Pandora Cases Being Made In China...

Bramrash said:
Winner, well done gruso. Start the next game aesir911...
ope, you must've posted right when i did. taking the piss... hahaha, very nice!
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aesir911 said:
Touché Gruso and Bramrash. I just get too involved and argumentative when people try to justify immoral things. Just shows they haven't lived long enough / experienced enough in life thus far. So... apparently this factory is a sweatshop. The more I search the more I find the tracks covered.
how can you just say that

what would be more inmoral, just let em die of starvation or work hard to get you daily food? the actual society model leads to that, but i can say is worldwide peace will lead humankind to nowhere.

i bet you wouldnt share to be and to get everyone in the world to be on the same status and benefits, rights and obligations (on some other parallel universe that it could work) morality is just a measure of average.
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"i bet you wouldnt share to be and to get everyone in the world to be on the same status and benefits, rights and obligations (on some other parallel that it could work) morality is just a measure of average."

That's a sig if ever I saw one...
Xanas is right You need to Chill my friend. You are over thinking everything, I understand what you are say and all, but Pandora as a company and we as consumers, we have no right to ask for something like this. It's what they call a trade secret.... ;)
aesir911 said:
well, China is the #1 economic powerhouse right now, and has been in the top 5 for quite some time now... obviously your world history classes have failed you. I agree, you are ignorant on a lot of things. (it's more than low pay and long hours too. sexual abuse, health risks, crowded conditions, etc.) slavery only helps those who own the slaves...
Way to take the high road in trying to belittle me.

China was trailing the U.S. and Japan, but they passed them last quarter. By the way... what are you on Aethix? I'll have what you're taking. I take it back, Xanas isn't a moron, you are.
You pretty much completely ignore something called "per capita" but.. then the "little" details like that may not come your way too often.

I won't get into slavery because that is going nowhere but flame-bait regardless of what I say, but I'd like to know which Chinese you've talked to that asked you to save them by not buying Chinese products built by factories they work in.
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does anybody read all the comments? or do they just go straight to the D.A. statements? i ask a simple question and you transform it into a whole different subject.
China is pretty far from being the "#1 economic powerhouse right now", they're #4. #1 and #2 are the US & EU by far (GDP is ~4 times that of China), and Japan is #3 (as of 2008). Per capita they're very mediocre. In any case, boycotting Chinese products isn't going to help improve labor conditions. They don't exactly have a free market, and even if they did then you'd basically ensure that people went from working in a sweat shot to something even less preferable (like farming... not that it's economically sustainable anymore with subsidized US corn). The solution is to create better jobs, which requires economic expansion, which boycotting slows. They'd also need to do something about their government and labor laws, but that's a whole 'nother can of worms.
Izomiac said:
China is pretty far from being the "#1 economic powerhouse right now", they're #4. #1 and #2 are the US & EU by far (GDP is ~4 times that of China), and Japan is #3 (as of 2008). Per capita they're very mediocre. In any case, boycotting Chinese products isn't going to help improve labor conditions. They don't exactly have a free market, and even if they did then you'd basically ensure that people went from working in a sweat shot to something even less preferable (like farming... not that it's economically sustainable anymore with subsidized US corn). The solution is to create better jobs, which requires economic expansion, which boycotting slows. They'd also need to do something about their government and labor laws, but that's a whole 'nother can of worms.

i thought japan's economy crashed pretty hard in the last year. i'm almost positive they are not #3 anymore. and EU is the European Union, not a country... it's made up of 27... (you're right though, the U.S.'s economy is much stronger and will be till the next Great Depression breaks out, or 2050, which ever occurs first).
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I don't think we can solve China's human rights problems in this thread or outside of China at all. The people can only help themselves. When they have their first economic depression, it will start. The Chinese are suffering, but they are still proud of their country, so don't look down at them. Their time will come.
Which is better. Work 12-14 hours a day, and sleep next to your machine so you can get back to work as soon as possible, being reasonable well feed, and able to send money home so your kid can eat, and get educated, or work 15 hours a day, trying to optimize the rice growth, and meet the 3 pigs feed demands so they are healthy, and can be made in to a dinner sale later..? Especially since in the village where you grow your rice, and breed your three pigs, everyone else also grows there own rice, and breed ther pig... In my mind there is no doubt about it. Even under pretty bad standards your still better of then if some schmuck refuses to buy the product your making since he thinks the life-conditions the worker is in isn't good enough. Heck, go ask them. Do they rather make cases, electronics, t-shirts, and so on, or go back to growing there own food, and try to live of that.

It's a fairly well established knowledge.No country, especially not one of the size of china, can go from agricultural to industrialization without this step. The fact that WE want everything as cheap as possible, means it takes them longer to get past this step, but they will still jump, and skip past this step as compared to the rest of the world that simply had no alternative, no outside source for economy boosts. If some knowitall decides he ain't getting a Pandora for the possibility that it might be produced in a sub western productions facility, at sub western workers standards, fine. Don't get one. Let some one else get a shot. As it stands, they aren't exactly hard to sell. That means the poor Chinese still gets paid, and the knowitall gets to feel good about him (or her) self. Win win.

But demanding that production either happen at western standards, or doesn't happen at all is just not going to fly. And you really don't want a chine that gets abandoned halfway through a industrialization process. If that doesn't mean civil war, i don't know what does. And regardless of who leads a civil war, they never seam to lead anywhere good these days...
I'd shift production to a workhouse crammed to bursting with undernourished , half-blind, well beaten orphans if I had my way. They'd take less than a fortnight between mould itterations for a start, because every time there was "shrinkage" on a test run we could just hang a few of them as an example to the rest.

Production delays sorted overnight!

On a more serious note, look at economic balance and working conditions the UK for example at the beginning of the Industrial revolution compared to now, and remember that we only had to improve conditions for 30 million folk, not 1billion+... It wont happen overnight, and China *is* making progress.
craigix said:
I personally went and beat the mould machines with a massive stick.
And then threatened the workers with the same treatment, right? Gotta keep 'em on their toes. I suggest escalating to a lead pipe next time; wouldn't want them to become accustomed or anything. "oh, it's the stick again. *yawn*"
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Nightwheel said:
craigix said:
I personally went and beat the mould machines with a massive stick.
Oh so it has a few screws and bots lose. And you tried to fix it?
I'm not touching this one.. even with Craigs apparently massive stick :huh:
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Tripmonkey_uk said:
I'm not touching this one.. even with Craigs apparently massive stick :huh:

I wouldn't even touch Craigs massive stick :P

I'm so sorry, he was so begging for it! It was gonna be me or someone else!
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B-ZaR said:
Tripmonkey_uk said:
I'm not touching this one.. even with Craigs apparently massive stick :huh:

I wouldn't even touch Craigs massive stick :P

I'm so sorry, he was so begging for it! It was gonna be me or someone else!

He was begging you to touch his massive stick?
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