Post Your Handheld Collections!!


Whoa! It's been awhile since this thread has seen the light of day ;)

Anyway It's back and im bumping it as I may be securing another rare/obscure handheld to add to the collection. Hopefully the deal goes through :D
yeah i don't know what i'm going to add to mine. I got pretty much everything i want, except a Turbo Express, so maybe that will be next. Haven't bought a new handheld since i bought my Supervision.

But let me ask this, who here as the MOST handhelds in their collection and i'm limiting the choices to Systems that are cart or media based, like SMC for GP32, also i'll allow the VG Pockets Soo I have

Game Boy (original)
Game Boy (color)
Game Boy Advanced (original)
Nintendo DS
Virtual Boy (i'm counting this as portable sorry)
Neo Geo Pocket (color)
Sega Game Gear (2 of them)
Atari Lynx II
Cybiko Xtreme
Sony PSP
Watara Supervision
VG Pocket MAX
Nokia N-Gage QD
Gamepark GP32
Compaq IPAQ (it plays games and has commercial games available so i'm counting it)

I think thats it.
yeah, i like consoles more too for collecting purposes, but i'm also at this point a conservative collector, like I already have a Gameboy and Gameboy color so i have no reason to buy a Gameboy light. And I have a Neo Geo pocket so i don't need the black and white version or every color ever made, 1 is enough for me, except GameGears :P

Most i spent i think on a retro console was a $127 for an almost never used Neo Geo CD with 5 games.
heres my collection :D

the black GCp and white snesp were kinda cannabaliozed to make the others :P
all handmade my myself :ph34r:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on May 22 2006 at 10:20 PM said:
pantera6 posted on May 22 2006 at 03:32 PM said:
yep thats the one im trying to snag. It goes with the one I have (they match lol).

Now dont anyone be gay and take it ;)

first i did kind of post the link
second, if i really wanted it, i wouldnt have posted it haha
so dont worry, i wont nick it

Ando posted on May 23 2006 at 03:12 AM said:
heres my collection :D

the black GCp and white snesp were kinda cannabaliozed to make the others :P
all handmade my myself :ph34r:

thats v cool
if u have a guidbook on how to make one, i wouldnt mind seeing that.
ps sorry dcgm, i thought you were aiming that comment to me, but once i re-read it i realised you put anyone.
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Ando posted on May 23 2006 at 03:12 AM said:
heres my collection :D

the black GCp and white snesp were kinda cannabaliozed to make the others :P
all handmade my myself :ph34r:

That rocks!

If you have any close-up pics of the white GC one, I'l love to see 'em.
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Angel posted on May 23 2006 at 08:41 AM said:
do they actually work?
yeah they all work or worked at one point (the white snes and black GC were torn apart to make better ones)
sure i can post some pics, i read a book made by ben heckendorn, the founder of to make my first one, the white one, and then the rest were myself





i can post pics of the others if you want, triton is also a member of the benheck forums and has one k-razy N64p hes making
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im building one to sell right now and it is almost done, i may build another one for sale when i finish, if you want you can be #1 on the list :) i charge around 350$ but it can be kinda customizable, like improved battery life for more cash :D the one im selling only has about an hour life but mine has about 4

i should be done whenever the battery comes in the mail so i will pm you when its done and shipped :) and if you still want one we may be able to work something out :)