Complete Pandora Shown Before Pre-order?

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I am a little concerned. I guess they need the pre-order money before they can actually pay the factory to build the items but what happens if the 3000 dont sell instantly or as fast as expected?

I will pre-order anyway and hope it sells well!

I don't expect it to be here mid Nov, before xmas would be nice tho!
ashdjones said:
Milander said:
i don't have any money as it is, so I'm gonna ask the bank to lend me money.
There are a lot things that can change and stuff like that. But i don't care i need to get one.
I can't wait for the preorder
You'll only be depressed if you buy on credit! Saving up money is more rewarding in my experience, especially as there's no guilt attatched!

Can't you sell some other gaming stuff you have? That's what i've done in the past when I've been broke!

im poor because im starting on work the 1st of october, and before i was un employed so i had 0 money to save from. but now im gonna earn some ^_^
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I wonder what parts are ready for the Pandora as of now. The motherboard, screen, and analog nubs. Anything else?
craigix said:
Cure for insomnia anyone?
Try getting in bed and drinking (IIRC) 32,768 ounces of coffee. The value is (I think) stoed in a short int, so it'll roll over and you'll fall asleep instantly.

Or implode. Either way, you won't have insomnia.
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Karel Jansens said:
DynaMight said:
I am a little concerned. I guess they need the pre-order money before they can actually pay the factory to build the items but what happens if the 3000 dont sell instantly or as fast as expected?
Where did you get that idea?

I had the same impression, although I don't think it has been stated explictly anywhere. I think remember Craig saying that the 3000 would need to sell before shipping, which is almost the same thing.
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Karel Jansens said:
DynaMight said:
I am a little concerned. I guess they need the pre-order money before they can actually pay the factory to build the items but what happens if the 3000 dont sell instantly or as fast as expected?
Where did you get that idea?

Purely a guess.

I dont even want to know how much money they've poured into the project already and as of this time they have zero profit to show for it, I don't know how much the business has but the factory would want a large amount of money upfront so theres a good chance the pre-order money is going to be needed before they can even start production.

I think the first 3000 selling and selling quickly is the key.

You are doing yourself a favour just by helping them sell as many as possible! if it flops and they only ever sell 1,000 units then there wont be a big community and the console will never be all it can be.
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DynaMight said:
Karel Jansens said:
DynaMight said:
I am a little concerned. I guess they need the pre-order money before they can actually pay the factory to build the items but what happens if the 3000 dont sell instantly or as fast as expected?
Where did you get that idea?

Purely a guess.

I dont even want to know how much money they've poured into the project already and as of this time they have zero profit to show for it, I don't know how much the business has but the factory would want a large amount of money upfront so theres a good chance the pre-order money is going to be needed before they can even start production.

I think the first 3000 selling and selling quickly is the key.

You are doing yourself a favour just by helping them sell as many as possible! if it flops and they only ever sell 1,000 units then there wont be a big community and the console will never be all it can be.
I think the question is what happens if the pre-order doesn't reach the 3000 mark that they need to cover. Would that mean no Pandora for anybody even the people who pre-ordered?
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I'm with alot of people here when it comes to getting a video or some decent pictures before the preorder date, but that by no means whatsoever equates to me preordering any later than the earliest I possibly can.

Instead, I'm going to repeat what others have here more or less:
Regardless of whether it is before or after the preorder date, it is critical that you release videos and pictures of the final unit as soon as humanly possible. At this point, you can quite possibly hurt your business with further delays. Even blank keys and buttons on a blank unit, as long as it is fully assembled and running independently is fine.

I will disagree at this point though regarding the GUI of the unit. That needs to wait until it is ready. As far as I'm concerned, as long as I see applications running on the device, the GUI can wait. In the many polls for similar things, I voted GUI being better, emulators and applications coming later. But for the purposes of selling the Pandora, the applications take the front row.
Off topic... writing/speaking of receipts... look what i came across from 10.5 years ago? a 16mb flash card for freaking $300!!!!


Fat Agnus said:
Off topic... writing/speaking of receipts... look what i came across from 10.5 years ago? a 16mb flash card for freaking $300!!!!


The good old days. Today I wouldn't want that even free.
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Fat Agnus said:
craigix said:
Fat Agnus said:
I don't want to freak anyone out but the official order for the OMAP processors haven't even been made yet.
Err yes it has? Because I did it weeks ago?

Uhm... no you haven't?

You have a receipt from the store? :-)

Ok, your joke is getting old now.

-God Ginrai
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Fat Agnus said:
Off topic... writing/speaking of receipts... look what i came across from 10.5 years ago? a 16mb flash card for freaking $300!!!!
so just imagine what size flash cards we'll be getting in another 10.5 years time! And what sort of devices we'll be using them in!
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Pleng said:
Fat Agnus said:
Off topic... writing/speaking of receipts... look what i came across from 10.5 years ago? a 16mb flash card for freaking $300!!!!
so just imagine what size flash cards we'll be getting in another 10.5 years time! And what sort of devices we'll be using them in!

i'd guess between 20-50 petabytes
that's assuming we're still using storage in the same way we are now, i think it's much more likely that everything will be wireless and due to the rapid rise in connection speed storage will exist "out there" somewhere...

if this is hard to imagine, just try to imagine how weird gmail would seem in 1990 or how strange blogs would have seemed.
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Wonslung said:
Pleng said:
Fat Agnus said:
Off topic... writing/speaking of receipts... look what i came across from 10.5 years ago? a 16mb flash card for freaking $300!!!!
so just imagine what size flash cards we'll be getting in another 10.5 years time! And what sort of devices we'll be using them in!

i'd guess between 20-50 petabytes
that's assuming we're still using storage in the same way we are now, i think it's much more likely that everything will be wireless and due to the rapid rise in connection speed storage will exist "out there" somewhere...

if this is hard to imagine, just try to imagine how weird gmail would seem in 1990 or how strange blogs would have seemed.

Hmm. I think i'll still be in the minority that like to use physical storage - I don't like the idea of my diskspace admin removing my files (for copyright infringement for example). It all gets terribly complicated; how will they know for example that a file isn't a backup of old storage media (CD/DVD) that I legitimately own? I can see that getting quite annoying.
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Exactly, me too, plus films I'll always have the physical medium as long as they make them.
Imagine if you have storage online and you want to access something and play it on your latest handheld, but oh no the power goes off! You would be todays world (well at least in the UK!) we have more power cuts then we have ever had now we rely on electricity even more...we rely on it TOO much, i mean I'm 31 and it went off the other week and I didn't know know what to do with myself (no rude comments please!) but its sad that we rely it this much......i don't want my storage or films online anywhere not now not ever!
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