Caveman Ninja
Oooh, a wood-wasp (at this size pretty much just colour bits "brown" or "grey" for wood/metal) sounds like it could be a fun version, and possibly more in keeping. Good idea.
I've also wondered about simply removing the legs. Not sure how easy it would be - shouldn't be TOO hard - but at the smallest size they aren't "doing much" for me, just providing clutter. We'll see
I wonder if there are any other critters I've got that could be useful? I'm now wondering if I've got a more realistic insect or two that I could use (butterfly, hmmm - not so much!) as "giant versions"...? Hmmm... See, that's one of the dangers. Looking around and going "Actually, that could look quite nice..." and voila, a whole new species to animate :rolleyes
It only LOOKS like I turn these renders around quickly and easily. In reality, beneath the surface my legs are paddling madly to try and get things done in time to "make a difference". Any difference, pretty much, but hopefully helping rather than hindering.
"simple animated water" - oh, how often I have heard that phrase! Actually, I don't have the time/skill combination to approach the quality and level of Amigo Bandito Crujiente's backgrounds. As someone who intended to offer a single dragon-type creature flying left->right, I'm already impinging more on the project than perhaps I should. It's just fun, and it's fun knowing that if I don't have the time or inclination I can stop at any moment to do something else (like make some low res mesh, or earn some money, or something). Trust me - you don't want me doing the backgrounds, or suddenly there will be a whole story involving time travel, dystopian future city settings, underwater levels, aliens, land-bound but huge dinosaurs traipsing across a prehistoric landscape... it just goes on and on! Better all round, I think, to leave me tinkering with a character or two than to get me involved in the scenery! But thanks for the vote of confidence
I'm hoping to contain, or at least dampen, my enthusiasm for THIS game very soon so that I can refresh my memory on where I was/what I was doing re torpor's "Geometrically-Inspired" game. Because that also looked like it could be huge fun for a Monk-shaped person to play and, perhaps, contribute towards
I've also wondered about simply removing the legs. Not sure how easy it would be - shouldn't be TOO hard - but at the smallest size they aren't "doing much" for me, just providing clutter. We'll see
I wonder if there are any other critters I've got that could be useful? I'm now wondering if I've got a more realistic insect or two that I could use (butterfly, hmmm - not so much!) as "giant versions"...? Hmmm... See, that's one of the dangers. Looking around and going "Actually, that could look quite nice..." and voila, a whole new species to animate :rolleyes
It only LOOKS like I turn these renders around quickly and easily. In reality, beneath the surface my legs are paddling madly to try and get things done in time to "make a difference". Any difference, pretty much, but hopefully helping rather than hindering.
"simple animated water" - oh, how often I have heard that phrase! Actually, I don't have the time/skill combination to approach the quality and level of Amigo Bandito Crujiente's backgrounds. As someone who intended to offer a single dragon-type creature flying left->right, I'm already impinging more on the project than perhaps I should. It's just fun, and it's fun knowing that if I don't have the time or inclination I can stop at any moment to do something else (like make some low res mesh, or earn some money, or something). Trust me - you don't want me doing the backgrounds, or suddenly there will be a whole story involving time travel, dystopian future city settings, underwater levels, aliens, land-bound but huge dinosaurs traipsing across a prehistoric landscape... it just goes on and on! Better all round, I think, to leave me tinkering with a character or two than to get me involved in the scenery! But thanks for the vote of confidence
I'm hoping to contain, or at least dampen, my enthusiasm for THIS game very soon so that I can refresh my memory on where I was/what I was doing re torpor's "Geometrically-Inspired" game. Because that also looked like it could be huge fun for a Monk-shaped person to play and, perhaps, contribute towards