Project Ninja

to go fully in 3D emulation we need much more power than that!
N64 needs a really fast CPU ( i have 2Ghz and some games still not fullspeed).
THe Mame 3D games are impossible to emulate too, mame does support those games, but they dont have any acceleration.
I think the current specs are perfect. only thing i would like to see is a touchscreen :) and it should have a powered female USB jack.
with this thing you can emulate pretty much.. Perfect Snes and GBA, Neogeo should be also possible, PSX could be playable too. + many new mame games. and still much more, with those specs and a 640x480 display, new PC ports will come. Like Exult, perhaps simutrans, Stratagus, perfect Quake and perhaps also Quake 2 playable etc. with those games this system will be just awesome.
to go fully in 3D emulation we need much more power than that!
N64 needs a really fast CPU ( i have 2Ghz and some games still not fullspeed).
THe Mame 3D games are impossible to emulate too, mame does support those games, but they dont have any acceleration.
I think the current specs are perfect. only thing i would like to see is a touchscreen :) and it should have a powered female USB jack.
with this thing you can emulate pretty much.. Perfect Snes and GBA, Neogeo should be also possible, PSX could be playable too. + many new mame games. and still much more, with those specs and a 640x480 display, new PC ports will come. Like Exult, perhaps simutrans, Stratagus, perfect Quake and perhaps also Quake 2 playable etc. with those games this system will be just awesome.
And with the aready fullspeed games you could underclock to 133mhz :).

BTW you computer must be crapped up, It can run at like 4X the speed on practically every game on my athlon XP 1.76ghz.
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to go fully in 3D emulation we need much more power than that!
N64 needs a really fast CPU ( i have 2Ghz and some games still not fullspeed).
THe Mame 3D games are impossible to emulate too, mame does support those games, but they dont have any acceleration.
I think the current specs are perfect. only thing i would like to see is a touchscreen :) and it should have a powered female USB jack.
with this thing you can emulate pretty much.. Perfect Snes and GBA, Neogeo should be also possible, PSX could be playable too. + many new mame games. and still much more, with those specs and a 640x480 display, new PC ports will come. Like Exult, perhaps simutrans, Stratagus, perfect Quake and perhaps also Quake 2 playable etc. with those games this system will be just awesome.
N64 emulation doesnt need a powerful CPU and GPU as you would expect, i dont know the exact specs but in 1998 or whatever year the N64 emulator ultra hle came out i had a 3dfx 2 card and pentium 2 233mhz and most games ran full speed at 800x600 res running near enough purely through glide on the 3dfx card, , but that came out of nowhere people were amazed it was even possible, i think getting a N64 emulator running on 320x240 through direct3D on an nvidia goforce 4500 is indeed possible, they are porting Dreamcast games directly to the Gizmondo on this chip, its very powerful at 1 million polys/sec is good in comparison to the estimated 2million of the voodoo 2 which was believed too only have half the performance to what was on paper, also the Nvidia chip has new hardware features like Early-Z meaning less polygons need to processed that actually are visable.
Also why are the MAME 3D games impossible to emulate?! Maybe now but other 3D emulators such as system 22 and model 2 have been working no problems, i dont think these systems will be able to emulated on a handheld for another decade or so but they will come, thats why this 'project ninja' has to be 3D hardware driven otherwise i dont see any point it in, software rendering on a 400 mhz isnt going to bring anymore more than neo-geo emulation, even then not all games with only 64mb ram!
I believe its possible, did you believe Quake or SNES emulation were possible on the GP32?
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why not change the processor by this one?:

it has 3d acceleration and it´s an Arm device.

Best wishes with the project ninja.
Backwards compatibility. This way, we can have many Programs right from the start, porting them would only take half an hour, because the authors wouldn´t need to change much.
What´s the big deal? 400 MHz is enough for SNES, Neogeo, GBA, Amiga. If you want 3D, go for a PSP.
I´m not expecting PSX emulation anyway.
The CPU is OK, it grants a big deal of Backwards compatibility, plus mr. mirko is already working on it.
More RAM would be nice though, might be needed for NeoGeo.
Also it wouldn´t cost much more.

EDIT: oh, and did you know that there´s already a "project ninja" for the PSP, a "team ninja" for the DS and another one for the PS2? Maybe we should change to: "codeword ninja"
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Team Ninja produces also crappy modchips for the cube :)
think we need a new name.
aboutthe screen again: 640x480 would be nice. using 16:9 isnt that good for emulation. it is nice for movies and native games but not for emus and pc ports in my opinion.
Button wise 6 face buttons with analogue stick ala NGP (not clicky though!) 2 shoulder buttons.

If this thing's not gonna be able to emulate systems that used analog controllers (and at the current specs it won't), then there's NO WAY this thing should have an analog stick. A simple d-pad or the same style stick that the GP32 has would be the best option. Or at the very least have both analog and digital, like the PSP has. And there's no need for six face buttons. Four face and two shoulder buttons, along the obligatory start and select buttons will suffice.

There's no need for 16:9, in faxt it would suck for emulation as other people have already noted. And would make the system for too big.

Put more ram in it! 128MB is the best amount and shouldn't bump up the price too much.

Now the wait is on. I must have one of these babies....
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Backwards compatibility. This way, we can have many Programs right from the start, porting them would only take half an hour, because the authors wouldn´t need to change much.
What´s the big deal? 400 MHz is enough for SNES, Neogeo, GBA, Amiga. If you want 3D, go for a PSP.
I´m not expecting PSX emulation anyway.
The CPU is OK, it grants a big deal of Backwards compatibility, plus mr. mirko is already working on it.
More RAM would be nice though, might be needed for NeoGeo.
Also it wouldn´t cost much more.

EDIT: oh, and did you know that there´s already a "project ninja" for the PSP, a "team ninja" for the DS and another one for the PS2? Maybe we should change to: "codeword ninja"
400mhz isnt enough for proper Amiga emulation.
I've got a PSP thanks, but do you think people who want emulation want to PAY for games lol
OK say you've got your 400mhz processor and 128mb ram and basic sound chip etc i still think a cheap 3D accelerator with direct 3d and open gl support will be needed i mean whats extra that the PSP with its 333mhz processor has got already? an extra 67mhz isnt gonna get you an awful lot more, the GP32 can do most of the 2D platforms bar Amiga and Neo-Geo...even with 400mhz it will struggle..i dont think its enough to entice people over a GP32.Zodiac or now PSP, i'm sure if the next gamepark machine if it ever comes out will support direct 3d and have an accelerator in it....
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For the name, why not something like "Open...", OpenWave, OpenWay, OpenDream... No ? No... Going out, once again ^.^
still think a cheap 3D accelerator with direct 3d and open gl support will be needed
Obviously, you´re much smarter than me. If you want a 3D- chip, then please tell us WHO will sell us only ~1000 pieces and this at a affordable price?

I think you don´t know how this business works. Dedicated 3D chips are very uncommon at the moment, only very big corporations (like Sony) use them in their devices. And they buy batches of ~100000 pcs. Small fishes like us haven´t the possibility to buy such highly specialized hardware.

And if you can prove me wrong, please do so. But if you don´t want me to laugh at you, better come up with some real proof.
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I think people are getting confused between PC applications and embedded applications.

Direct3D and OpenGL are not supported by *any* 3D accelerators out there. Direct3D is a software library by Microsoft to help people write 3D applications without having to worry about different graphics cards (for example, if a developer uses something not supported by your gfx card, Direct3D does it in software). OpenGL is just another piece of software for making 3D graphics easier, and converts your function calls into graphics card independant calls via a translation layer.

Both the above talk to the manufacturers graphics card drivers via the HAL (Hardware abstraction layer).

Normally, when you put a 3D chip on an embedded platform (such as the PSP), you talk either via a thin library to make things easier, or you talk directly to the chip (if the console manufacturer allows it, which is a plain "no" for modern consoles such as the Zodiac, Gizmondo, PSP, etc as they use chips which require NDA's...).

Since you need to sign an NDA to get the information on how to talk to chips such as the NVidia Goforce, someone would have to write a closed (binary only, no source available) 3D function library for it, or not sign the NDA and reverse engineer the chip to find out how it works, and I'm sure no one is going to agree to that for an open source console.

This is all in addition to the fact that asking for a 100 of the above will just get us laughed at. You may be able to purchase 10 for an initial sample order, but they'll be expecting your second order to be in the thousands.


Now, on a seperate topic, has anyone actually tried to purchase any of these Samsung processors yet to see how much they will be and minimal order quantities?
I'd be happy with an SD card, but one thing annoys me, is that there are so many different cards, Luckily my Camera takes SD, so it would have to purposes, but psp and phone takes memory sticks, which I hope to get 1 2gb or 2 1 gb, I would want you to use these because they are so exspensive plus sony may try to sue you.

And one other think is that I think a touch screen would be good, not in the gimicky way of the DS but for applications such as keyboards, paints and menu selections, we have a touch screen machine in work, with wifi for watsing product that are gone off and with out the touch ability it would just make life so much harder. Also so that I can play zoo keeper, but that would only be a small part of it.