Pandora Os

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sindbad said:
The problem here is that the DOS CLI is outdated and people assume any CLI is old and useless. bash is one of those modern CLIs that can do pretty much anything a graphical interface could do.
Yeah but the truth is that even though DOS seems strange, arcane and complicated to many people now, it was pretty straightforward to use whereas BASH requires learning. I tried some lessons but I couldn't really follow it after a while, maybe this will change with Pandora and i'll give it another shot.

For example I got fustrated when I kept typing "DIR" and got nothing (yes, I know now it's "LS").
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I disagree. I don't know how to use the DOS CLI. I don't even know how to copy things. They both require learning and I happened to learn bash. ls is very intuitive, as it comes from list.
sindbad said:
I disagree. I don't know how to use the DOS CLI. I don't even know how to copy things. They both require learning and I happened to learn bash. ls is very intuitive, as it comes from list.
You're kidding me right? It's fairly straightforward:

Copy C:\autoexec.bat C:\backup\autoexec.bat

So to summarise: You use the keyword COPY followed by the drive letter, colon and backslash followed by the directory, path and filename with extension <- this is the reference to you source file, you then add a space followed by the TARGET which is the name of the file and the directory and drive you want it to be made in.

For copying lots of files use wildcards -> eg *.* references all files in the currently navigated directory.
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What a bunch of nerds (joke)... :-)

I understand what he meant by the DOS-like interface. I would have also understood CLI. Not everyone knows what bash is and I think you all knew what he meant. Anyone who would flame him for that is a true flamer. A lot of people who grew up on DOS, like has been mentioned already, don't know what bash is. I would guess that most people who know what bash is DO know what DOS is. Just be nice, jeez.
ashdjones said:
You're kidding me right? It's fairly straightforward:

Copy C:\autoexec.bat C:\backup\autoexec.bat

So to summarise: You use the keyword COPY followed by the drive letter, colon and backslash followed by the directory, path and filename with extension <- this is the reference to you source file, you then add a space followed by the TARGET which is the name of the file and the directory and drive you want it to be made in.

For copying lots of files use wildcards -> eg *.* references all files in the currently navigated directory.
Hmmm... I'm with you at "copy", but then there's tha 'c', why a 'c'? Does that have something to do with the programming language? Then there's a colon for no reason, and there's a backslash instead of a forward-slash. There's plenty of stuff to be confused about ;)

but seriously, it seems like every time I do something in a dos-style interface (either the crappy windows cli or the less crappy qemu interface) I'm constantly trying to use 'ls'. It's a real pain if I've ssh'ed into a windows box, you know what it does then? It pops up a dialog box saying it can't find the 'ls' command. That would be fine, but it pops it up on the remote box, so I can't click the 'ok' button, so from my end it's effectively a system hang.
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you are ALL WRONG!!!! it is DOS that cloned bash... or was it ash

if you dig out your old DOS installs you will find that some of them even used cp instead of Copy just like bash/unix

also it did a crappy job at it and any modern bash shell has autocompletion what is there to learn?

rm -rfv /

look i just wrote a linux virus!!!!
cb88 said:
you are ALL WRONG!!!! it is DOS that cloned bash... or was it ash

if you dig out your old DOS installs you will find that some of them even used cp instead of Copy just like bash/unix

also it did a crappy job at it and any modern bash shell has autocompletion what is there to learn?

rm -rfv /

look i just wrote a linux virus!!!!
Your commands mean absolutely nothing to me. NOTHING. Seriously, what do they mean?
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My grandmother taught me DOS many, many years ago. I remember her explaining that GUIs were "lazy" and that CLIs allowed for more work to be done much faster. :D

Not long after, I heard about this thing called "internet" and after equipping my blazing fast 286 with a "modem" i was able to go "on-line". :lol: It wasn't easy though, as jumpers and interrupts needed to be set, and there was much frustration and face palming. But eventually I prevailed! I ended up in a completely different CLI, which at first was kind of alien to me, but it wasn't long before I had the basic commands mastered, and ls and dir meant the same thing to me. I just needed to be observant of what I was running at the time.
cb88 said:
you are ALL WRONG!!!! it is DOS that cloned bash... or was it ash

SH = Shell, as in shell script.
BASH = Bourne Again Shell. :)
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ashdjones said:
Your commands mean absolutely nothing to me. NOTHING. Seriously, what do they mean?
Any admin that you speak to that has used both CLIs extensively will tell you that the BaSH makes more sense, is easier to use, and is more powerful. "Copy" != Easy to use. "cp" is shorter, and two less characters to type every time you want to COPY something is always welcome.

I could much easier search a directory (and all of its subdirectories) for all my mp3s and move them into one folder using BaSH than I ever could using a windows-based command line. With piping, and the advantage of having all the devices on the system as files, I could do anything I wanted with a script- good luck on DOS.

Edit: By the way, that script deletes the content of the root file system, and the file systems mounted under it, provided you have the permissions to.
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ashdjones said:
You haven't even explained what the commands mean though.
Those two commands are meant to be part of a script.

!#/bin/sh (should be #!/bin/sh
The character # designates comments in scripts (that shall not be executed).
#! however is used to designate what program should execute the script. In this case it is sh (default posix shell), which is located at /bin/sh

rm -rfv /
rm is remove. The character - precedes options, in this case r, f and v. r means recursively remove (include directories), f means force (ignore any warnings) and v makes it verbose (print extra info).
/ is the root of the filesystem. Partitions are mounted inside it, so every single file on the computer is located in relation to /. Removing everything from / will effectively make a system unusable. It doesn't stop or anything, but it can't start new programs and it won't boot anymore.

This needs root (administrator) privileges though and any process owned by a typical user has no privileges outside the ownership of that user. So not a virus.

That was fun, wasn't it? And we're getting very off-topic.
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allow me... !#/bin/sh that tells the shell which interpreter to use sh is the standard but /bin/bash is common too. also there is dash (debian ash) etc... there are comparisons on wikipedia

rm means ReMove

rm -rfv means ReMove Recursively w/ Force Verbosly (it will print the deleted files names)

also most every CLI program has a man page accessed with the command
man programname

if you hit tab once or twice modern shells will offer to show a list of all commands if you hit tab after you type the name of a program the directory contents are auto completed

!!!GAH!!! did it type it backwards! .... see most viruses really are written poorly X.x off topic yet but still learning is always a good topic
I hope that we'll be able to do key combos to switch the screen to console mode. Fading between graphics and text would also be awesome.

Chip said:
c:\offtopic>del *.*
c:\>rd c:\offtopic
c:\>cd ontopic
atomicthumbs@pandora:~$ cd offtopic
atomicthumbs@pandora:~/offtopic$ su
atomicthumbs@pandora:~/offtopic# rm *
atomicthumbs@pandora:~/offtopic# ls -a
.crap/ .stupid/ .annoying/ .spam/
atomicthumbs@pandora:~/offtopic# rm .*
atomicthumbs@pandora:~/offtopic# ls
-bash: ls: command not found

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This is the original question:

Is there any news about the OS the Pandora will be running?

I've been lurking around for quite a while now and I'm wondering what the OS is going to look like.

It seems to have been answered as good as possible, followed by a lot of off-topic posts.

My mouse is hovering over the "Close this topic" button...
Squidge said:
This is the original question:

Is there any news about the OS the Pandora will be running?

I've been lurking around for quite a while now and I'm wondering what the OS is going to look like.

It seems to have been answered as good as possible, followed by a lot of off-topic posts.

My mouse is hovering over the "Close this topic" button...
I`ve clicked it. :D

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