Pandora's Rival: The Gizmondo

it's just that most of the people on the Gizmondoforums site couldn't write "Hello World" in BASIC if their pocket money depended on it.

is this ok, i have debugged it and found no errors as yet. :)

10 PRINT "Hello World!"
20 GOTO 10

in fact i think i have the hang of this now, hows this :D

10 PRINT "Hello Pandora World Us Gizmondo Users Come In Peace!"
20 GOTO 10

Seriously though its nice to have some friendly banter. :P
also looking forward to the new pictures and maybe some stuff running on
the Pandora.

Keep up the good work guys and gals.
#1 GameMaster said:
I'd definitely have to say that the Pandora will blow the Gizmondo out of the water when it comes out.
well i hope it does with the processing power behind it :)
i remember hoping to own a GP32 (never got their sadly) ended up buying a GBA-SP instead
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#1 GameMaster said:
I'd definitely have to say that the Pandora will blow the Gizmondo out of the water when it comes out.

Silly comment that.
Well i should think so too, as the people whom are buying it wouldnt be happy
at getting something new that cant beat something that came out 3-4 years
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The majority of people posting on the forums don't seem that bothered if people do stuff or not, and make no effort to understand or learn anything.

Speaking from a dev point of view:

That's quite off-putting.

What's the point in devving if noone takes an interest?
namco said:

The majority of people posting on the forums don't seem that bothered if people do stuff or not, and make no effort to understand or learn anything.
Speaking from a dev point of view:

That's quite off-putting.

What's the point in devving if noone takes an interest?

With all due respect,

Yes most people are bothered if people, like critical and squidge and others have done stuff and
are rightly thanked for doing so.

And some people dont have the time to start to understand or learn anything that they know. so
i do understand that statement to a certain extent.
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the main problem with our forum is the gizmondo was aimed at the teenage market. with mp3/movies/games and gps thats the majority of who bought it. as well as the guys buying it as a £30 gps system off ebay (but they came and went with a single question)

were not all coders, i'm not i don't claim to be. does that mean i shouldnt post here? i feel let down when great coders come with great ideas and new stuff, we praise, in some cases donate (in wealthier times i dontated lol) but when someone out grows us they don't just leave they want to be dramatic about it, which i just don't understand.

(back to topic)

i hope the pandora has a decently laid out way to skin it. having to trawl through the gizmondo xml file was a nightmare back to back 5 page xml file :S i hope to make an iphone and psp skin if i get a pandora :)
Trevsweb said:
the main problem with our forum is the gizmondo was aimed at the teenage market. with mp3/movies/games and gps thats the majority of who bought it. as well as the guys buying it as a £30 gps system off ebay (but they came and went with a single question)
Agreed. That doesn't help at all with a homebrew community, I fear.


were not all coders, i'm not i don't claim to be. does that mean i shouldnt post here?

No, and most people on this forum aren't coders either. They are often, however, either retro gaming enthusiasts or people interested in learning more about the machine and giving good feedback. As you mention above, the Gizmondo's market doesn't really tally well with that.


i feel let down when great coders come with great ideas and new stuff, we praise, in some cases donate (in wealthier times i dontated lol) but when someone out grows us they don't just leave they want to be dramatic about it, which i just don't understand.

You're quite right again. I shouldn't have let my frustration with the consistently shocking signal/noise ratio on your forum get to me so much, so as you suggested, I've departed. Sorry for taking so long :)
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I'd like to thank Critical for his Gizmondo emulators, which I have used and enjoyed - I registered especially to say this.

I don't think the Gizmondo is totally awful as a handheld, like any other it has pros and cons. The major problem I've had is with the battery-life, and also that the battery will drain quite quickly when it's powered off: I get about 2 hours on the thing if i'm lucky, and if I leave it unplugged overnight it will drain flat. Having to take the battery out of the machine when you're not using it is a serious design flaw.

Another top bugbear is the screen - apart from the washed out colours, you can barely see the thing outdoors.

Overall though i've been dissapointed with the very slow homebrew scene for the Gizmondo, and it's a shame to see the few developers there are being neglected or harassed.

And some people dont have the time to start to understand or learn anything that they know.

I've got a bunch of shizzle to do:

- My website needs more stuff putting on/cleaning up
- I'm still looking for a job
- I need to write RPG adventures for an upcoming game event in November and some that I'm looking to run in the near future
- Started my homebrew game Free Parking
- I'm still updating the GP2X wiki when I can

and others, yet I still find time to learn and put articles (of interest) on these boards.

This isn't a total criticism, I'm just pointing out that myself (inc others) don't have much time on our hands yet we still find the time to learn and do. :)
jimid2 said:
Game_over said:
They are misunderstood; but all the people who owned atleast the QD, loved them.
Well I didn't... It was too big to be a good cell phone, and the screen was too small and oriented the wrong way for good gaming... Oh, and there were like five good games for the damned thing after three years on the market... Add in the occasional inexplicable crash (usually right in the middle of a Road to Glory episode that left me starting all over from the beginning, again!) and I was glad to get rid of mine... Today, I happily carry my Sony-Ericsson W810i and a dedicated gaming system; the QD was an over-sized, inconvenient, pita. Though I have to admit, I did like the D-Pad on it...

What!?!? Over-sized that thing thing is tiny

Inconvenient It was convenient to me

And yeah it's a pita, the best pita I ever had too ;).

But Seriously:

I agree whole heartedly that even though you may now find time to create homebrew, you can always find time to learn something and make a contribution by giving your opinion on something- that is what forums are for. The Gizmondo is a decent but poorly thought out device, that did have some games that was filled with potential. but the marketing plan as well as the companies budget spending went into all the wrong places except making damn sure that it went directly into the handheld it's self. Which is why I said the following is cult like, having faith in something completely mismanaged and didn't put the user first is exactly that. However, there was/is now some pretty good original software out there that is more than enough and gives you every right to defend the system.
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namco said:
This isn't a total criticism, I'm just pointing out that myself (inc others) don't have much time on our hands yet we still find the time to learn and do. :)
Ummm... this isn't meant to be rude, however I couldn't help but notice that part of your description is that you don't have a job. That's quite a huge chunk of extra time you have free right there, that other people don't. I'm not saying having a job precludes learning to code and such, it was just interesting to me that you would pre-judge someone else's free time on that basis.
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Ummm... this isn't meant to be rude, however I couldn't help but notice that part of your description is that you don't have a job. That's quite a huge chunk of extra time you have free right there, that other people don't. I'm not saying having a job precludes learning to code and such, it was just interesting to me that you would pre-judge someone else's free time on that basis.

Actually I never said that I don't have a job, I just said I was still looking for one.

I'm still at work but I'm being made redundant at the end of the month.

Although, thanks to my GP2X experience (which amongst other, home programming xp, is on my CV), I've had a load of recruiters ringing me about Game Programming jobs.

I've already had an interview for a web developer and I'm waiting on 5 CVs that have been posted to various game programming jobs in Manchester!

Wish me luck! :)