sam fisher said:
Where is your evidence of the OMAP clock?
That's right, I've searched very carefully, not a single time does TI mention a clock speed for the OMAP 3430. Sure, I've read in many places that it would run at 550 MHz by default, but none of this was from TI.
Eclipse said:
I think that doing this type of consolewar inside an homebrew community will lead it to split and die undepending if one platform is better or not than the other...
I don't agree. I think it'll do like the transition from GP32 to GP2X (although I wasn't there really). People will less and less care about the GP2X, and widely adopt the Craiginator, with a reserved amount of interest for GPH updates. No community split, no painful community death, just moving on to the next console that has it going on.