"i'll Cry If This Isn't Entered In Gbax" Thread

I dont think its being activitly worked on...I dont think its canceled, just that it probably isnt a high priority. It would be nice though. A lot of Genesis games that I would love to play....(well I can play them on my Nomad....but 6 batteries for 2 hours isnt my kind of fun!)
Heh yeah I'm almost tempted to buy a nomad but the battery life stops me so Akuma no Houkon will u "Cry If "This" Isn't Entered In Gbax"? :P

I want there to be a fullspeed gba emu with a full screen option, be coded in arm and be 4kb large, great with no FS and Vsync and to have a link option that could go through the net, and it could shrink all roms to 1000k and It could have 7.1 surround sound with a new double powered subwoofer out and...


actually, I would like an exact clone of Red Alert 1 or Tiberian sun. but I will help GPFinalWar still because it is closest thing and is better than RA in some parts...
Octavious posted on Apr 7 2004 at 01:43 AM said:

I want there to be a fullspeed gba emu with a full screen option, be coded in arm and be 4kb large, great with no FS and Vsync and to have a link option that could go through the net, and it could shrink all roms to 1000k and It could have 7.1 surround sound with a new double powered subwoofer out and...


actually, I would like an exact clone of Red Alert 1 or Tiberian sun. but I will help GPFinalWar still because it is closest thing and is better than RA in some parts...
Okay um read the topic again and then post. Where did you get full speed GBA emu with all those lame features. Read before you post or you'll get flamed again.
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GPJosh posted on Apr 7 2004 at 01:51 AM said:
I'll cry if OpenSnes9x isn't entered. ;)
There we go a proper answer and yeah I agree with ya B)
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I'll cry if no genesis emu is entered.

pretty much every other system that is possable to be emulated on this thing has at least a start. genesis on the other hand has been started but there's not much hope for it.
ill not post anything
ill probloly end up yelling
and yes it was sarcasm
because a grea tlong time ago ( like 2 days ago )
some wise man ( forgot the name, but I dont think he was a wise man )
told me to be funny
guess you havent been "enlightened"

well I didn't think it was funny anyone else? i thought it was smart ass and had nothing to do with the topic. THe topic clearly wants you to say what u would like to have entered in the comp not what features or bs stuff anyway my opinion :blink:
dude, not to be rude, but take it from me, people around here dont like it when you are a hard *butt*
but if it makes you feel all special at night.

I will cry if we dont put out a new version of GPFinalWar before the compo ends

actually, i already said one, you proboly just didnt finish reading my post

We all want more finished emus like Genesis and such. Emu coders are busy with other things and writing code for free is sometimes on the back burner. Add that to the fact that many have defected to the Zodiac and we have a slow go of it sometimes.

Enter Bribeware:

I saw on Zodiac gamer that they are getting many emu writers by bribing them with a free Zodiac or donations and such. It seems to be working. They got Yoyofr that way. Maybe we should do something like that? I wouldn't mind donating a few bucks to have a good Genesis, GBA, SNES emu. I think the emu coders should have a donation page before the download page to encourage it. Of course the amount can be anything you want and is not required (maybe should be?) but this way they would have more incentive to finish the emus if we did donate. Yes free is nice but I would rather give $5 or $10 to have a perfect Genesis or SNES emu that is updated rather than alot of abandonware like we have now. What do *you* think would work to get some coders back?
ooo I was such a hard ass get a life octavious. If you didn't notice this whole thread is about 0 on the serious scale.

Oh and dave C I'd pay $10 for a perfect genesis emu. I already dontaed $5 to rlyeh
kotd posted on Apr 7 2004 at 04:55 AM said:
ooo I was such a hard ass get a life octavious. If you didn't notice this whole thread is about 0 on the serious scale.

Oh and dave C I'd pay $10 for a perfect genesis emu. I already dontaed $5 to rlyeh
Is Rlyeh still coding for the GP32? I would donate on the next GP32 release/update. I wouldn't though if he has gone to a different system like PPC or something like that.
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