Sorry About This... Another Question


Apr 7, 2004
West midlands, UK
Firstly I wanna thank everyone, especially pirotic, for all your help, I'm starting to create my world and its looking pretty good so far.

I do however, have another query.
I used the files for an empty game with nothing on the maps. However, maps 3-6 have got random tiles and entitys on them. Is there an easy and quick way to wipe an entire map, make it full of null spaces?

delete the files on the smc, if I get you correctly? :)

M3...dat and so on
I dont understand....
if you mean have a map in existance with no tiles or entities on it.... cant be done
Gigas wont save the map if you dont put a tile on
If thats not what you wanted, sry

Hiya, just delete the map files from the SMC.

M<map number>.DAT

Gigas can save blank maps, but when it creates a 'new map' it wont automatically save it, as its a bit of a waste saving blank maps seeing as it'll just create a blank one anyway if the file isnt found :D

If however your saying, after it creating a new game maps 3-6 have random tiles on them it could be some sort of bug :P

to create a new game from scratch, all you have to do is put all the .raw files in the folder - when you first play/edit it it'll create all the other files for you and set them to the defaults :P give that a try

i suspect - you kept the old maps on and they were not the default map size, so when you tried to create a new game over the top, whenever it went to load a map and found one of the old maps you created, it assumed it was 100x100 so everything gets out of place.

if you still have any problems, let me know - as it could be a bug.