Payback Music Manager Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
EvilDragon (yay, that's me!) released a small tool for windows which let's you easily manage the music for the commercial game Payback.

It's a graphical frontend which allows you to take any OGG, WAV or MP3 and automatically encode and include it as custom music track into the game.
You can also easily delete your custom tracks from it.

Feel free to leave suggestions and bugreports (if any) here :)

Download: Payback Music Manager
Thank you so much! This will be very helpful for someone like me and a graphical frontend will be so much easier than having to use the command prompt and everything. Downloading now :)
Are you able to remove some of the tracks that are included in the game? I was going to buy it but the music in the demo put me off. I'm just not a fan of rap at all.
Vilmos said:
Are you able to remove some of the tracks that are included in the game? I was going to buy it but the music in the demo put me off. I'm just not a fan of rap at all.
Unfortunately not, as this is part of the copy protection of the game.
As the download version doesn't have any copy protection, it might work, but I have to check if and which tracks I can remove or exchange.
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Yeah, but you can always take the song off the play list and it wont play it next time you start the game. Thats what it said in the readme.
I removed pretty much all the stock tunes from my download edition of payback, and it works fine. Payback makes a great media player, cos when it goes in to low power mode, batteries just last and last and last :D
Shifty said:
Yeah, but you can always take the song off the play list and it wont play it next time you start the game. Thats what it said in the readme.

yodaofborg said:
I removed pretty much all the stock tunes from my download edition of payback, and it works fine. Payback makes a great media player, cos when it goes in to low power mode, batteries just last and last and last :D
Very good to know :)
Then I can make a new version which can physically remove the original tunes if you have the download non-DRM version and only remove them from playlist if you have the SD-Card version :)

Thanks for the info :)
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This is fantastic! Very useful and easy! :D Thank you! The only problem i've come across so far is that while converting one song I got an error message that said "Zeilennummer zu hoch" which the Google Translator told me means "Line number too highly". After clicking ignore it said conversion completed successfully but I haven't yet had a chance to find out if it has actually worked...

I had a look on the card and the music file was there, it just wasn't listed in the playlist file. I manually added it and then tried it on my GP2X and it played fine! I've tried again since with another song and the same thing happens! It's not to much of a problem as it does work on the end, it's just a bit annoying!
bennyboy said:
This is fantastic! Very useful and easy! :D Thank you! The only problem i've come across so far is that while converting one song I got an error message that said "Zeilennummer zu hoch" which the Google Translator told me means "Line number too highly". After clicking ignore it said conversion completed successfully but I haven't yet had a chance to find out if it has actually worked...

I had a look on the card and the music file was there, it just wasn't listed in the playlist file. I manually added it and then tried it on my GP2X and it played fine! I've tried again since with another song and the same thing happens! It's not to much of a problem as it does work on the end, it's just a bit annoying!
Hm, did you manually remove the original files off the playlist?
If yes: It happens because it currently inserts the track in Line 21 (right after the original playlist entries), if you don't have 21 lines in your playlist-file, the line number is too high :)

Will fix that when I allow removing the original songs :)
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