ptitseb has been working on this for a long time... 'nuff said
Glide comes from here yes, and so is GLES2N64 video plugin.I'm assuming ptitSeb used the gles2 glide plugin from mupen64plus-ae? If not, good job for porting it yourself but it seems a bit redundant . Hopefully now that an updated version of mupen is on a more debugger friendly platform, some of the dynarec issues can be fixed (especially the DK64 walk through walls glitch)
Nope. doesn't get in game. CrashesBlast Corps?
That one works. My kid is currently *hum* testing it on CC. It works, but need a swapfile (and so you'll have some huge slowdown on certain scene). He looks quite happy anyway, so it's seems to be perfectly playablePortable Paper Mario. Everything is excellent in the world.
With this texture pack?Portable Paper Mario. Everything is excellent in the world.
Nintendo killed Paper Mario with the Wii and 3DS version.Portable Paper Mario. Everything is excellent in the world.