Xtreme Regulars Forum

i don't think it'd be that big a deal if it's only just a small thing, like a couple of threads, you're still gonna answer n00b questions and talk in specific threads.

The only problem i see is some people getting pissed off at being not allowed in.

as i would be if i wasn't, i'm the brooding type.
This is an appalling idea, owning a GP32 or having an interest in it qualifies anyone to be part of the community. Why rip the heart out of the great and unique place we've all created here?

Apart from making the die-hards feel all warm and fuzzy inside I can't honestly see the point, the overall forum would inevitably suffer. If regulars want to talk about a niche issue etc what's wrong with a conventional thread?

I'm against it by the way...

eww a vip club
some of the the really important people aren't regulars
the main people i am thinking of are most of the devs
Bad idea. Though, the idea to come up with new ideas is a good idea.
'Nuff said.

so generalmx suggests an area for mods and the elites only, thus far i've seen it slammed by rico and hando, the only positive responses are from rugular users who want to know if they get in.

i think its a shockingly poor idea.

i got a lot of flack for my post the other day.

will this uber area be devoid of people like me, longish users who do help out newbies where they can, but can be wound up and have a knack for rubbing people up the wrong way?

this forum rocks because of the diverse amount of users, gp32dev is a perfect example of what this place would become, full of the rich and famous who only have time for each other and slam everyone they see as inferior, on one of the times i spent lurking i was appalled to see an active discussion going on slamming newbies, bitching about people who didn't understand the ram to overclock non-correlation and slagging some of the xtreme teamers :ph34r:

no, and a big one from me, as some have pointed out, on a social idea this can only do bad things, the elitism it would create and the sycophancy that will accompany people trying to gain access would be horrible to watch.
I gotta say that I think it's a bad idea too. Comparing it to Nazi Germany may be going a bit far :P, but I still think that creating a segregated area is not how it should be done.

It makes people suspicious of others, and will more than likely stop certain people from posting in the main forums at all.

Nope from me...
If you did this I would be forced to be good and not spam so Icould get in. Plus no one gives me warnings. If you think something I do is wrong give me a warning rather than flaming me.
@ Sam:
By saying this you make it very clear that you know spamming is not a positive thing. Are you saying you need some type of punishment / reward system before you can behave in an accepted way? Must be horrible to live inside your brain :blink:

In general:
What would you need to do to get into this elite forum? Post every day? Be around for a number of months/years? Have a certain number of posts? Suck up to the mods? By the way: you guys are doing a great job! ;)

It think it's a bit silly to have a forum with a number of rules which you have to follow to get into the 'elite forum' where you don't have to stick to the rules anymore.

I am certainly against the idea of giving 'regulars' access to beta's, and having them discussing things other members are not allowed to do. I think that would be the fastest way to ruin this community.

Think I'll stick with sub-humans, thanks.
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raven: just a note. I hung around IRC for a long time last year and rlyeh was giving out betas to people on IRC specifically, but nobody else. Was this a form of elitism? Arguably, but I'd lean towards the fact rlyeh doesn't use these forums much so it's just easier for him to use IRC as a testing ground.

Either way, 'regulars' do get access to betas. People close to authors and therefore people who spend the most time in the scene get the betas. It's a fact of life. I would agree, though, that we don't need to amplify this with a special forum. I only speak from experience, as a community I was in got a sub forum for a select invite list. They referred to it as 'the Forum' but it got leaked and people found out. They were soon begging in both the main forum and PMs to mods for invites, and indeed regulars stopped posting in the main forum, wanting everything they said to be exclusive. They revelled in the exclusivity of the whole thing.

This might not happen here to that extent, but human nature is predictable; it will happen.
Thanks for your suggestions, guess it won't work out. Really this idea has been implemented in the past with other forums and it has worked beautifully...and it has also destroyed forums as well. It's really about the attitude of the forums, and if you guys don't feel comfortable with it, then we probably shouldn't do it.
Rico: I understand things work this way, if Rlyeh or any other developer decides to release beta's to a certain group or through a certain medium that's his choice and right.

I just don't think it's a good idea to divide these forums into different groups with different rights, I think it would ruin the community. You would probably get people sucking up, spamming, threatening and backstabbing to get into the 'elite'. It's human nature to want to be top dog, and most often that's not a pretty sight.