Serial Porter
Here is Possible Worlds, a 3D OpenGL game remissant of FreeSpace, but Underwater.
The game use glshim, and was initially using FMOD for the audio. I converte to SDL_mixer, but some function (loop of sound on specific point or changing of frequency) were not converted, so it may sound strange sometimes (but I didn't notice anything too strange).
Keymap has been slightly adapted to the Pandora:
Accelerate {Y}
Decelerate {X}
Pitch down DPad-up
Pitch upCursor DPad-down
Turn leftCursor DPad-left
Turn rightCursor DPad-right
Roll left {A}
Roll right {B}
Camera: Still 1
Camera: Flyby 2
Camera: Cockpit 3
Camera: Behindview 4
Camera: Freecam 5
Camera: Freecam: Rotate o / p
Camera: Freecam: Zoom 9 / 0
Camera: Topcam 6
Camera: Bottomcam 7
Camera: View Target / Back to Player 8
Toggle Left / Middle / Right display q / w / e
Zoom Map o / p
Zoom Radar k / l
Adjust Display Transparency 9 / 0
Target next object x
Untarget c
Fire Space / {L}
Cycle Weapons Tab
Toggle Headlight backspace
Adjust Headlight angle {R} + use Cursor keys
Next Waypoint Backspace
Call Menu / Exit Menu Esc
Enable / Disable Wireframe mode F1
Enable / Disable FPS-o-meter F4
History log
Build 01

The game use glshim, and was initially using FMOD for the audio. I converte to SDL_mixer, but some function (loop of sound on specific point or changing of frequency) were not converted, so it may sound strange sometimes (but I didn't notice anything too strange).
Keymap has been slightly adapted to the Pandora:
Accelerate {Y}
Decelerate {X}
Pitch down DPad-up
Pitch upCursor DPad-down
Turn leftCursor DPad-left
Turn rightCursor DPad-right
Roll left {A}
Roll right {B}
Camera: Still 1
Camera: Flyby 2
Camera: Cockpit 3
Camera: Behindview 4
Camera: Freecam 5
Camera: Freecam: Rotate o / p
Camera: Freecam: Zoom 9 / 0
Camera: Topcam 6
Camera: Bottomcam 7
Camera: View Target / Back to Player 8
Toggle Left / Middle / Right display q / w / e
Zoom Map o / p
Zoom Radar k / l
Adjust Display Transparency 9 / 0
Target next object x
Untarget c
Fire Space / {L}
Cycle Weapons Tab
Toggle Headlight backspace
Adjust Headlight angle {R} + use Cursor keys
Next Waypoint Backspace
Call Menu / Exit Menu Esc
Enable / Disable Wireframe mode F1
Enable / Disable FPS-o-meter F4
History log
Build 01
- Initial build
- converted FMOD to SDL_mixer
- Some Pandora customisation
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