"i'll Cry If This Isn't Entered In Gbax" Thread

claus posted on Apr 7 2004 at 02:52 PM said:
I can see that the zodiac gamers not only is tryin to get the GP 32 programmers, but also the GBA programmers as well. They must be very hungry for some games and emulaters. :P
It looks like they are getting them too. Yoyofr has gone Zodiac, he posts there regularly. When was the last time he posted here? Skeezix is way more active in the Zodiac arena now as well.
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Sonic-NKT posted on Apr 7 2004 at 04:10 PM said:
yes this rally game looks cool...

ok i will cry if enf65 wont enter with his gba emu :) also also the other great unreleased emus (fgen, the new mame port, and so on :) )
gp advance wont be entered (he said) because he dont want to get much attention from big n :)
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kotd posted on Apr 7 2004 at 04:55 AM said:
ooo I was such a hard ass get a life octavious. If you didn't notice this whole thread is about 0 on the serious scale.

Oh and dave C I'd pay $10 for a perfect genesis emu. I already dontaed $5 to rlyeh
If this thread is on a 0 on the serious scale, what is wrong with making a joke? The thread is about what he wants to be entered. Octavius said he wanted a GBA entered and he went into detail about it. Granted, he was joking but again...you said this thead isn't serious.
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whatever I reckon that had nothing to do with the thread I'm way over it if I fucked u off octavious i beg for your forgiveness, anyway I see I'm not the only one who wants a genesis emu more than the Snes. Maybe something will be done someday.....
to be honest... i don't want to offend anyone here... but this threat is lame.

discussion about to be enterd stuff is lame... feel free to discuss when the results and submissions are public, but now... i feel like beeing under kiddies just wanting more emulators, please proofe me of the opposite if i'm wrong
kojote I really don't know what the problem is with people getting excited about an upcoming contest. IMO it's good for the gp32 to create interest, isn't that why this contest is here anyway?

if you're too big for this thread, don't post in it :)
Steady on Frolik. After all he is a Guru.

Seriously though I've not bothered to enter into this thread until now but I have enjoyed reading it.

So Kojote in a completely childish moment I'm going to tell you to go stick your head up a dead bears arse because that was certainly one of the lamest posts I've ever read.

Your "Welcome to the Troll Society" Tee shirt is in the post!
just look at comments like

"I'll cry if Fgen isn't entered in the GBAX compo"
even if it was meaned in a funny way, it is not.

I want there to be a fullspeed gba emu with a full screen option, be coded in arm and be 4kb large, great with no FS and Vsync and to have a link option that could go through the net
NOT FUNNY, even if it's a joke

I'll cry if OpenSnes9x isn't entered
just stupid as well... if i would be a coder and see ppl putting me under pressure because they want to see something, that's just sick!

I'll cry if one of orions programs isn't entered in GbaX
yes please, put him under pressure... i'm sure he'll love it

I'll cry if no genesis emu is entered.

i will get mad if a newer faster version of fgb doesnt comes out.
okay... please get mad

We all want more finished emus like Genesis and such.
"we want" "we want"...

I would cry if there were no astonishing and fun game, great emulator, useful apps
emulators... bla...

Of course I would cry if someone isn't working on an Amiga emulator
oh god...

...also an update of opensnes wud b nice coz id like to play full speed mario kart and tales of phantasia!!!!

...i'd love Rlyeh to release something new and improved
as it came to my attention everyone is loving his emulators, using them but does not donate something. every thougt about how rlyeh feels without gettin feedback for his work?

I'll cry if os9xgp, fgen32 and this damn good looking rally game wont enter.
feel free to start crying as i can tell you the "good looking rally game" will not enter up to 99.99%

i'd like if VBA would allow you to shirink the screen back to original size cuz it would mean full speed on GBC and a Good speed increase on GBA.
if you know it better, whoy not gettin' the source and make it by your own?

i mean okay... a few things were not meaned by real. still... if a beginner is reading those post and expects stuff to appear just because someone was saying in fun a new version of XY is going to be entered... then it not appears he starts asking where the emu has been gone and stuff. this all brings newbies on a wrong path and makes them acting wrong. eg bugging author when do you release a new version because i heared from person XY that you release it on date XY. i know what i'm talking about. just aks serious developers how they get a "thank you" for their work. hope those lines make someone thinking about how a newbie could take up the lines he sees here and what side effects it might have to developers.

fun is perfectly okay, but keep it at a decent level.

So Kojote in a completely childish moment I'm going to tell you to go stick your head up a dead bears arse because that was certainly one of the lamest posts I've ever read.

i'm in that bears ass now... it's dark and smells... satisfied now?
i mean okay... a few things were not meaned by real. still... if a beginner is reading those post and expects stuff to appear just because someone was saying in fun a new version of XY is going to be entered... then it not appears he starts asking where the emu has been gone and stuff. this all brings newbies on a wrong path and makes them acting wrong. eg bugging author when do you release a new version because i heared from person XY that you release it on date XY. i know what i'm talking about. just aks serious developers how they get a "thank you" for their work. hope those lines make someone thinking about how a newbie could take up the lines he sees here and what side effects it might have to developers.

I can agree with your opinion, kojo. And to the others, just wait till the contest is finished and don't hassle the authors to release stuff. just wait :-)

And another point, the contest is about more as only emulators. Making a game from scratch is the same hard work as porting a emu. It looks like people only want emus come out and don't give a shit on games :-(
DARN...I posted without reading the last post...guess what it looked like..exactly what mine said (sorry for being a dumbass today, im running on no sleep)
Well, I know a lot of people here don't like me for being critical with this "scene", but I have to say that Kojote is right. We had a long discussion about the scene's attitude yesterday in #gp32dev, and the conclusion of the participating developers was that almost no one was really happy with the way it is:

- People are demanding stuff (not asking for... They're demanding it as if they'd pay us developers) without giving a shit about donations or similar.
- Feedback is almost non-existant (Take Vimacs' latest BOR-mod for example. >120 downloads and 8 people replying to his post)
- Emulators are everything (Yeah, let's face it, people are contributing even less to games than other projects)
- People don't see the work behind even the smallest project.
- People disregard the wishes of developers (asking for private betas and such)
- People see the GP32 only as a cheap emulation machine on the go (which it isn't, taking it as emulation-machine only destroys any commercial future)
- People are asking for projects without even trying to contribute or help with source, gfx or similar. They'll just wait until it's done, hey, it's free!
- When developers/project maintainers are asking for money for their projects (and i'm not talking about that ambivalent "should emus be payware"-thread), they'll get answers like "give it away for free, the GP32 scene is based on free stuff!"

Just think of Giana's Return, quite a good example IMO: 4 people worked 2 years on a REALLY good game (I'd even say it's the best game on GP32 besides Pinball Dreams, but that's just me). In total, people were talking like only one week about that game, there was hardly any feedback PLUS there were 3500 downloads (remember that's traffic that has to be paid) and hardly any donations (don't know the exact number, but i think there was 10 or less donations.)

Think about it, it might be YOU who is actively destroying the GP32 scene...
Firstly am I one of the people that doesn't see any of the work behind even the smallest game?

Many years ago myself and two friends spent a few months of evening and weekends designing and coding a game. That's right a few months!!! So I know how difficult it can be and how much effort goes into the process. That game BTW got to number four in the uk chart and we made some money off it. Not huge amounts but some. But and it's a big but, we'd still have made it even if we didn't think we had a hope in hells chance of selling it. Why? Because it's fun. With a few exceptions most of the developers in the GP32 developement scene dev their games etc for fun. Once developers start getting greedy and asking for donations etc they risk losing the real reason behind their efforts. They want to support the GP32 and it's fun. After all what would they do if they didn't code, design, write music etc? I'll tell you what they'd do they'd get bored and go back to coding, design and writing music etc. I know because it's in the blood. They do it for them first and the rest of us later.

As for feedback So what! In my time you got none because there was no internet but I didn't get depressed about it. I just thought wow people are playing my game. I still think that now. I'm fairly certain that my game has been seen by hundreds of thousand of people and as far as I can remember the feedback I've had has been limited to the odd reply from a forum or web site where I've mentioned my involvement. Certainly less than half a dozen emails have found their way to me over the years.

Do you think for one minute I think that those people that have downloaded my game (it's available all over the net these days) don't enjoy it or don't appreciate it. I certainly don't mind the fact that I don't get feedback.

So I've got this message for developers. Don't forget what brought you to the GP32 in the first place and secondly don't think you aren't appreciated just because you don't get 50% response from the 389 downloads of your latest beta telling you how wonderful it is. It's human nature to be lazy so deal with it and carry on with your hobby. Developing for the GP32. And enjoy it!

People aren't moaning and groaning about the state of this emulator or that emulator or this game or that game for nothing they're moaning and groaning because they are interested in it so take it as a compliment even if they are going about things the wrong way. Quite simply these people are excited about a project you are developing so be proud and go for it.

PS I've got some 20odd hours (so far) of design behind me for a game that should be released at some point on the GP32 for free. If even 1 person likes it I'll be happy. Why? because I designed it for me and if anyone else that likes it is a bonus.

Finally one more thing. This thread was started as a light hearted bit of fun. Let's keep it that way.

Have fun.
this topic has turned into something else...

I meant no disrespect to the devs or the scene here, but kojote's remarks implied that this thread was childish
to be honest... i don't want to offend anyone here... but this threat is lame.

discussion about to be enterd stuff is lame... feel free to discuss when the results and submissions are public, but now... i feel like beeing under kiddies just wanting more emulators, please proofe me of the opposite if i'm wrong
which I didn't really see fair to attack all the previous posters on this level :(

Some fair points though, I do try in my own small ways to contribute and give feedback/praise, but I think most people like myself don't have the time to constructively praise/criticize every program that is released but download it to try it out for fun

regarding the donations, it would be a good idea for the devs to leave a paypal address or a mention of donations in the thread that accompanies it. I recently emailed Mike Dawson to find out how to give him a donation as frodo is what I use a lot, and am happy to pay something for it, and he declined.

peace :)
oh now now don!
thats just rude just because people want something doesn't mean they are trying to push the devs into working (after all the devs don't even hve to look at this post, or do anything if they want to).
Anyway many devs don't have a paypal adress to donate too (or would think we were resorting to bribery and would feel in even more pressure if we asked to)... (+ lots of people have said they would donate if such and such updated ... etc...)

How can any devver find it insulting that people want to see more of their software (that doesn't even make sense!)
And besides people are far more likely to give thanks to the authors of the programs in GBAx after they've been released not before...
And anyway most people have only said 1 thing that they would really want for the GP32, i'm sure thay will be pleased with what they get....

And anyway do u really believe that people will "actually cry" if what they want is not released.... i don't think so...

What r all of the developers problems with people liking emulators, after all an emulator is like being given 1000+ games are you surprised that people prefer this to original games...

that isn't to say that people don't like original games...
- People see the GP32 only as a cheap emulation machine on the go (which it isn't, taking it as emulation-machine only destroys any commercial future)
how does taking the GP32 tobe an emulation-machine destroy it commercial value surely that "is" its commercial value?
- People don't see the work behind even the smallest project.
I see the work behind the smallest projects, i can't begin to work out how to program in C++.
- Feedback is almost non-existant (Take Vimacs' latest BOR-mod for example. >120 downloads and 8 people replying to his post)
A lot of feedback is ignored by the devs anyway

Well sure this post is kinda lame and kiddyish but it is hardly offensive or bad it is to be expected just a bit of excitement about the GBAx competition that is running right now...
*i don't think most of this post made any sense as i was answering some of the other posts without quoting alot
Well for one thing this thread didn't demand anything it was more of a wishful thread. Secondly I have donated and I also give feedback when i play a game. Thirdly I'm trying to help with GPfinalwar. How can I help say an emu if I have no prgramming knowledge? Oh and badtoad has some valid points there.:)
If I can't post some threads without pissing off dev people I'll stop posting from now on. laterz
Hey, I didn't mean to offend anyone with my post. You might have a different view of the "scene" (god, I hate this word), and that's okay for me, at least you're trying to explain why you're thinking this way.
I didn't point at anyone specific, especially not one of you writing in this thread.
Okay, now to some answers and clearifications. ;)

- It's okay if you don't care about feedback, but I guess the majority of developers are happy when people like their stuff (you're too, badtoad, that's what you've written. But what if no one tells you this?)

- About missing donation-buttons: I did not say: pay for everything you like. Instead, people should donate money where donations are asked for. Just because there's not a "donate!"-button on every page doesn't mean people would donate if it was.

- Insulting. I didn't say people are insulting, but they're very careless and demanding when asking for features. Maybe I have some special antennas for detecting this, but you might find quite a few of those examples on the board.

- Ignored feedback. What answer do you expect for some "Thank you" feedback? I don't think that a lot of feedback containing ideas and constructive criticism was ignored. I always tried to implement anything asked for, and I guess that's what most other developers do, as long as those features make any sense, of course.

- About the loss of commercial value of a emulator-machine: Do you really think Big N would be so big if they made their NES as some cheap atari 2600 emulation machine instead of creating fancy games with original characters? I don't.
How can any devver find it insulting that people want to see more of their software (that doesn't even make sense!)

Let's give an short answer to this. Hardly we finished the BETA of Giana's Return people started to ask if there will be a second part with brandnew levels. Including me, we are a team of five people having 2 years of work and we are still not fully done. I spend a lot of sleepless nights just to do stuff for that game, same to the others like CHN who worte the code, or Operator who did the music, etc. In fact I did this because lot's of people were waiting for this game and we don't want them to be disappointed. As said... short after the BETA people started to ask for a second complete NEW game.

I appreciate if people like this game so much that they want to have a second part but it's just putting everyone under more pressure, specially because the first part is not done. Everyone is having a real life and it's "real" real life problems.

If you are honest you'll notice that this game has commercial quality but we gave it away for free as experiment. We probably got 30 mails saying thank you for this game and a couple of posts in our message boards which we appreciate a lot. This feedback is simply too less for a whole team working 2 years for free. 2 weeks after the release ppl get excited about simple styled puzzle games, thrown together in a few hours. I love puzzle games, and i love if ithey are styled. But if you can get that much attention with a puzzle game which you takes you a few days to make... why should we continue making a whole brandnew jump and run game?

As Giana was an experiment to the GP32 community and failed, we'll stop releasing free stuff for the GP32, maybe stop to develop on it forever. I know there was feedback from the GP32 community as well, but the Dreamcast Scene who got the game as well, was much more thankfull. If you think now I have to start giving feedback it's too late, my decision is up and CHN is mostly the same opinion last time we talked. The GP32 version even caused the most traffic which isn't cheap. Keep in mind, even if you release a game for free there are costs. Who pays the traffic? I'm not talking about tiny projects which hardly use up space... I'm not whining about the costs now, but it's just to show you up that even if something seems to be free... it isn't.

I used to give feedback on every GBA homebrewn i tried, but as a few developers were even were to lazy to send a mail back with "thanks for your ideas and feedback" i stopped this as well. everyone who send feedback about giana to us got a backmail with answer.

Hmm... i just right now notice that this isn't gettin' a short answer. Anyway... requesting a new version or even a new whole game surly puts someone under pressure. It's a lot better to give feedback and show an author this way that you like his stuff. This will motivate and let him continue to code, even if he is short on time. I even shit on donations just to see someone having the time to write a "thank you" for your game. Plain download numbers from the stats are uninteresting.

All I can say... my motivation to do anything is completly destroyed and it's not only me who lost motivation. KRB author fo an Sega-1000 emulator for GP32 just asked for a simple postcard, he got one card after months.

Keep in mind: No feedback destroys projects! Asking for a new version/game is putting someone under pressure! I'm sure this applies to 90% of all developers.
Kojote, it sounds like you have had a bad experience, and I totally respect your decision to no longer support the GP32 for free. I can see you are venting about your frustration, but it seems like you are taking it out on the people who have contributed to this thread. A thread that is definatly intended to be lighthearted. Noone here is intending to put pressure onto the coders in this community. In fact, I'm a little disapointed that noone is putting pressure on me ;).

Feedback is one of those funny things. If you trawled through all the posts in this forum, I can promise you will come across a lot of positive feedback abour Giana's, but not many people go to the effort of directly thanking the people behind it.

Keep your chin up mate. Remember the reasons you got into programming and the GP32 in the first place, and hopefully you can continue making games with the same level of professionalism.