so generalmx suggests an area for mods and the elites only, thus far i've seen it slammed by rico and hando, the only positive responses are from rugular users who want to know if they get in.
i think its a shockingly poor idea.
i got a lot of flack for my post the other day.
will this uber area be devoid of people like me, longish users who do help out newbies where they can, but can be wound up and have a knack for rubbing people up the wrong way?
this forum rocks because of the diverse amount of users, gp32dev is a perfect example of what this place would become, full of the rich and famous who only have time for each other and slam everyone they see as inferior, on one of the times i spent lurking i was appalled to see an active discussion going on slamming newbies, bitching about people who didn't understand the ram to overclock non-correlation and slagging some of the xtreme teamers

no, and a big one from me, as some have pointed out, on a social idea this can only do bad things, the elitism it would create and the sycophancy that will accompany people trying to gain access would be horrible to watch.