cant you search for mozilla no yahoo?
or press, umm ctrl+alt+del .... and look for things that dont belong to windows or programs you are using.... if other websites than yahoo and gmail are blocked, there has to be some program to do that...
hmmm good idea
anyway, yes adding new stuff is also planned, i have allready some concepts of eastereggs new Pokemon and i also will add a new City( or another palce)
so i think when it gets finished also user which just played the GB version will have fun with it. Or i hope so.
There are many things you can add or change a bit but still have the Orginal Blue/Red game.. thats what i try to do
i have allready a concept on how to use the PC in the game without much coding...
if anyone wants to here this idea i will tell you..
i have allready finished a more or less hidden minigame (or easteregg)
but i dont want to show this yet.
Cool idea, but a LOT to do. Don't stick too close to the plot of the originals though, because some people may have played them before. Maybe you could even do a parody of Pokemon - at least story-wise?
One question though. On screenshot one, there is a sign and in front of it, there are a lot of flowers. Is it still possible to read the sign, or are those flowers solid and you can not reach it at all?
i want to keep he main plot but will add things, also funny things...
the sign will be readable ( until now i dont know how but it will be)
you ca walk over the flowers
umm, sonic-nkt, for the fighting system, i told you what i'd suggest, but it would need that many cutscenes or someone would have to write a "fight-generator", am i right? i want to learn everything about gigas soon
have one right now
fixed your sign problem.... just make an entity that has no animation, looks like a sign.... voila! set "say text" to whatever you want the sign to say
hope that helped you
thats a good Idea...
cept each sign would have to be differant, could be done but would get kinda confusing
could work if you didnt have many signs ( diablo )
just a small update... i almost finished the second city.. and those will be (with all houses i hope) on map1..
when i finished this i dont know really what to do i hope pirotec releases the next version soon.. so that i can work on. i think i will start to write down every single note, sign, and what people say down, so that i can get it later easier in the game.
i think i will also release some new screens.. perhaps also of the first minigame