Post Your Console Collections! V2.0

daclassicgamingmaster said:
I was referring to actual DC discs, not backups.
I don't understand. Why would you even swap discs with an ordinary DC disc?
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Squirrel61 said:
1 PSP fat, piano black
1 PSP fat, ceramic white
1 PSP lite, Silver
(2 or 3 PSP's still in parts but these will be sold as soon as I've found time to reassemble them)
1 GBA, ceramic white
1 NDS fat, originally silver/black, now metallic blue
1 NDS lite, white
1 NDS lite, pink, will be white as soon as I've found time for it (pink case is damaged)
1 GP2X F200 with cradle

As you see, all handhelds. I don't like big consoles. Btw. I must still have some proprietary LCD games around, like Tetris/Brick game.

I've decided to broaden my horizon and added this week:
1 Dreamcast, 2 original controllers, 1VMU (1VMU and 2 rumble packs coming)
1 PS1, 1 original controller
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i've moved on to collecting full size cabs now. got 3 of them so far, I have about every main and non main systems I can think of except basically 2, Turbo Duo and Vectrex, and maybe a couple no namers like Channel F, but I'm about done with systems itself, unless by chance I happen to run across something I don't have in the wild, I'm not actively looking to purchase systems I don't own.

I have a Turbo Express, so at this time I'm not looking for a normal tg-16, again, I would buy it only if I saw it in the store. And I have a Neo CD and a 4 slot MVS, so no point for an AES unless I run across one cheap.
Picked up a Magnavox CD-i. I dumped all my extra RF cables (tons of doubles), a pile of generic controllers (already have 4+ OEM per almost all systems I own), and some other random shit and I got nearly $60 in retro store credit. So it was free! Awesome.

Goodwill had a ridiculous amount of CD-i games. I reckon 1 guy got rid of his collection there. To add some icing on the cake, goodwill tagged them all 50% off. But wait, there's more: since they say CD-i, the clerk assumed they were CDs, not software. I paid about $1.25 per game :D :D :D

Got Zelda: Wand of Gamelon with store credit from a gift, so that was free as well.

CD-i, 2 controllers
15 games
Zelda: WoG

Total cost: less than $20 for all those goodwill games. I call this the Score of the Year :)
daclassicgamingmaster said:
Picked up a Magnavox CD-i. I dumped all my extra RF cables (tons of doubles), a pile of generic controllers (already have 4+ OEM per almost all systems I own), and some other random shit and I got nearly $60 in retro store credit. So it was free! Awesome.

Goodwill had a ridiculous amount of CD-i games. I reckon 1 guy got rid of his collection there. To add some icing on the cake, goodwill tagged them all 50% off. But wait, there's more: since they say CD-i, the clerk assumed they were CDs, not software. I paid about $1.25 per game :D :D :D

Got Zelda: Wand of Gamelon with store credit from a gift, so that was free as well.

CD-i, 2 controllers
15 games
Zelda: WoG

Total cost: less than $20 for all those goodwill games. I call this the Score of the Year :)
Awesome find! :D
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It's time for an updated list, traded 1 DS for a PS2 with a lot of goodies.

1 PSP fat, piano black
1 PSP fat, ceramic white
1 PSP lite, Silver
(2 or 3 PSP's still in parts but these will be sold as soon as I've found time to reassemble them)
1 GBA, ceramic white
1 NDS fat, originally silver/black, now metallic blue
1 NDS lite, white (previously pink but the case was damaged)
1 GP2X F200 with cradle
1 Dreamcast, 2 original controllers, 1VMU (1VMU and 2 rumble packs coming), VGA box
1 PS1 (chipped), 1 original controller, 1 third-party
1 PS2 (chipped), 2 controllers, 4 BUZZers, Eyetoy, Thrustmaster Modena 360 without receiver :blink:
Half of mine are stored away gathering dust, but here goes:

Xbox 360
Laptop (which is occasionally capable of running a decent game)
Gameboy (original huge one)
Master system

Getting a pandora soon too (hopefully). Considering getting a gamecube (they go for about £20 in the shops now) or maybe a proper gaming pc.

Also used to own a commodore 64 and a couple vic20's, but found out the hard way that they are quite easy to break.
Another update. The black PSP fat had problems reading UMD discs so I took it apart for repair. I think it doesn't count as a console atm. Added some things for existing consoles and also added an XBox (first type). So the new list reads:

1 PSP fat, ceramic white running custom firmware
1 PSP lite, Silver running custom firmware
1 GBA, ceramic white with Supercard SD
1 NDS fat, originally silver/black, now metallic blue with Acekard2 and Flashme V8
1 NDS lite, white (previously pink but the case was damaged) with Acekard2
1 GP2X F200 with cradle
1 Dreamcast, 2 original controllers, 2 VMUs, 2 rumble packs, VGA box
1 PS1 (chipped), 1 original controller, 1 third-party, 1 Gameshark module
1 PS2 (chipped), 2 controllers, 4 BUZZers, Eyetoy, Thrustmaster force feedback racing wheel
1 XBox, 2 Logic3 controllers, Duo X2, XBMC Atlantis T3CH release.

As you can see, I like "open" consoles :P
I will have pics soon
I got
2 gameboy origanls oming in the mail
A gameboy pocket model F only can get in contest (well know a days no) buts its pretty rare,it clear
A gameboy Color like perfect and its like greenish blue
A wonderswan Blumby pack Clear blue
A gameboy advance white
A Md max (newer,buts its a Megadrive portable)
A gp2x f200 (newer)
A psp Phat (newer)
A psp slim 2000 (newer)
I hope to get more Portables aswell


Atari 2600 all black
A snes model 1 grey and purple
A Grey Sega saturn Japan import
A n64,black
A wii (newer)
And getting the following trade upcoming
2 Nes model 1
A snes
A Genesis Model 2 or 3(idk yet)
A Black Usa sega saturn
And A white Usa Dreamcast
And soon a ps2 from gamestop
A Gamecube
A Xbox 360
I hope to get more Systemes aswell

Its not even that big compared to others rofl man
I will have pics soon
I got
2 gameboy origanls oming in the mail
A gameboy pocket model F only can get in contest (well know a days no) buts its pretty rare,it clear
A gameboy Color like perfect and its like greenish blue
A wonderswan Blumby pack Clear blue
A gameboy advance white
A Md max (newer,buts its a Megadrive portable)
A gp2x f200 (newer)
A psp Phat (newer)
A psp slim 2000 (newer)
I hope to get more Portables aswell


Atari 2600 all black
A snes model 1 grey and purple
A Grey Sega saturn Japan import
A n64,black
A wii (newer)
And getting the following trade upcoming
2 Nes model 1
A snes
A Genesis Model 2 or 3(idk yet)
A Black Usa sega saturn
And A white Usa Dreamcast
And soon a ps2 from gamestop
A Gamecube
A Xbox 360
I hope to get more Systemes aswell
Its not even that big compared to others rofl man

You will never find the time to play all that consoles... Neither do I :lol:
One can get quite carried away with a hobby :blink:
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i Can honestly say I play All of the portables at least once a month(but not the Gameboy ligh model f) on the road,at home etc, mostly the gp2x :gp2x ,but the homeconsoles not as much lol

I love them all,I want to have a huge collection to just fill my entire room, or house

I love games lol

update: just got A nes power pad lol yessssssss
thats what the add on looks like lol
the coleco its self
OMG it's got Lady Bug! I think that's my most played game ever! After we've found out that a piezo-electric igniter could add credits when operated near the coin slot, my friends and me played it for hours on the arcade cabinet. Until the owner found out (he probably got surprised that after all those hours of playing the coin box was still empty :D ).
the issue I have is that now the only systems I don't have I'm going to end us spending hundreds of dollars for. I've pretty much got everything that can easily be found with some rarer ones tossed in.

I've moved on to collecting full size arcade cabs.

I got a 4 slot MVS, Devastators, and World Series the Season cab, and I'm going tonight to pick up my first full size casino pachislo machine.
whats funny is that the seller mentioned it came with lady bug the game lol

I just got A blue Sega Game gear and Gamboy pokemon edtion on ebay

no more buying stuff lol spent 450$ on game stuff this week im done lol till christmas
xbox 360
slim ps2
phat psp
slim psp
phat ds
game boy colour x2
game boy pocket
game boy advanced sp

the phat psp,xbox,ps2,ds and dreamcast are all chipped or can play backups

Just took a picture of my hand helds


psp to left hand corner EEE pc 701 top right hand corner

game boy colour and game boy pocket in the middle and a phat ds on the right

plus gp2x at the bottom