Preorder / Payment / Paypal

What if I want to pay with my bank account in germany, it would take some time to get the money to ED, so would it be, give them your account number, and they take the money or send the money to them?
gibberish said:
no pre-orders ive ever made have worked like that.
I have never, ever seen a preorder in which you didn't have to pay in advance.

Then again, the only thing I've ever preordered was Pokemon Crystal, when I was nine, so what do I know? :P
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To be specific, I do a lot of preorders and none require prepayment (I fully understand the reasons for prepayment here).

1) - no prepayment
2) - no prepayment (I buy a lot of anime)
3) Deep Discount/Dvd Pacific/etc. - no prepayment

This applies to any games/movies/books I've bought. I have never pre-ordered hardware, but media and such has always been no-fee on preorders.

I probably won't preorder myself until about Mid-Oct since I'm picky about leaving myself a savings buffer for living expenses.
I'm planning on ordering as soon as possible, and I don't mind paying the full price. (as others have stated, the using a CC is essentially an interest-free loan for a month or two)

I have placed something called a "P-500" preorder. These are for board games that are being considered for print, but won't be printed unless they receive commitment from at least 500 people (hence the name). Customers give their payment information, but are only charged when the game goes to the printer- months or even years after the game first appears on the list. (there's a few dozen games on the P-500 at any time) As long as a game continues to accrue orders at a decent rate, it'll remain on the list- otherwise it'll get pulled after some months of stagnation.