Thanks for demonstrating some of PandoraPanic! and taking a bit of time to explain that different developers worked on the minigames.
Pretty nice overview of the different possibilities that are available when using Pandora.
No problem! I love Warioware-like games. My only dissapointment is that there aren't enough minigames! (Although I suppose the solution would be to make more of them myself! Haha)
Kinda neat video. I am concerned about the bit showing Angry Birds as I was aware that title was NOT approved and it was taken off the REPO site due to the fact is may have been a illegal build. Unless I am wrong about this. I have not seen any update. :blink:
Okay, I probably should have addressed this a little better... Yes, this build is not legal in that Rovio has not stated it as official. I actually contemplated for a few minutes about weather putting that in would be honest, but came to the conclusion that most of the audience for this device probably goes by the rule "
Pay for it once, play it wherever". I don't mean to speak for the community in general (It's still technically not a legal port), but if you really think about who the audience for this device would be (Classic Gamers, mostly.), there's not really a way to play our retro games on our Pandora's legally, either. (Well, unless you use a Retrode or other device. But who's really gonna lug that around with it? Not many I'd assume.)
That being said, if you feel it's too sensitive of a subject at the moment or might hurt the community, than I'll take it out. I want to show people how cool this device is, but I don't want to hurt the community in the process.
I actually thought it was a cute video; starts a little slow, but I skipped around, and it was nice to see some of the random game bits throughout. Then again, it always makes me happy to see people enjoying some of my work .. rewarding to see that yes, it paid off
Sorry for the slow start... If you pay attention, you can tell that the beginning and the game footage was filmed at 2 separate times - actually, about 4 months apart from each other! Back than, I was only gonna show a few games, but when I came back to finish the video, I felt I needed to show more than just a few games. When I finished filming, I had an hours worth of footage. It was a little too long for my tastes, so I cut out a bit of footage. That way, the viewer gets enough time to see the game run nicely, but not too much, so we can move on to the next one. I think it worked nicely.
May I ask, what work it was I showed off that was yours? Pretty much anything I showed was something I loved the work of, so if it's there... it's like silent praise.
it's a very good video, actually i prefer longer videos, so you see a lot of features at once, i'll probably do the same, covering non-emulation/games apps and a maybe a few obscure old games
btw, boot time is more like 30 seconds (which is pretty good anyway)
Like I said above, the original video was an hour long... too long for my taste. I tried to cover some non-emulation games (Super Stardust, Pandora Panic, Wind & Water, Frogatto, Shootet) But for the sake of wowing the viewers I kept the game slelection to games people are familar with. Also, Boot-time for me has never been more than 30 second for least, it never feels like it's that long.
I saw that, but than read that it requires Hotfix 5 beta 2 (Or RC2. I assume it means the same?). I've not tried a beta yet, because with my luck, something would go horribly wrong. Been waiting for the latest hotfix, but others have been saying the latest beta is very stable, so maybe I'll just upgrade..
Hotfix 5 got out of beta a long time ago, though - if it needed at least Hotfix 5 beta 2, then the final Hotfix 5 (which you should be using, if you aren't already

) will work fine with it.
It's Hotfix 6 that's in beta-testing now.
Oh....Now I feel stupid.
Thanks for bringing that up.