
Enslaved posted on Dec 31 2003 at 09:30 AM said:
Those are polygons alright! The graphics willl look similar to the intent version, so they will not be downgraded that much. Probably just a lower resolution.

I just got a crazy idea. If he were to port this, wouldnt he be able to sell the engine to other developers? That could mean GP32 will have great 3D graphics, comparable to the PS1.
He probably could make alot of money for selling the GP32 version of the engine, yes

The shots on the main page are the GBA ones, in which seems to make it weird and choppy like most 3d shit on GBA
The ones just amde in the posti the "Warp3D or i guess amiga, not sure :P*

Just checked out some of his other games, they come with source code
I have always been a scorched earth fan
Too bad i duno wtf classic amiga is
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Too bad i duno wtf classic amiga is

Classic Amiga (note caps) is a Motorola 68000-based Computer system. Was very popular mid to late 80s, and was bloody powerful for the time. Games were generally very good, and the GP32 would definitely benefit from an emu, though it is extremely difficult due to the Amiga's high proportion of custom chips.
ThndrShk2k posted on Dec 31 2003 at 09:16 PM said:
Too bad i duno wtf classic amiga is
Oh dear.. Im sorry to hear that. It would be interesting to know how many have heard of the miggy. I wonder where the cut off point is - and if it is an age thing. Im 24 and pretty much caught the machine at the tail end.

The reason why this is of interest is that a new Amiga for 2004 is imminent - along with a new version of AmigaOS (thing boots up from a warm reset in 10 seconds - for those who have never experienced AmigaOS - think an 80's version of BeOS. Infact BeOS was regarded as AmigaOS for the 90's - they are similar).

The new version of AmigaOS is very impressive - and you could argue that its BeOS for the 21st Centuaty ;) What goes around comes around..

Anyway - getting back to the point. Its interesting that you have never heard of it for Amiga are impart relying on the weight of their heritage to regain and retain users.

BTW I remember reading in an Amiga Forum a post from Apex Design - they said that they were thinking of licencing stuff to do with the audio engine as its smaller and lighter than anything else on the GBA.
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I'm 18 and I had a 600 for a good few years, ah Gunship 2000, Project X, Superfrog, Hook, Monkey Island, Chaos Engine, Beneath a Steal Sky, Stunt car racer, Populous...those were the days.
I aggree. Tell him to give Shibuya a call. They have just started publishing games for the GP32. Also, Virgin in Europe are publishing.
Ah - the Amigans are coming outta the closet ;)

Some of you must have been very young when you got your machines - I was about 6 or something :D

Still Payback is an excellent game!
IntenseWage posted on Dec 30 2003 at 07:27 PM said:
Wow, that looks fantastic. This guy is completely willling to port it, too? It looks like it would make a killer commercial game. I don't personally have any hook-ups, but if anyone does know a way to get this game published, please take action. :o
Hey do you really want to pay for it by making it a comercial game.
I mean like you get a copy then make it comercial. :lol:
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IntenseWage posted on Dec 30 2003 at 07:27 PM said:
Wow, that looks fantastic. This guy is completely willling to port it, too? It looks like it would make a killer commercial game. I don't personally have any hook-ups, but if anyone does know a way to get this game published, please take action.  :o
Hey do you really want to pay for it by making it a comercial game.
I mean like you get a copy then make it comercial. :lol:
Why not! <_<

I think its about time we (this community) had a decent commercial game, And wish the guy all the best in getting as many publishers behind him as he can. As there is a possibility that this community may get too comfortable with all this free stuff that is available and may not be willing to stump up the cash for software when the need arises. Which could have a knock on effect with regards to other potential commercial developers/publishers, As they may avoid the GP32 simply because they feel that the system is not a viable platform because the community behind it are a bunch of freeloaders.

Just my 2p

Ps: Put me down for a copy :D (What ever the price)

EDIT: I also have 4 Amigas,
2 x A1200s (1 expanded)
1 x A500 (512k + KS1.3)
1 x CD32

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Well yes, I have always wondered, why doesn't the GP32 have any real 3D games? It certainly appears powerful enough... and payback is by no means a primitive 3D game, it needs like a 300 mhz mac to play at decent speeds... you guys are right, what if this got ported, would we be seeing other 3D games? I am all about this porting of macintosh games too... anyone ever played Bungie's classic fps Marathon? I'd have to say it kicks doom's butt even though the came out at about the same time... :P I supose I am getting off topic, anyway I downloaded the demo for this game it is great, and would be great to see handheld. The GP32 has the power, developers just need to use it.
Well yes, I have always wondered, why doesn't the GP32 have any real 3D games? It certainly appears powerful enough... and payback is by no means a primitive 3D game, it needs like a 300 mhz mac to play at decent speeds... you guys are right, what if this got ported, would we be seeing other 3D games? I am all about this porting of macintosh games too... anyone ever played Bungie's classic fps Marathon? I'd have to say it kicks doom's butt even though the came out at about the same time... :P I supose I am getting off topic, anyway I downloaded the demo for this game it is great, and would be great to see handheld. The GP32 has the power, developers just need to use it.
theres "i cant draw but i can fly" or sumthin like that, thats real 3d.
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Ok, I propose that we all donate towards a bounty to get it ported. Those who donate to the bounty are entitled to however much they put in off the final price of the game - kinda like a pre-order. If you decide to not buy the game then you dont get your money back.

Once developed there is no reason why Payback could not be sold on Apex designs site. We could all pay by credit card and download to our GP32's - thus negating the costs of physically boxing it up etc and shipping it.

In time I dare say that someone will box and sell it - but in the meantime I feel this is a solution that may get it ported.

How much cash would be needed in the bounty for it to be done.

This community is cool - reminds me of how we in the Amiga Community used to be.
Great idea Bobsonsirjonny,

This is how a lot of the more recent titles appeared on the Amiga, Post Commodore, Escom, Gateway et all. Some of them were not always successful, But it is most definately worth a try, And i will be pre-ordering a copy just as soon as it is possible to do so.

Payback anyone :D

BTW...when I connected Gamepark's disliking of Pinball Dreams to Payback, it was more the western values associated with both, than the violence. I'm sure Gamepark didn't have a problem with PD's violence level :)
I would be very happy to help you with any research issues, Sorry i know little on c++ or c, Seems very intersting and i would be happy to donate.