+1danjh0 said:Fine Zxxxy, but don't come complaining on here when you don't get your precious Pandora in April!
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+1danjh0 said:Fine Zxxxy, but don't come complaining on here when you don't get your precious Pandora in April!
Oscaruzzo said:Why not something more stylish, like theese?
EDIT: Meant only the rexlia
aliking said:ÀÁÂÃÄÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñóôõöøùúûüýþÿĀāĂăĄĆćĈĉĊċČčĎďĐđĒē
Guys, I don't want this thread to explode into another keyboard design discussion. It was all already discussed.
From this voting you can see that 60% (option a) plus option g) ) of people DON'T WANT those special symbols, while additional 25% (option h) ) DON'T NEED them, but can accept them being printed. Therefore including those few ű ß ő ä ç ň, the Pandora dev team makes approximately from 60% to 85% of people unhappy.
This proves the sentece: "if you cannot include all of them, why include any of them?" to be true. Moreover, with AltGr and Compose (they are in the winning design from our 6month long design discussion) it is possible to type ALL THOSE symbols. For example: Compose + " + u = ű and AltGr + e = ę. I mean - we can type really all symbols, with only AltGr and Compose.
I already PMed EvilDragon about that. So we have to stay calm, and this definitely will be sorted out!
.Gogeta§§J4BR. said:I need special symbols ç ã õ à...
Compose , c = ç
Compose ~ a = ã
Compose ~ o = õ
Compose ` a = à
problem solved.
cosurgi said:This proves the sentece: "if you cannot include all of them, why include any of them?" to be true.
I agree. Especially since more commonly used characters, like !,=_'^*+ seem to be missing from the keyboard. They may be on the 1-0 keys, but I can't really tell from the renders. It's also possible I'm simply overlooking them.
On the font: bold sans-serif is the best way to go I think.
Edit: can't find the '+'-sign on the keyboard either. Am I blind?
clippa said:Let's geek right out and use the futurama alien alphabet
Geekiness on a console of this magnitude requires the Standard Galactic Alphabet
panik said:cosurgi said:This proves the sentece: "if you cannot include all of them, why include any of them?" to be true.
I agree. Especially since more commonly used characters, like !,=_'^*+ seem to be missing from the keyboard. They may be on the 1-0 keys, but I can't really tell from the renders. It's also possible I'm simply overlooking them.
On the font: bold sans-serif is the best way to go I think.
Edit: can't find the '+'-sign on the keyboard either. Am I blind?
Which variant of Sans Serif though?
Here you can see what they look like: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samples_of_Sans_Serif_typefaces