Compatibility List For New Drmd

Sorry DrMD is still quite abit off another public release, I've still got alot to do. Once its done I'll pass it to my team of beta testers :) and if no major problems come back I'll make a public release.
What is this about a BETA? When did this happen.

edit: In Crusader of Centy (or any game in which you flash when you get hit) there is a problem as when you are hit you flash and due to the frameskip you turn invisible. Is there any way in which you can fix this?
Is it possible to add Reset option to the menu? Because when I have tryed to load rom "Mega Games 10 in 1 (F) [!]" the next game can be available only with whole rom reloading. It's not critical, but little annoying.

And another good thing to add is TV Mode. This will smooth 2 closest points in horizontal line, like in Kega Fusion or Gens emulators. I hope this wont slow down DrMD much.

P.S. Another crazy idea. To add music player with GYM files support.
Reesy, would it be possible to add a "150Mhz" option? (Phantasy Star 4 locks up on me when I play it at 156Mhz, although everything else works fine)

Actually, would it be possible to release a new version soon with a few small bug-fixes and changes such as that? I know that it's possible to manually create a version of your emu that runs at 150 Mhz, but I don't know how to do it... :unsure:
Reesy, would it be possible to add a "150Mhz" option? (Phantasy Star 4 locks up on me when I play it at 156Mhz, although everything else works fine)
I second the motion!! please add 150mhz at some point


ps. no bugs to report as I'm enjoying playing games that seem to be working fine! woohoo
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Reesy, would it be possible to add a "150Mhz" option? (Phantasy Star 4 locks up on me when I play it at 156Mhz, although everything else works fine)

Actually, would it be possible to release a new version soon with a few small bug-fixes and changes such as that?  I know that it's possible to manually create a version of your emu that runs at 150 Mhz, but I don't know how to do it...  :unsure:

You heard the man, it will be released next Christmas. :P So if you want to play sooner I would suggest making a huge donation, and then maybe you can get on the beta list and try it sooner :)
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C'mon people - donate to Reesy until it hurts.

Just a few bucks - think of the hours of value you're getting for your money - and think of the hours Reesy is putting in to give us the best he can. DrMD is the pinnacle of GP32 emulation and Reesy deserves all he gets. The more he gets, the better DrMD will be - everybody wins.

Donate to Reesy = win/win. Simple as that :D

Now, time to practice what I preach - must find out Rlyeh's paypal details and slip a few dollars in his direction :)
heh, yeah show me da money :) and I'll show ya a beta.

I'm not releasing any beta's to the public because....The public seem to miss the "beta" bit and then start complaining that things don't work correctly. Sorry that's just the way it is, you can blame everybody who came out with comments like "Heres a good summary: Sound broken. Fix.". That one really pissed me off. :angry:

Still to do before next public release

"Future Proof" save states - 0% complete
Fix Cyclone Core ( hence next Christmas Release ) - 1% complete
Rewrite C sound core in ASM - 10% complete
Add SRAM support - 0% complete
Add RF Multi Player Support - 0% complete

That will do for version 2.0
problem: My Genesis SMC just corrupted itself, I'm not convinced that it's down to DrMD but this is the only program I have been running on this card. Basically the card stopped booting and trying to copy off the data using my card reader most of the files won't copy, but some are ok.

I was just playing Soleil about 3 hours ago, saved the state and switched off, next time I turned it on... dead

Thought I'd register it here in case anyone else has a similar problem when using DrMD
Just one quick question: has support for Euro roms been added? When I tried to play Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker, I got this message:

'Sorry but Jimmy White's Whirlwind snooker can only be played on PAL or SECAM systems'

Not fair, I really wanted to play (couldn't get the Atari ST version to work either).

Oh well. While I'm here, this is what I've played so far on 1.0 and the results:

Hard Drivin' (JU) (!)
Works, but physics are totally wrong
Timer does not count down

Displays 'can only be run on PAL or SECAM systems'

Lemmings (E) (!)
Lemmings (REV 00) (JU) (!)
Works and is playable
Some graphic 'inconsistancies' at the left and right side of screen during levels

Outrunners (U) [!]
Works OK
Has some slight graphical errors in game and game map background flickers

OutRun 2019 (E) [!]
Works OK
Has some slight flickering - noticable when in tunnels

Sonic and Crackers (beta)
Works if START is pressed twice in quick succession at the start, otherwise locks up after 2 seconds

Sonic Spinball (E) [!]
Sound does not work properly at all
Questionable playability of the game

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (JUE) [!]
Sound is much slower than it should be

Streets of Rage (JUE) [!]
Has problem with end of level bonus giving too much bonus, making further extra lives unobtainable once max score is reached.

Streets of Rage 2 (U) [!]
Always gives 9 lives automatically at the start of a game/each credit when the first baddie is hit.

Street Fighter 2 Turbo (U) [h1]
If any button is pressed during while bonus score is being added at the end of a round, the game freezes.

works with no noticable problems:
Outrun (JU) (a1) [!]
Sonic The Hedgehog (JUE) [!]
Super Hang-On (REV 00) (JUE) [R-Eur]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Hyperstone Heist (U) [!]
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