Product Pictures?

sephiap said:
stustaff, opinions are one thing, being a prick is another. That's the typical response isn't it? Sarcastic remarks towards anyone that upsets the status quo. At the end of the day, it's a piece of hardware - broken promises/deadlines etc - who cares? It's a product. Get on with life.

I seriously feel for someone pathetic enough to quote individual segments of a post with 'witty' retorts beneath each one. Do you seriously have that little going on in life that you have enough time to do this? Jesus...

Craig & co will deliver, then the petulant children will finally stop crying.
Your not upsetting any status quo as far as I am aware, i mean your posts hardly original? your just one of those people who are All or nothing, its either great best thing ever or awful worst thing ever.

Im more middle of the road on it Im really looking forward to getting my pandora however the company I tried to buy my product from told me it would ship in 2008 so I paid my money to them I do feel that was unfortunate and whilst noi their fault expectations should have been met better. even ignoring the bank issues lets remember nothing would have shipped yet as they dont even have a final case or battery!

Im happy you found my replies witty, but actualy they were serious and the fact you ignored all the questions I asked show that you cant answer them! and the reason is because I was right.

Your entitled to your opinion but half the stuff was just nonsense that you cant back up! I'll ask again how do you KNOW that people are not posting on here because some people are asking questions/being negative?

I'll even answer for you seeing as you struggled with it last time round... you dont! there simple.

Fortunately I can touch type so only took a few seconds and the irony of you calling me pathetic for replying to you in a reply is im sure lost on you.
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@ Tag: I hear what you're saying. But Craig saying that the hacker version will come without a battery ages ago, and then blaming all the delay on places being shut for the new year is not exactly the same as Evil Dragon saying the is battery being redesigned, hence the case has not been finalised.
I know this is their business, and they aren't going to admit to any problems they can avoid admiting too, and communiacation on a project which spans the world isn't exactly easy, but it's still disheartening.

@ sephiap:
OMG STFU n00bert!?!¬?!?!?1#

Thats basically what you're saying.
Why don't you go away and learn how to have a conversation without acting like a condescending peni?
I'm sure there are lurkers who don't post because people are raising valid concerns about the project.
BUT theres ATLEAST as many lurkers who don't bother posting because of the rampant fanboy minority who view any dissent as dangerous radicalism which must be wiped out for the greater good of the narrow minded few.
If you honestly think that the project is delayed by people asking questions, I suggest you take a look at yourself and ask why your faith in the Pandora is so insecure that it can't handle people going against the status quo :D

@ this thread in general:
I'm sorry, but all of these problems could have been solved by adhering to one of the most basic of all customer service mantras:

'Under promise, over deliver'

I'm imagining that by the end of this, the Pandora crew will realise why big companies dfon't give any info until the release of a product :D
maxSteiner said:
If you honestly think that the project is delayed by people asking questions, I suggest you take a look at yourself and ask why your faith in the Pandora is so insecure that it can't handle people going against the status quo :D
max, entertaining. I don't actually remember saying this. But again, thanks for the attention.
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maxSteiner said:
'Under promise, over deliver'

I'm imagining that by the end of this, the Pandora crew will realise why big companies dfon't give any info until the release of a product :D
Personally I hope the Pandora team do not learn the under promise/over deliver mantra. I've had customer services jobs before, and that mantra only helps when you do manage to over deliver, most of the time the 'under promise' is taken as a target for all to follow (i.e. promise less, deliver that amount), and I've worked for companies with a good customer services record, gawd knows how much bad companies abuse that mantra.

The openness of the Pandora team has been refreshing. If people don't appreciate that openness and want the standard minimal info before release then stay off the forums and stick to the official blog. Simple as that innit.
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I suppose you're right, then I wouldn't have to read the same responses over and over again :D
(And let me get this straight, you're saying you hope they don't stick to common sense customer service practices, because you worked somewhere once, and they didn't follow it properly?!?!? thats not exactly logical)

Seriously though, I've pretty much tried that, I've been away a while, and waited 1-2 weeks AFTER we were meant to see product picutres before checking back here.
I try to only come on now when theres meant to be an update, because to be completly honest, some of the people on here piss me off as much as Im sure I piss them off, and I don't want to start indescriminate flame wars.

But even that isn't working at the moment.
I would just sit back and wait to recive an email saying CC ordering is open (Because despite what wer've been told about that whole debacle, I honestly get the impression that we wont be seeing that up until the units are ready to ship) BUT I the only email I've ever recieved from OpenPandora was a confirmation of my payment, I didn't even get a cancelation email, had to find out from my bank (And Im not the only one).

So instead Im stuck with this pattern of waiting till there's meant to be an update, logging on here to find a long list of reasons why there isn't an update, getting pissed off and asking why it is that they bothered to say there would be when the reaasons given make it obvious that it was never gonna happen anyway, then dissapearing for a while to repeat the whole process.
Up until April when the units MIGHT ship.

To use Tag's bus ride analogy:
Its as if Im on a long bus ride, and rather than sit and look through the window the whole time I've decided to read a book.
Every couple of hours though someone decides to poke me in the ribs and shout:
I put my book down, look up and discover we aren't there at all.

First few times, I seriously don't mind. Its just when the bus is running several months late and it keeps happening that it starts to get a little annoying.
maxSteiner said:
I suppose you're right, then I wouldn't have to read the same responses over and over again :D
I actually agree with your mantra, believe it or not I wasn't trying to get people angry, would just rather see a community of 'glass half full' rather than mob with torches and pitchforks. Learn from mistakes and all that.

Perhaps the openness is the cause of the anger and angst here, backfired somewhat. Ho-hum.
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Actually to be honest Im not even as angry about it all as I appear to be, its just my sinuses are killing , I can only breathe out of half a nostral at a time, I keep coughing for no good reason and it hurts to be outside of a duvet for any long period of time.

I think its a testement to the glory of the Pandora that I've decided to rant on its forum rather than catch even more sleep or finding something to watch :D
@maxSteiner: So read the unofficial community blog - we distil the news, with links back to the forum or wherever, but do not include the discussion. Because it is unofficial we can give all the official news as well as anything else of interest that you wouldn't get in the official updates. If people read that then they don't have to come and read all the negative stuff and feel compelled to respond.

Link in my sig.
maxSteiner said:
(And let me get this straight, you're saying you hope they don't stick to common sense customer service practices, because you worked somewhere once, and they didn't follow it properly?!?!? thats not exactly logical)
No, I'm not saying the companies I've worked for have misapplied the mantra exactly, more that it's something that looks better in theory than it does in real life when working in a real business environment. Let's say, for example, that a company promises to their customers that they'll receive their goods within 6 days whereas it is possible to get the product to the customer within 3 days. When the targets are met 100% of the time, and not many customers complain about the potential 6 day wait, management look to 'streamline' (or some similar management-speak word) their processes, as they've decided shipping within 4 days 95% of the time is acceptable. As cost-cutting measures like this continue, there is no apparent difference to the customer but the quality of the service is reduced. Eventually, the 'over deliver' part of the mantra becomes an unneeded luxury.

Yes certain companies are more money driven than others, but please realise that 'under promise, over deliver' and efficiency of company resource use (including financial) are in conflict with each other, and under promising seems to generally breed a certain amount of slackness within companies. YMMV.

maxSteiner said:
First few times, I seriously don't mind. Its just when the bus is running several months late and it keeps happening that it starts to get a little annoying.
Then stick to the blog(s), you'll get the news when it's ready and won't have to deal with the less strong signal to noise ratio found on the forums.
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AFAIK the Pandora is ready and just waiting to ship with its exclusive flagship game...DUKE NUKE`EM FOREVER!!! :) :P

so relax, the day they announce D.N.F is to be released will be the day you get your Pandora...

maxSteiner said:
Seriously though, I've pretty much tried that, I've been away a while, and waited 1-2 weeks AFTER we were meant to see product picutres before checking back here.
Up until April when the units MIGHT ship.
Someone please tell me that isn't the current status of the project? :)

I currently have a couple good polish friends from at my local LUG, theyre exchange students and have to leave around Februrary time, i promised I'd show them the Pandora...
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TaG said:
Craig did suggest that the batteries would not be available at the same time as everything else.
The preorder page listed the batteries as 'IN STOCK'.

In the time since there has been a quite worrying list of 'inaccuracies'. :(
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Asmo said:
TaG said:
Craig did suggest that the batteries would not be available at the same time as everything else.
The preorder page listed the batteries as 'IN STOCK'.

In the time since there has been a quite worrying list of 'inaccuracies'. :(
It also listed the protective cases (accessory not hardware) as in stock but I'm sure after that it said they weren't done...
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TaG said:
Asmo said:
TaG said:
Craig did suggest that the batteries would not be available at the same time as everything else.
The preorder page listed the batteries as 'IN STOCK'.

In the time since there has been a quite worrying list of 'inaccuracies'. :(
It also listed the protective cases (accessory not hardware) as in stock but I'm sure after that it said they weren't done...
It also showed the Pandora as 'in stock' didnt it!? I would imagine the 'in stock' label applied to everything during pre-order was more a function of the selling software than any statement of actual physical items in store rooms.

However the battery issue did appear out of the blue, we were told we would see a finished pandora(in a prototype final case) once the keymat was ready however we are now told the battery design is still being worked on. I just think that the news about the battery was as much news to the pandora team as it was to us hence another delay.
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No, Pandora was the only item that showed up as pre-order.

Also, sometimes things can be lined up, finalised and then get changed due to suppliers. That then set's off a domino effect.