Aluminium Case being made!

A single case would bear the same workload in preparation as 100+. The milling work itself is the smallest part of this challenge.

There is:

- CAD redesign

- CAM conversion

- calculate and purchasing material and tools

- wait for material and tools to arrive

- setup the machine (placing the vices, gauging their position, gauging the milling tools, loading them into the magzine)

- load program into the machine and test it

n = 0;

WHILE n++ <= amount_ordered

{ - put the raw material into the vices, press the button and wait for the machine to finish it.

  - clean the parts and the vices

  - check the parts

  - deburr the parts

  - stack them in a transport box


- clean the machine

- remove and clean tools and vices

- generate order and freight papers

- ship the parts to surface treatment

- wait to get them back from surface treatment

- check the parts finally

- generate freight papers and invoice

- ship all the stuff to Evil Dragon

- wait for the money
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Are the shoulder buttons made of Aluminium as well ? - I will have a look at these. But probably no (or we sell them as an extra item)
Thanks. It would keep the case consistant, but yeah, not sure if it's worth it tbh.
Look forward to getting my hands on one
IDV i know it is difficult but... there's no possibility to do a prototype case? I know it's hard as hell but for me is also hard to pay 100€+ for a item :(
Just wait until the first real pics of the case appear if you are unsure. I'm sure once the Alu case is done in real and shown in all of it's glory, it will basicly sell itself.  :)
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I like the info about the case thickness.  I hope any additional thickness will make it more durable.

I would like to find out the percentage of people who want the wifi window.  If we could avoid this it might help with production and it would help me make a decision, as well as ensure that area is not a weak point in the case.  Is the wifi window dictated by ED?
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Don't forget, if a business makes something at cost (or in this case, a prototype for nothing), all the time spent on that "freebie" is dead time - it can't be used to make money on something else.

Taking a drawing, breaking the finished product into a series of operations, writing the programs for each operation, designing stable machine setups to hold the component securely and safely for each operation (without damaging previously machined surfaces), building the individual setups, and then proving the individual programs is a fairly long process that only makes sense when you do it for a "larger" order, or when there is the potential to make money. A prototype in this situation just doesn't make sense - particularly when you consider all the time required to produce the one off may end up being thrown away completley - which wouldn't be good. And there is always a cost, even if the programmer/setter/operator gives their time for nothing. The mill depreciates in value every day it is on the shop floor, needs electricity to power it, and coolant for the tools. Then there are the cutters and drills - which all have to be accounted for. Even if you used regrinds (don't know if these are still used but they were in my day) to prove the concpet, they still cost.

I understand how some people consider it a leap of faith to order in this manner, but it is simply not right to expect IDV to make a protoype. Even if a prototype was made, there is no guarantee that it will be the catalyst to ensure the MoQ is hit. I think we should applaud IDV for giving us this opportunity, and try and find a way to get those order numbers up. And yes, I've ponied up - and am keeping my fingers crossed. My experience with machine operators (and yes, I used to do protoype CNC mill work) is that they care enough to make a good product - I know I would have taken it very personally if an inspector had sidled up to me and announced that my last job had just been scrapped by the client because 1 dimension was .001" out of tolerance, perhaps because I had used an incremental bed movement instead of an absolute movement.
Don't forget, if a business makes something at cost (or in this case, a prototype for nothing), all the time spent on that "freebie" is dead time - it can't be used to make money on something else.

Taking a drawing, breaking the finished product into a series of operations, writing the programs for each operation, designing stable machine setups to hold the component securely and safely for each operation (without damaging previously machined surfaces), building the individual setups, and then proving the individual programs is a fairly long process that only makes sense when you do it for a "larger" order, or when there is the potential to make money. A prototype in this situation just doesn't make sense - particularly when you consider all the time required to produce the one off may end up being thrown away completley - which wouldn't be good. And there is always a cost, even if the programmer/setter/operator gives their time for nothing. The mill depreciates in value every day it is on the shop floor, needs electricity to power it, and coolant for the tools. Then there are the cutters and drills - which all have to be accounted for. Even if you used regrinds (don't know if these are still used but they were in my day) to prove the concpet, they still cost.

I understand how some people consider it a leap of faith to order in this manner, but it is simply not right to expect IDV to make a protoype. Even if a prototype was made, there is no guarantee that it will be the catalyst to ensure the MoQ is hit. I think we should applaud IDV for giving us this opportunity, and try and find a way to get those order numbers up. And yes, I've ponied up - and am keeping my fingers crossed. My experience with machine operators (and yes, I used to do protoype CNC mill work) is that they care enough to make a good product - I know I would have taken it very personally if an inspector had sidled up to me and announced that my last job had just been scrapped by the client because 1 dimension was .001" out of tolerance, perhaps because I had used an incremental bed movement instead of an absolute movement.
Ah!  Thanks for the detailed explanations!  I do applaud IDV and ED for this awesome initiative, and that's why I've order 2 of them to support the this project as I've always wanted to have an aluminum case for my pandora since I've own it.

OK, people, let's place more order please :)
Well that was exactly the kind of information i was wondering about. Also it tells me IDV is in with professional sounding support for free atm.

We could produce a rendering of the case files in jet black and mouse gray alu.

I failed to do it in freeCAD, so thats where im at with that currently.

Will update the wiki.
I don't expect the answer to the following question to be yes, but I thought I'd ask it anyway...

Is it possible that the case could be reused for the Pyra? In other words, it would be cool if I could buy one now for my Pandora, and then when the Pyra comes out, transfer it?  I know that the front panel (keyboard) will be different, but maybe the panel could be (is already?) a separate part that could be changed?
I don't expect the answer to the following question to be yes, but I thought I'd ask it anyway...

Is it possible that the case could be reused for the Pyra? In other words, it would be cool if I could buy one now for my Pandora, and then when the Pyra comes out, transfer it?  I know that the front panel (keyboard) will be different, but maybe the panel could be (is already?) a separate part that could be changed?
NO.  the dimensions, and among other things, are different for pandora and pyra...

Also, the pyra case are not finalized yet so no way this case is gonna work with pyra...
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^ I seriously doubt that would be feasible. While the cases do look vary similar at first glance, there will be far too many small changes to make it work. All the ports are placed differently. I believe the width is also slightly different. The lid will be quite different, so will the hinge and you've already mentioned the keyboard. I'm no authority, but I can confidently say No. :)

The best hope is that enough people get an aluminium case for their Pandora so that it becomes a viable option for the Pyra as well.

That's half the reason I ordered one...

=~. O =
I like the info about the case thickness.  I hope any additional thickness will make it more durable.
I doubt that alu has to be (much) thicker than the plastic case to be durable, its metal, it can be compared thin actualy. ;)
I don't know anything about AW7075 other than what I have been able to figure out based on discussions here, and maybe a couple little things I picked up through research.  I have had plastics that were only a little thicker than Al foil that were much harder, so I don't really know what to expect.  Hg (mercury), another metal, can be much thicker than a piece of plastic, yet if I poke it with a stick the stick will go through it easier than the plastic.

Either way, the real reason for my concern is if I sit with my Pandora in my pocket I don't want to bend the case, or if I have keys in the pocket I don't want them to press into it so much they put a big dent in it.  I am unlikely to do the key thing, but I do sometimes sit with my plastic cased Pandora in my pocket. 
^ Even though I will now feel comfortable keeping my Pandora in a pocket without it's soft case for protection... I still would make sure there is nothing else in there. It's amazing how even the hardest materials will pick up a scratch just to spite you in a moment of carelessness. ;)

=~. O =
Don't forget, if a business makes something at cost (or in this case, a prototype for nothing), all the time spent on that "freebie" is dead time - it can't be used to make money on something else. 


I understand how some people consider it a leap of faith to order in this manner, but it is simply not right to expect IDV to make a protoype.
But its equally not right to expect from everyone that leap of faith. I know this is a chicken and egg problem, but I'm holding back my preorder unless I have something substantial I can evaluate wether spending 100€ on it or not is worth it. 100€ is a big amount money for me, which I would be willing to spent, if I would have even the slightest clue about my concerns will be addressed or not:

  • Wifi window, some may find using an USB dongle an adequate solution, I don't. So as long there isn't even a confirmation that there will be one, and at least some ideas are presented to cope with that, internal WiFi is considered dead by me.
  • Hinge: Currently hinge friction is based on paint, something we can not expect from an hardcoated aluminum case. So will there only be the option of the lid beeing fully open or fully close? If so I'm out.
  • Display cable: the cable goes through a part where a lot of movement will be happening during normal use. Especially with a hard coated material, there is a possibilty of wear and tear due to display cable "rasping" along the inner side of the case. Unneccesary concern ?
  • Keeping things together: A lot is currently held together with plastic clips, which won't be possible in this case. How will this be adressed ? I know, with screws, but thats rather unspecific and may be problematic in the display area (with very thin material).
  • Weight: I know its hard to tell, but the material has a specific mass, and there must be at least some estimation on how much material will be left for the case. I don't want to carry a brick around (weight wise)
  • Handling: how will the different weight affect balancing of the device, how will the skin "react" to the much harder, maybe not as smooth surface , etc. ?

it is just too much unclarity for me, to justify it.
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A prototype would cost around 4000 Euro extra, which means a single case would be 150+ Euro then. And I will not make any prototype unless I get paid for it. I already bear the risk for the whole lot as I do not get any money in advance.

Wifi Window: It is very unlikely that wifi will not work afterwards. Possibly you have to leave the lid open for best wifi performance.

Hinge: The hinge is part of the redesign. There are many possibilites to design a well working and durable friction hinge also on hard coated aluminum.

Display cable: I will have a fully equipped Pandora to check components and cables. I will have an extra eye on the LCD cable channel

Keeping things together: It is close to an insult to assume that an engineer might be unable to place some screws properly. I will use TORX screws or hexagon class 8 or higher. The thread length and dimensions will be accoding to DIN / ISO standards.

Weight: The raw material blocks will be around 3 kg, so the Aluminum case will not be more than 400 - 800 g

Handling: The surface will be very smooth and skin friendly (hypoallergenic, easy to clean).

it is just too much unclarity for me, to justify it.
You are not forced to order one. At more than 4000 Pandoras out in the field, you might not be as important as you feel.


AW7075 (540 N/mm²) is even stronger than standard construction steel (360 N/mm²). I am pretty sure that the new Pandora case will be strong enough that a person can stand on it without causing any damage to it. Perhaps I can make it even strong enough to withstand a passenger car rolling over it (lid closed).

@ FaeMinx

If this project works out well, I would be interested in manufacturing an Aluminum case for the Pyra, too.
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A prototype would cost around 4000 Euro extra, which means a single case would be 150+ Euro then. And I will not make any prototype unless I get paid for it. I already bear the risk for the whole lot as I do not get any money in advance.


You are not forced to order one. At more than 4000 Pandoras out in the field, you might not be as important as you feel.
Neiter did I demand a prototype nor do I think I am important (where did you get that impression from anyway ?).

Anyway, I just wanted to explain, why I'm holding back on a possible preorder, just as a counterpart to MarkWs post. Nothing more, nothing less.

But thanks for adressing my questions in detail, especially the weight part is interesting. With the Pandora weighing rougly 330g, this would mean, it will almost double the weight. So I am definately out.

I still hope there will be enough people to fund it, so the Pyra may get an Aluminum case, which surely would help raise sales.
Of course it will be heavier because this thing is metal and stronger than steel. Considering we are going from a whimpsy plastic case where we're all afraid to even let sneeze on it for fear of cracking to a case where you can stand on without any issue. I think it is worth it.