The Hallucinogenic Elf
Orkie said:Strangely, a totally unoptimised port of snes9x to the JXD301 runs very well, even with all the graphical effects turned on. The same can't be said for the GP2X.icurafu said:Just remember the blackfin is very slow per MHz. Much slower then the ARM9 in the GP2X. I'm sure one of the most overclocked GP2Xs would outperform it.
I'm ot saying blackfin is bad, because its cheap and energy efficient, which makes it perfect for chinese devices. That need perfformance in ways not available though a DSP.
Interesting. I'm sure you've already read this Orkie, but for anyone else, this is a good 2 year-old read on perforance and price.
entitled (uClinux on a $5 Processor, that's $5 two years ago)
The DMIPS score for the 600MHz CPU is 235 which is an improvement based on a new toolchain. GP2X should be 220 DMIPSs at standard 200MHz. Anyway, in relation to SNES performance, I guess it means you should never trust DMIPS. Or that an FPU has a massive effect on most unoptimised software.![]()
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