Snes Emu Anywhere??


Still Fresh
Apr 1, 2004

I hope I can ask this question,is there a SNES Emu anywhere that can run Games in Full speed or a compability list for a good one??

Most Games seem to be slow:-(

Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 6 2004 at 04:09 PM said:
Your GP32 needs to be able to OC to 166 to get decent speed without sound in OS9x. If you cant go that high, dont bother. If you dont enjoy most of those games without sound (like me) dont bother. Otherwise have at it! can get decent speeds without sound at 133mhz. Without sound it's really fast. At 160mhz, nearly all games run at full speed without sound.
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Azure posted on Apr 7 2004 at 12:37 AM said:
Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 6 2004 at 04:09 PM said:
Your GP32 needs to be able to OC to 166 to get decent speed without sound in OS9x. If you cant go that high, dont bother. If you dont enjoy most of those games without sound (like me) dont bother. Otherwise have at it! can get decent speeds without sound at 133mhz. Without sound it's really fast. At 160mhz, nearly all games run at full speed without sound.
I tried my entire collection of games at 133 and 140 without sound and they were all unplayable speeds (I tried all the different settings to try and get the best/lowest with no changes really). I base my judgement off of that simple fact. SOME were playable 150, however, my GP32 locks up randomly at 150.

My "166 results" are based on the available lists and others posts about the games. I dont have a 166 GP32 yet to test the results on that.

For this reason I sent my GP32 to mash for the voltage mod so I could try it out at full 166 (although with a wall plug, because 133 drains batteries too fast as it is!) I suggest anyone who doesnt get 166 and wants to get full speed/sound snes should do the same.
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wellOs9xGp is slow at 166mhz for me unless you put the frameskip to about 3 (or above - in which case it just becomes jumpy) But most things r playable at about 90% speed.

however as was said earlier, most games suck without sound
Azure posted on Apr 7 2004 at 12:55 AM said:
Hmm...were you the same guy who complained that LJGP32 was slow?
Yes but LittleJohn is extremely slow IF you goto the options menu in game, then back to the game, it plays at a VERY unplayable speed. Which has been confirmed by others who get the same results as I do, doing the very same thing that I do. It plays fine if you never goto the menu. But about %50 of the time, on me, and others, when I goto the menu and back to the game it becomes unplayable.

A bug in LittleJohn that makes it run very slow (I tried to trace the bug, but it seems to happen randomly when you goto the menu, I think it does it more often on SRAM games..I dunno),

The SNES running slow is completely different, this is based off of many peoples testimonies and my own trials, even the official website links to a list of playable games, and you know what? not a single one is listed as playable with sound on 166.

wellOs9xGp is slow at 166mhz for me unless you put the frameskip to about 3 (or above - in which case it just becomes jumpy) But most things r playable at about 90% speed.

however as was said earlier, most games suck without sound

Point proven :)

From what I have seen and read, most of the people that say OSx9 gets full speed, are people who have the sound off, and dont care about the frame skip 3 or higher (which as said, makes things a bit jumpy). Which, to me, jumpy and no sound, is _not_ playable. :P
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Azure posted on Apr 7 2004 at 01:09 AM said:
I'd consider 8-9 playable. Wouldn't you?
8-9 playable? Sure on some games maybe, games that are not action, like RPGs, but if you notice on that list, those were WITHOUT sound and at 156 or 166 most of the time. You add sound, and that is an instant -2. So that 8-9 becomes 6-7.

6-7 at 166 with sound, doesnt seem very playable to me.

And even 8-9 without sound, starts to become 7-8 when the action heats up.

Lots of people are saying that OS9x gets full speed and full sound. But what they forget to mention, is that you dont get both at the same time :P

Of course, its just the second release, and still has many areas that could use the ASM touch. And will probably end up with full speed and sound at 146 when all is said an done. But we are talking about right now. And in most games OS9x does not get full speed and sound, even at 166. (with a few exceptions of course, Live-a-eviL plays with sound at 150 just fine, but not enough to go arround saying OS9x gets full speed and sound snes emulation)
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Those who say full speed and sound, I think, are referring to the few games that actually run full speed with sound on, like Super Mario World, Super Punch-Out!!, and Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
Azure posted on Apr 7 2004 at 04:09 AM said:
I'd consider 8-9 playable. Wouldn't you?
3-4 is the most to me... I wouldn't be able to see myself playing many games at that kind of frame skip... might have a go later :P
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he is taling about game ratings not FS
and thats the best emu, so ther isnt really much point to this thing
just use osnes9x and if it dosnt work, wait till next release

Octavious posted on Apr 6 2004 at 05:56 PM said:
he is taling about game ratings not FS
and thats the best emu, so ther isnt really much point to this thing
just use osnes9x and if it dosnt work, wait till next release

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Dont get me wrong, I am in no way "complaining" I am simply answering the original question posted on the topic, and adding a bit of extra info.


I hope I can ask this question,is there a SNES Emu anywhere that can run Games in Full speed or a compability list for a good one??

Most Games seem to be slow:-(


And I simply answered that if you want full speed you are going to need a 166 (or close to it) GP32. Unless you dont want sound and dont mind high frameskip. My personal collection when I try at 133 and 140 do not run at any playable speeds (without sound), (I dont happen to play those very few that do), I do however get "near playable" speeds at 150 (and some are actually playable at 150), But if you want to play more than those few games that run decently at 150ish you are going to need a 166 GP32. Simple.
I gotta agree with Akuma unless I overclock to 150 (my GP won't go above that) most games (to me at least) are too slow to be playable, I say most there are some that seem fine at even 133. Most however are just too slow for my taste. There are plenty of games that I find too slow even at 150 and for me sound just grinds it to a crawl. There are exeptions, but its all down to the individual game and personal taste.
Mikey posted on Apr 7 2004 at 05:26 AM said:
I gotta agree with Akuma unless I overclock to 150 (my GP won't go above that) most games (to me at least) are too slow to be playable, I say most there are some that seem fine at even 133. Most however are just too slow for my taste. There are plenty of games that I find too slow even at 150 and for me sound just grinds it to a crawl. There are exeptions, but its all down to the individual game and personal taste.
Exactally. You cannot base the speed and playability of an emulator on a very few games that happen to run at decent speeds. I see constant comments in many threads on these forums that talk about how great the full speed with sound emulation is on OS9x, and honestly I have yet to see that, even at 150mhz. People tend to get over excited and a little boastfull when talking about the GP32 (understandable) but they also tend to exagerate the snes emulation a bit. They will even go as far as listing the few games that actually run decently and think that by naming a couple games they are validating their claim.

Mikey you should consider sending your GP32 to mashmods for the voltage mod (its only a $15 mod, + $5 shipping). I sent my off to mash the other day in hopes that with 166mhz and possibly a new version in the compo that I will be able to have decent snes emulation on my GP32.
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Mikey you should consider sending your GP32 to mashmods for the voltage mod

I was initially put of by the fact that there in Canada (and I'm UK) but I will probably send it anyway. I'd hate not having my GP for a while but I'm gonna be on paternity leave soon anyway and won't need it at work for a few weeks (which is where I normally play my GP anyway) I may have the glass screen done at the same time.