Pandora sales


Nov 15, 2007
Ok, so we know 2k were sold in 6 hours. Have the full 3k gone yet? Obviously, we'll hear more about the upgrade to 4k if possible tomorrow, but it would help people to know if they are all gone but the online form still allows them to order.

The pandora has been front-paged on digg twice, slashdot once, and has been on engadget and arstechnica recently, so the reception is astounding, but not unfathomable. Great work guys.
You're welcome ;)

A little question here : since I couldn't order immediatly my pandora, (I did it today around 1pm) can I know if i'm in the first 3k batch, or at least in the potetial 4k? Will I be noticed through a mail or something?

Anyway, thanks for the hard work!
2800 units sold in 2 days time, with the server overloaded or just plain down. Well, thats a great number.

But, i did notice in all the topic regarding the Pandora, that there needs to be better marketing. To many people seem to compare the Pandora as a instant failure because it has no "big name" behind it, no large official game etc. They compare it to the PSP, and then complain how it lacks games. And that needs to be more emphasize, that the Pandora can emulate not only those that work on a hacked PSP, but also the more larger one's. I can't shake the feeling that to many people ( potential customers ) can't see the value of the Pandora over the lower price point of the PSP ( what they end up paying anyway in expensive games! ).

Of course, the big selling point is only going to come in 2009. The people who order now, have faith in the Pandora project to pre-order & pre-pay. So there is still a large potential customer base out there, with correct marketing, software and supply, can be converted. :-)
There's still some left? Wow, I thought they'd all be gone by now.

Anyway, this great interest is certainly good, 'cause it's not only sort of an insurance, it also means greater amounts of software!
Well, I'm certainly going back to gp32x as well, it's become a large part of what I do all day, but that doesn't mean I can't stay here as well. Having your own forum is more professional and makes it easier for newbies to understand what's going on when trying to ask a question
There's still some left? Wow, I thought they'd all be gone by now.

I fear that the downtime off the order servers has got something to do with it. Right during the peak, the main site was down way to long. It's going to be interesting to see the amount of visitors to

If this forum is any indication, people are after pandora news. Until maybe 10min ago, it was only posted under the blog section, yet, it had over 50 vistors peek already. So yea, people are hungry for news :-)
Nope :P

Thank goodness I ordered mine... well done on getting 2800 orders!
For those who missed. Update on says orders will be taken until Sunday, and production will match whatever is ordered. Craig also mentions manufacturing starts next week.
Does somebody know why the second batch has to be in 2009 and not before ?

I'm guessing parts... The Pandora's need to be made with just in time principle. In other words, they need to order 3000 OMAP3530's, 3000 cases etc. And that all needs to come together in one plant.

So, lets say it take 1.5month's to order, produce, and ship the 3000 or 4000. In other words, when the next order batch happens at end November, you are already in 2009 for shipping...

Btw: Craig, the news about the pre-ordering extended up to Sunday. Marketing! wraggster @ has send over 50 emails to newssites. Get together with him, and produce another official marketing message.

Something like:

"Thanks to the great success of the pre-orders, at this moment we already reached the targeted 3000 pre-orders. In order to provide people ample change to get a pre-order in, we will extend bla bla bla."

Also, take away some of the concerns people have about the pandora vs psp, ds etc in the official mail by adding extra focus on its power, possible software ( that goes beyond what the psp, ds etc have ) etc.
It'll definitely be more than 3000, more than 4000, perhaps. I somewhat doubt more than 5000, but it's definitely possible.
anexanhume said:
Craig also mentions manufacturing starts next week.

I get goose-bumps thinking that there is going to be a factory somewhere soon building a Pandora with my name on it.
i tell you what, it must be pretty scary having nearly 3000 x £200 orders going into an account somewhere. even scarier if you do it in dollars. i think id be tempted to leave it collecting interest for a week or two if i could haha!

i think extending the pre-order is a good idea. we knew they needed a minimum run of 3000 to break even, if they go to 4000 that will both mean the average cost for them making it should go down because of the larger order and will mean there is more money in the pot for any more R&D, money for the devs, money for the next production run, money even for proper advertising and that will really be where things start to come into their own.

really have to applaud the pandora team and these early adopters with the faith in the product for genuinely making this happen. the more people reached, the bigger the community there will be and it will mean more push for more things on the system. its a win win situation for everyone i think.
renegadechic said:
i tell you what, it must be pretty scary having nearly 3000 x £200 orders going into an account somewhere. even scarier if you do it in dollars. i think id be tempted to leave it collecting interest for a week or two if i could haha!

Hmmm, we all trust the pandora team enough to hand over £200, so how about we all give them and extra £1000 to put in a high interest account over seas somewhere, then each month we get a payout from the interest. That way we all get free pandoras, and possibly an early retirement, now that's win win 8-)

P.S Where the hell is Chip!? I haven't seen him since before pre-order day, he didn't die with the forums did he!?