Pandora Can Run...

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(naw)mcx posted on Apr 15 2009 at 08:48 AM said:
Aww, look at that kitten. That kitten is so cute! What do you think, is this kitten cute, or what?

Yes. Will the Pandora be able to show me pictures of cute kittens?
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'BackAssward' said:
'Vorporeal' said:
You're being a bitch over pure language. I'm discussing the nature of conversation and implication. You're the one being totally unnecessary in the name of being right.

I'm talking about intent in one's words. You were categorically wrong, but pursue this because you must have the last words. You assumed much, can't admit it, and pursue some more. You didn't know what the hell the poster meant when he talked of source code (sdk), you posted as if you we some sort of authority (and were wrong). And now you justify it with semantics and projection.

You responded to a side question, not the topic one, yet you act like I am the one off topic. Like I'm the one responding to the off topic matters. Must be nice to live in your world.
You have no authority or ability to tell me the intent of my words.

P.S.: In no way has anyone in this topic "lied" to the OP. They might have said things that were incorrect or incorrectly generalized, but that's not remotely close to lying.
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lulzfish said:
(naw)mcx posted on Apr 15 2009 at 08:48 AM said:
Aww, look at that kitten. That kitten is so cute! What do you think, is this kitten cute, or what?

Yes. Will the Pandora be able to show me pictures of cute kittens?

Sure will!


Look, cute puppys!
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Pandora Can Run...

...But It Can't Hide!
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BackAssward said:
It's interesting that you think my posts were directed at you.

It's funny, I get that way when someone quotes me and then follows that with a reply.

Thanks for your post though - it has greatly enlightened me as to what you are. Someone whose arguments are so weak (and you realise it) that you have to resort to calling people names, Now there's a level of immaturity I didn't expect on a forum where people could type.
BackAssward said:
just too drunk and tired

Oh yes, that's a good excuse for your posts. I bet someone forced the alcohol down your throat too eh? I often wonder why people post when "too drunk" and then use that as an excuse for whatever, like their being drunk was nothing to do with THEM!
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Why...the heck..don't we:

Ask Valve for the Half-Life 1 source code?


I mean, this is ridiculous. ID is giving the Pandora team their Doom 3 source code yet Valve, a company bloated with money, won't release their 11 YEAR OLD SOURCE CODE.


I mean, I know these guys are making loads of money on the HL2 engine but can they just spare us the scraps of the HL1 engine? Or is this a CS1.6 issue?
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alfaalex101 said:
I mean, this is ridiculous. ID is giving the Pandora team their Doom 3 source code

Actually, apart from an April 1 "joke" thread by Pickle, I don't think anyone has said that any Pandora team will get the Doom 3 code before id make it public, probably later this year.
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I don't know. It could have been a false fool. Make an announcement that seems wildly absurd, deny it later as an April Fools prank, and then surprise everyone when it really was real.
Craig is rarely blunt with his post, so the single line "source will be released 2009" seems highly out of place. And the later "heheh" adds to the confusion.
I should also note I'm a naturally paranoid person. :P
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Pointless bickering over semantics aside, the fact remains that Half Life is not an open source program. Whatever bits and pieces are available for modding purposes do not constitute enough to port and recompile the game for the Pandora, and that is all that matters. Thread closed to end the argument.
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