PanMAME Betatesting

just a quickie, how well do the games that are in mame4all work. Basically can I use this as my goto Mame (at work, can't test). thanks
Thats not really a quickie, as I needed to test all games of mame4all, but cps2 runs at fullspeed at 600mhz and stuff like robotron or donkeykong run fullspeed even with scalingeffects.

Just tested AvP and it is fullspeed at 900 mhz with doublesize, lq filter and rgb3dot effect.

You can play around with frameskip, too. Press f10 to change frameskip mode and f8 or f9 to adjust during gameplay.
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And one last quick question. I noticed you mentioned older romsets should work, does that mean all the working roms in mame4all that I have should in theory work with this version of mame?

thanks for the effort :)
I think you will have to test that yourself, sorry.

I don't have a lot of roms for mame4all.
I think you will have to test that yourself, sorry.

I don't have a lot of roms for mame4all.
mame 106 works fine with a few exceptions had to redownload rtype and dynamite duke (dont know why)and they work perfect now,still struggling with frameskip it only goes from fix to free with me you cant adjust the amounts like mameex also how do u use the anologs in robotron?. This build is the best mame yet even got config if you press spacebar and some games especially konami games that use the konami processor like thundercross look brill on the pandora screen (could that hotfix update have something to do with that? as the screen looks so much more rich with color.

New version on the repo!


- Updated to MAME 0.106 base

- made the "emulation" soundsync the default option (If you want to have this setting by default, you have to delete the .advance folder in your appdatafolder before running the pnd)

- Added a 4:3 aspect ratio option in the video menu. This doesn't work as expected yet, but can be used by setting it to yes and then change the videomode to apply the setting. This setting isn't saved! I am working on making it work correctly.

- Included Notaz SDL for use with HF5/6
anyway saves can get done automatically to save changing every game?
Is there anyway the loading speed can be increased. it takes a good 20seconds to load up - or is it just my Pandy? I still like it, I'm just picknicking :)
Is there anyway the loading speed can be increased. it takes a good 20seconds to load up - or is it just my Pandy? I still like it, I'm just picknicking :)
I'll see, if I can implement reloading on demand rather than on every startup, but this will have to wait a while.

mame 106 works fine with a few exceptions had to redownload rtype and dynamite duke (dont know why)and they work perfect now,still struggling with frameskip it only goes from fix to free with me you cant adjust the amounts like mameex also how do u use the anologs in robotron?. This build is the best mame yet even got config if you press spacebar and some games especially konami games that use the konami processor like thundercross look brill on the pandora screen (could that hotfix update have something to do with that? as the screen looks so much more rich with color.

anyway saves can get done automatically to save changing every game?

You can set the inputoptions generally, or do you mean the videooptions?
Can someone confirm if i am using the correct dat in RomCenter (106)..? all my roms are reading green in Romcenter, but the vast majority just quit back to the launcher in PanMame..?
Ah, and as said in the releasepost (did anybody read that?), to make the joysticks work in robotron, you need to set the nubs into joystickmode before starting the pnd.

In the mame menu you can then remap the controls to your liking.
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Is this any use? the source is there to

MAME4droid Reloaded 1.0 WIP. Port of MAME 0.134u4.(It has savestates . This MAME4droid version is targeted to Dual-Core devices (1GHz and 512MB RAM minimum), because it is based on a high specs 2009 PC MAME build. Low end devices, use at your own risk. I suggest you use MAME4droid (0.37b5) instead.Remember that games that can be emulated on both MAME4droid versions will run much faster on MAME4droid (0.37b5) than on MAME4droid Reloaded (0.134), and will drain less battery
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Well, "This MAME4droid version is targeted to Dual-Core devices (1GHz and 512MB RAM minimum)" is not, what the Pandora is...

And I have no clue, why frameskip is jumping back. In some games it seems to work, sometimes, it doesn't. Default is now auto and should be fine for most games anyway.

BTW, new version on repo. Please delete appdata/panmame/.advance folder when upgrading.

- 4:3 aspect can now be saved per game or grobally. Default is yes. You need to restart the game to apply it though.
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I can confirm i have no appdata/.advance

OS and PND are on different card.
Ok ! Thanks !

You should add a "loading" image, as it's long so it avoids users to click twice.
That is a good idea and I will look into it for next release. Will focus on the launcher a bit now :)
mcobit you are a machine update after update, this emulator is awesome.
Is there anyway the loading speed can be increased. it takes a good 20seconds to load up - or is it just my Pandy? I still like it, I'm just picknicking :)
I'll see, if I can implement reloading on demand rather than on every startup, but this will have to wait a while.

mame 106 works fine with a few exceptions had to redownload rtype and dynamite duke (dont know why)and they work perfect now,still struggling with frameskip it only goes from fix to free with me you cant adjust the amounts like mameex also how do u use the anologs in robotron?. This build is the best mame yet even got config if you press spacebar and some games especially konami games that use the konami processor like thundercross look brill on the pandora screen (could that hotfix update have something to do with that? as the screen looks so much more rich with color.

anyway saves can get done automatically to save changing every game?

You can set the inputoptions generally, or do you mean the videooptions?
Just the general mapping use select for coin in start for start