Outstanding dosbox performance on custom built dosbox with optimisations for Pyra.

I have messed around with dosbox sourcecode to try fix the graphical issue with carmageddon (non-3Dfx version). I found a workaround.
Basically, the issue is that the game use the FPU to do it's blit. And it use FLD I64 and FST I64 for that (loading from an int 64 and storing to an int 64). On pure x87, with the internal 80bits precision, this doesn't seems to be en issue. But on ARM (and probably any other FPU in fact), the rounding that occure I64 -> DOUBLE -> I64 make it loose some bits (for thoses who remember, Xash3D has the same issue with the Weapon selection bug, and it was in some HalfLife code where something similar was done). So, I applied an hugly patch (really hugly), and I have clean video now.

If you insist (that patch is really hugly, you've been warned), here is the diff, that should apply to latest DosBOX.
Index: src/fpu/fpu_instructions.h
--- src/fpu/fpu_instructions.h  (revision 3955)
+++ src/fpu/fpu_instructions.h  (working copy)
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@
  *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

+static FPU_Reg         hackfpu_fregs[9];
+static FPU_Reg         hackfpu_iregs[9];

static void FPU_FINIT(void) {
        fpu.sw = 0;
@@ -96,8 +97,8 @@
        } test;
        test.eind.l.lower = mem_readd(addr);
        test.eind.l.upper = mem_readd(addr+4);
-       test.begin = mem_readw(addr+8);
+       test.begin  = mem_readw(addr+8);
        Bit64s exp64 = (((test.begin&0x7fff) - BIAS80));
        Bit64s blah = ((exp64 >0)?exp64:-exp64)&0x3ff;
        Bit64s exp64final = ((exp64 >0)?blah:-blah) +BIAS64;
@@ -170,9 +171,9 @@

static void FPU_FLD_I64(PhysPt addr,Bitu store_to) {
        FPU_Reg blah;
-       blah.l.lower = mem_readd(addr);
-       blah.l.upper = mem_readd(addr+4);
-       fpu.regs[store_to].d = static_cast<Real64>(blah.ll);
+       blah.l.lower = hackfpu_iregs[store_to].l.lower = mem_readd(addr);
+       blah.l.upper = hackfpu_iregs[store_to].l.upper = mem_readd(addr+4);
+       fpu.regs[store_to].d = hackfpu_fregs[store_to].d = static_cast<Real64>(blah.ll);

static void FPU_FBLD(PhysPt addr,Bitu store_to) {
@@ -240,9 +241,17 @@

static void FPU_FST_I64(PhysPt addr) {
        FPU_Reg blah;
-       blah.ll = static_cast<Bit64s>(FROUND(fpu.regs[TOP].d));
-       mem_writed(addr,blah.l.lower);
-       mem_writed(addr+4,blah.l.upper);
+       if (hackfpu_fregs[TOP].ll == fpu.regs[TOP].ll)
+       {
+               mem_writed(addr,hackfpu_iregs[TOP].l.lower);
+               mem_writed(addr+4,hackfpu_iregs[TOP].l.upper);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               blah.ll = static_cast<Bit64s>(FROUND(fpu.regs[TOP].d));
+               mem_writed(addr,blah.l.lower);
+               mem_writed(addr+4,blah.l.upper);
+       }

static void FPU_FBST(PhysPt addr) {
@@ -357,6 +366,13 @@
        fpu.regs[other] = fpu.regs[st];
        fpu.tags[st] = tag;
        fpu.regs[st] = reg;
+       reg = hackfpu_iregs[other];
+       hackfpu_iregs[other] = hackfpu_iregs[st];
+       hackfpu_iregs[st] = reg;
+       reg = hackfpu_fregs[other];
+       hackfpu_fregs[other] = hackfpu_fregs[st];
+       hackfpu_fregs[st] = reg;

static void FPU_FST(Bitu st, Bitu other){
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Awesome ptitseb!, too bad it's an ugly hack, but hey it's something.
A proprer hack would require more profound changes in some basic structure (like the FPU_rec) or add too much overhead (it's hugly also mainly because I try to minimize the overhead and try to get 0 side effect).
Anyone got anything they'd like me to test?
First and foremost thanks for working on this. On to some recommendations for you, or anyone else who'd like to try:
  • Air Power: Battle in the Skies (Q: Does the SVGA mode work? Couple of years ago DOSBox still had problems with it.)
  • MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat (plus Ghost Bear's Legacy, if possible)
  • Mission Critical (the adventure game with Worf)
  • Strike Commander CD (or, as alternative, Wings of Glory)
  • Stunt Island
  • Wing Commander: Privateer CD
  • Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
I did have a TIE Fighter video too but yeah it was pretty crappy.
What went wrong? I'd love if you'd try this one again once you have a proper set-up; I'm interested if the screen size and controls, especially the analog nubs, work for this game. Provided it runs, or could run, smoothly in the first place.

BONUS: I know this is strictly about DOS games, but if someone has the Linux or Windows version of Terminus, and ExaGear (plus Wine), I'd love to know how well that game performs on the Pyra.
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