Pandora Boards Regulars


Rainbow Liberation Instigation
Dec 11, 2010
outside looking in side looking out
I'm not sure why this hasn't occurred to me before.

After clicking 'View New Content' for the umpteenth time, I realized that virtually every single latest post to each topic is by a forum member I am so use to reading (their posts) that I take them for granted.

I then made the connection that if I am so use to seeing them, then I myself am as regular here as they are (even though I don't post as much).

Which then led me to realize that there must be other regulars here... that don't appear that way (to the rest of us) simply because they don't feel the need to post - preferring to observe and asses in private.

* Edit: sorry... assess...  <.< *

This thread is a call to all 'Pandora Boards Regulars' to stand up and be counted.

If you visit on a daily basis, regardless of whether you post or not, please make a post proclaiming your existence - with whatever humorous, anecdotal or otherwise appropriate words by which we can relate to you. :)

... from me: Yes, you know I am not quite here, and obviously not completely there either. 

For clarity's sake; I will kick you in the face if you really really ask me to... but believe me, I would, much prefer you had the maturity to do so yourself. o.o

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* post edited*  

No vulgar or sexual posting is allowed on this site.

Mod Staff.
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I exist. My postman keeps bringing me nice red letters, so I must do. Either that or I'm a figment of my own imagination.

I'm currently slaving away on AquaVenture and Frootopia for all you lovely Pandorians.
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* post edited*  

No vulgar or sexual posting is allowed on this site.

Mod Staff.
I see you have whited out your sig - a pretty good diplomatic compromise. :)

What I am curious to know is why *edited* is so controversial to begin with? From my perspective the experience (in either a perceptual or participatory capacity) would be somewhat revealatory... thus invaluable in unraveling the mysteries of the universe.

However, I do realize that the vast majority have no serious interest in taking responsibility towards unraveling the mysteries of the universe.

Thus they are excused from intimate relations with *edited*   ^_^
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Quietly followed since my GP2X-F200, then ordered an OP, a Wiz, then registered when i wasn't able to stay patient anymore.

Porting Slackware was my goal since the OP first batch order.
I'm the old guy. Pining for the days when TelcoLou whacked PoisonV over the head with a wall of text. And GG Allin.
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Quietly followed since my GP2X-F200, then ordered an OP, a Wiz, then registered when i wasn't able to stay patient anymore.

Porting Slackware was my goal since the OP first batch order.
And from everything i've seen, you've done a superb job! Can't wait to try it out myself...

But if we post, people will realize how many of us just read posts!
You know how impressive those 'strong, silent types' are... 

I R pillar of community.
This community would be the poorer if you were not a part of it. :)
I've been here for a long time, lurked for a long time then started making posts consisting of mostly pictures of cats then moved onto posts made entirely of sarcasm and bullshit. I eat warning points!


.. I remember when I first heard about the Pandora and I was talking it up to my friend over five years ago in his car about how amazing the Pandora is going to be.. He's moved on
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The very impressive numbers of written posts will scare the lurkers away. Speaker Ender is the exception from the rule.
<serious>I really have no idea what to put, apart from well here's to the next few years hopefully everything is going to be on the up from here on in.</serious>
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"I am ... ALIVE!"

(Caleb's quotes are among the best computer-game quotes out there)
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