EvilDragon said:
Yep, the BASIC GUI will be running on kdrive with an enhanced gmenu2x (you can do semitasking, i.e. use some hotkeys to switch from one fullscreen task to the next one).
There will be an advanced GUI available where you can use multiple windows on one desktop. But first we'll concentrate on the basic GUI since this is more important for most people here.
After that, we'll start working on the advanced GUI.
There you go, enhanced Gmenu2X (too be fair the gmenu2x was pretty similar to the Eeepc GUI, as far as I can tell).
Gmenu2X was pretty darn functional, if it is the standard GUI it will just make the system that much better. I hear that it could do framebuffer SDL instead of X/kdrive, but they have an accelerated kdrive binary blob, so why not use it?
Don't make me look that up, use with in the search string. Maybe search
X kdrive pandora or something like that
thanks for the quote, i would like to see some progress soon its getting close the ship period.