Pandora Cases Being Made In China...

jumpman said:
Hey Craig, what's going on with the current "Rev.3" cases? Was it finished on the 15th? Did it ship out yet? How is the quality looking that you have seen thru confrence calls?


We need to wait until they arrive with Michael.
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craigix said:
jumpman said:
Hey Craig, what's going on with the current "Rev.3" cases? Was it finished on the 15th? Did it ship out yet? How is the quality looking that you have seen thru confrence calls?


We need to wait until they arrive with Michael.
jumpman said:
Did it ship out yet?

One might assume yes to that based on your answer, but did they send an email saying that they did ship the cases? ...
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aesir911 said:
Aethix said:
I still haven't seen any evidence of the existence of "fair trade laws".

haven't really glanced at wikipedia's post. i'm guessing that it talks about them in the politics portion though. (check it out)

Did not. There is no such things as "Fair trade laws", at least not until you tell us what country you are talking about. There are fair trade standards and regulatory documents and stuff, but that is no "laws". The only illegal bit would be if Craig for some reason stamped the fair trade logo on the pandora, knowing that it wasn't actually produced in accordance to the relevant standards. Even then, I'm not sure it would be strictly illegal (except possibly through some IP law, I.E. registered trademark or something like that), just very, very bad PR sense.

I like Chips rather frank description of how things are. Facts > noncommittal fluff anyday.
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craigix said:
jumpman said:
Hey Craig, what's going on with the current "Rev.3" cases? Was it finished on the 15th? Did it ship out yet? How is the quality looking that you have seen thru confrence calls?


We need to wait until they arrive with Michael.
Not to be a pain in the Arse :P , but does that mean they have shipped?

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Craig did you talk to the factory. you say we must wait till the cases get to weston, but you dont say if you have heard from the factory. Sounds like its a no go for another week or more.?
I don't think they have any info from the factory and they are just waiting for the cases to arrive. Isn't it enough that one person asks the same question? Nobody have said anything about the cases being shipped this week, that's just speculation. Maybe they'll know if the cases have been shipped on Monday. One problem is that China is in a much earlier timezone so any email sent to them will have to wait until the next day to get a reply.
what fair trade laws?

there are none

big firms get pulled up over sweatshop labour all the time, all they get is bad publicity, no fines, no jail, they can even continue to use their existing suppliers and sit out the public outrage.

fair trade and the fair trade mark is more of a publicity gimmick sold to gullible people to justify higher prices for products, it isn't a legal requirement, it isn't even a moral requirement, for all you know the Pandora's mould factory is a shining example of good worker relations and pay.

almost everything you buy is (thanks to the global economy) made in some country with lower standards of living, cos that's how they pay the staff less and work em harder, there is no fair trade, all they do is rip em off slightly less than they would have otherwise, that's what has to happen when things are being sold for almost nothing and you are expected to buy a new device every other year.

the whole world is running to stay on top of a drum over a pit of fire, and the more they run the faster the drum goes, and thanks to the Banking industry we nearly all slipped and fell in, have you any idea what would happen to the world if we stopped consuming, it wasn't the banks that where to big to fail, it's the simple fact that if we had something like the great depression again the whole lot of us would be buggered, massive job losses, starvation, riots, instability, a massive drive towards war, since people would want food, land, all they had before the fall.

fair trade is a nice idea, but it's gonna be years before the third world gets to western standards, and then what?, if they have the same living standards and wages, well, we might just as well make things right here at home, it's more energy efficient, hence cheaper, so they all end up with a huge recession as the west takes back it's production, big instability time again, more tension etc

current economic practice and models are just dumb, they need to sort this out, the only way the current system can continue to work is if the whole world keeps expanding production indefinitely, do you see the problem with that?, devices the last few years are already cheaper than they ever where, what are you gonna do if you need to keep buying ever more and more stuff to keep up with production?, where do the resources come from?, where do you find the space to park all your cars/motorboats/planes/bikes/computers/50"tv's etc? , with the worlds population on the rise all the time?

we need a long term plan, but all our financial thinkers do what exactly?, more of the same old same old stuff, the economy isn't even back on it's feet yet and they are patting themselves on the back, organising coke and hooker parties, and paying themselves millions in bonuses while declaring record profits, good use for all that bailout
aesir911 said:
Except the company I bought my computer from follows fair trade laws (unlike the Pandora makers)... Just because a part is made in China, doesn't mean it was made in a sweatshop.
As several others have pointed out, there are no fair trade "laws". There are only some feel-good suggestions that do not mean much in the real world. In any case, these requirements are only applied to the factory that does the final assembly. The individual components - of which there are several hundred in a CE device like a computer - could have come from anywhere. It is impossible to know where or how every single resistor or capacitor was manufactured. Even batch to batch, these interchangeable components might come from different suppliers, who don't necessarily buy from the same factories from month to month. A spool of diodes might have changed hands half a dozen times before it gets loaded into a chip shooter. Who knows what working conditions it was originally made under? Certainly not the company who sold you a "fair trade" PC. Fair trade is a lovely ideal, but like most ideals, it is impractical (bordering on impossible) in practice.
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hobbyman II said:
fair trade is a nice idea, but it's gonna be years before the third world gets to western standards,

Interesting comment. What's your definition of western standards?

Chip said:
Fair trade is a lovely ideal, but like most ideals, it is impractical (bordering on impossible) in practice.

Currently in Peru here and a friend of mine is setting up a clothing company. He's been meeting manufacturers of alpaca who deal in knit wear and have been involved with fair trade for a good while, so I probably wouldn't go far as saying that it is in impractical. (Not in this situation anyway)

However, I don't know anything about the state of electronic component devices, which may function differently...
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Chip said:
aesir911 said:
Except the company I bought my computer from follows fair trade laws (unlike the Pandora makers)... Just because a part is made in China, doesn't mean it was made in a sweatshop.
As several others have pointed out, there are no fair trade "laws". There are only some feel-good suggestions that do not mean much in the real world. In any case, these requirements are only applied to the factory that does the final assembly. The individual components - of which there are several hundred in a CE device like a computer - could have come from anywhere. It is impossible to know where or how every single resistor or capacitor was manufactured. Even batch to batch, these interchangeable components might come from different suppliers, who don't necessarily buy from the same factories from month to month. A spool of diodes might have changed hands half a dozen times before it gets loaded into a chip shooter. Who knows what working conditions it was originally made under? Certainly not the company who sold you a "fair trade" PC. Fair trade is a lovely ideal, but like most ideals, it is impractical (bordering on impossible) in practice.
may i add that he maybe paid for an extra charge on the price for whatever it certificates that
but it might be as usefull and real like the carbon bonus.

he might be just spending money on even more despicable people that sells certifications to feel better, known more as the placebo effect.
you can pop up no matter how many certificates, you cannot be sure they are not false (not the certificate but what they certificate)

the same goes for books, you cant say its true because you read it from one single book, or even several ones saying the same.
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aesir911 said:
EDIT: response to craig's comment - i can't prove every part meets fair trade laws, but i do know that it is a huge company and my country governs (watches) over most of their activity. and they would probably know if they were breaking the law.

I'm surprised nobody's thrown down the gauntlet on this one!

So here goes:

Can we have a link to the huge comapny's website please?
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Yes we have heard from the factory, and yes the cases should arrive this week with Michael, yes they are supposed to be final with all the tweaks complete, but until we see them and check them, we don't want to say anymore.
craigix said:
Yes we have heard from the factory, and yes the cases should arrive this week with Michael, yes they are supposed to be final with all the tweaks complete, but until we see them and check them, we don't want to say anymore.
Thank you. That statement is a lot more reassuring for me than silence.
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craigix said:
Yes we have heard from the factory, and yes the cases should arrive this week with Michael, yes they are supposed to be final with all the tweaks complete, but until we see them and check them, we don't want to say anymore.
Thanks for letting us know :) This will hopefully keep people quiet until ... Wednesday (yeah, I have little hope for end of the week). Let's hope that mass production gets the green light next week!
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craigix said:
Yes we have heard from the factory, and yes the cases should arrive this week with Michael, yes they are supposed to be final with all the tweaks complete, but until we see them and check them, we don't want to say anymore.

End of this week? I will be back here waiting for my update in 12 hours then.

:P Kidding. I know some working weeks begin sunday.
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craigix said:
Yes we have heard from the factory, and yes the cases should arrive this week with Michael, yes they are supposed to be final with all the tweaks complete, but until we see them and check them, we don't want to say anymore.
Now Craig, was that to much to ask. Simple, yet informative. Although, still didn't actually answer the question "Have they shipped yet?", but we will read between the lines per the norm. I just hope we don't hear late next week that they are just leaving the factory, as I'm sure there will be more rioting like a few weeks ago. Just a little food for thought! ;)

Take Care and rest up, hopefully you'll be joining Michael in texas in just a few weeks, and once this rollercoaster is all done, swing by Sin City and I promise any and all drinks are on me. Several of my best friends bartend here in town, so I can drink top shelf most nights for next to nothing. A little more food for thought! B)

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craigix said:
Yes we have heard from the factory, and yes the cases should arrive this week with Michael, yes they are supposed to be final with all the tweaks complete, but until we see them and check them, we don't want to say anymore.

The suspense is killing me~! Cheers for the info, mate. :pandora2ut4: B)
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Pleng said:
aesir911 said:
EDIT: response to craig's comment - i can't prove every part meets fair trade laws, but i do know that it is a huge company and my country governs (watches) over most of their activity. and they would probably know if they were breaking the law.

I'm surprised nobody's thrown down the gauntlet on this one!

So here goes:

Can we have a link to the huge comapny's website please?
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