We even struggle with SNES controls so how could this be even remotely enjoyable with 4 usable buttons?
it's most likely authentic, its always better to give the benefit of the doubt.

however, looking at the GP32's spec i dont think it'll ever get to a state where its playable, at most it may run a couple of the homebrew demos.

It'd be very good to see the 'PSone' boot-up screen on a GP32, but im not going to expect anything more than that (but it would be nice!).

we've only just got decent speed megadrive emulators, and thats after tons of work on ASM optimisations. the PSone may be dated by todays standards but its still a huge leap from the megadrive, especially in the amounts of RAM which need to be emulated/

(2mb main system ram, 1mb video ram, 512k for the audio buffer etc.)

As it isnt a cart based machine (only had a 2 speed CD-ROM) the game size isn't really an issue, the Psone couldn't store anything more than 2mb of data at a time, so as long as the game fits on an SMC, it can just spool it like it would the original CD ROM.

With stuff like Megadrive/Snes/CPS - the games assume instant loading times, which is what makes spooling from the SMC so unuseable.
Worms or even Doom might be possible with this. Since there is no 3D hardware I'm being really, really optimistic.

I think much more homebrew may work. For instance encoding FMV and videos into PSX format could work for example.
thebluenewt posted on Oct 18 2004 at 12:30 AM said:
Xbox and PS2 are no where near playable, they ran at a few fps last thing I saw.

I suspect only 2D PSX games have any chance of being playable but that would still be great!

if any thing, the 3d games would be playable, 2d games require more of a system than the 3d games, why do you think X-men vs Street fighter and Marvel vs. Capcom are so crappy for the Playstation. With 2d games, the frames have to load individually which takes alot out of the system, and that is why the Saturn had the 4mb ram card for 2d games.

I still don't believe this will be remotely playable. Super Nintendo emulation isn't even that great yet and probably won't get much better, so why even think that playstation 1 would be a possibility. The GBA would seem to be a better reality than playstation.
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hmm gba is easier if you dont emulate th cpu... but if not.. i dont know the pc gba emus are much slower that the pc psx emus (or some of them) ...
there were psx emus which ran on 166Mhz...
hope the gba emu gets updated again :(
this is about as close as you can get to false advertising of an emu. I agree with every other person that says this could be feesable but not playable, at least it could load up the ps1 boot up screen but thats about it. But what the hell, if the ps1 is emulatable on the GP32, how about the...

1. Panasonic 3do
2. Magnavox CD-I
3. Sega CD
4. Sega Saturn
5. Sega 32x

All of these systems came out before the ps1 and are technically not as advanced, except the Saturn. So in reality, if we can get ps1 emulation then the rest should be emulated as well. I wouldn't put much faith into this "project".
I wouldn't say it's a fake - I just would say it would not run fast enough.
Basically, everything which has lower memory as th GP32 could be emulated... it may run at 0.1 fps, but it may run.

I guess, some little games (without 3D or complex code) could run with about 3-8 fps on the GP32.

Not useable to play anything, but still very interesting and cool :)
timeslip posted on Oct 18 2004 at 03:14 PM said:
i wouldnt put much faith in this project either since its a fake

Ahh...such impeccable evidence! I'm glad we have a resident Sherlock Holmes on the boards.

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? :huh:
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about those consoles..s
1. Panasonic 3do
2. Magnavox CD-I
3. Sega CD
4. Sega Saturn
5. Sega 32x

1. dont know if theres a good emu on pc which is opensource..?
2. dont know much about this system ;)
3. Should be possible yes.. if the fit on the smc
4. hard to emulate even on pc there arent fast emus yet.
5. hmm yeah should be possible....
might run vibribbon


(actual in game graphics)
While it's great to see it being worked on, I don't have hopes that high for it. :)

I'm using a 400mhz Dell Axim X5, and FPSEce is rather slow, without sound. Maybe the next release would be a tad more playable, but all the games that I had tried were very slow. :blink:

It'd be cool to show it off to your mates though. Just show them the PS screen booting up on your GP32. :lol:
EvilDragon posted on Oct 18 2004 at 03:25 PM said:
I wouldn't say it's a fake - I just would say it would not run fast enough.
Basically, everything which has lower memory as th GP32 could be emulated... it may run at 0.1 fps, but it may run.

I guess, some little games (without 3D or complex code) could run with about 3-8 fps on the GP32.

Not useable to play anything, but still very interesting and cool :)

Ok so its cool to have something completely useless taking up smc space that you will just have to delete anyhow. And even if we get a release, nothing will be playable, so why not develope an emulator for any system that has a start up menu, hey it would be cool to have the PS2 boot up on my GP32, why not make a program that just looks like the PS2 boot up system? It would be a cool looking firmware at least. Thats all this will amount to. I can't believe the guy that is coding this is even wasting his time on something that will not amount to anything playable.

As for ps1 homebrewn, i would rather see GBA homebrewn run on the gp32.
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Extremelamer: Why don't stop discouraging developers? He can do what he wants to, maybe FPSE is something he is passionate about. Stop thinking about yourself all the time.