This thread must NEVER die, nor be moved. Doing so is near the same as murder. For example, people often put down animals when they become violent, or are so sick that they do not enjoy like anymore. Many threads can be compared to that, killed because of flame wars, or because the discussion is taken over by someone who ruins it for everyone else.
However, people do NOT put down animals simply because they have become old. As long as the animal is happy and enjoying life, and is not doing anything to upset his owners (Or the other people around him), then it is clearly evident that they should live. Though this thread has gone hopelessly off topic, it does occasionally come back to make a good point. And while some members may say "But it DOES upset me! Kill it!", there is nothing that FORCES them to come into this thread. Hence, this thread should live until it dies of its own accord, or becomes offensive to the kind of people who ARE posting in this thread.
I understand that comparing a thread to a dog is ridiculous, but it was the best analogy I could muster. So, please, continue posting random stuff! In 6 months, who knows, we may have as many as 1000 pages!
Long live the thread!