Release Origami (scene Intro by Faemiyah)


Certified Guru
Jan 8, 2009
Here is another port of a Intro coded by Faemiyah and presented at Assembly 2005 and called Origami.

Pandora port is running thanks to glshim library by ptitSeb (using the latest Git revision).

at start the demo made some intensive pre-calculations that need, on Pandora, around 5 minutes to complete, where on a x86 PC takes around only 1 minute. Please be patient and .... wait.

I advice you to clock your Pandora at minimum of 800 Mhz (tested at 825 mhz on my CC) otherwise is slower on some heavy scenes.

Also on CC units it's best to use a swap file (optimal solution is to setup the swap file on a secondary SD card possibly with fast read/write speeds...but don't use a too bigger swap file (i use a 300 megabyte one).

with the build 02 submitted to the repo seems that a swap file is no longer needed, also updated the build of glshim lib and Origami exe is now not stripped.

Sources included in PND.



Enjoy and let me know how it run on 1Ghz Pandora.
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Hi all :)

@Farox : thanks for porting this intro to the Pandora !

It's running very well on my Rebirth unit with OC @ 825 MHz and SGX driver 4.10, only the ending credits are a bit more demanding (~100% CPU usage).

Could you tell us more about those intensive pre-calculations ?

@ptitSeb : FPS details didn't show up in @notaz' Live system info. Is this a bug in glshim ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
@ptitSeb : here you go :)
[ START ]--- Starting the application ( ) ----------
LIBGL: Initialising glshim
LIBGL: Batch mode enabled
Origami by Juippi, Trilkk and Warma. Combined 64k for Assembly 2005.
-f, --fullscreen (off) Fullscreen mode
-d, --debugkeys (off) Enable debug keys.
-r, --resolution (800x480) Specify resolution as WIDTHxHEIGHT
-fr, --fresolution (320x240) Specify fractal resolution as WIDTHxHEIGHT
LIBGL: Warning, memory corruption detected at init, trying to compensate
LIBGL: Initialising glshim
LIBGL: Batch mode enabled
libGL: built on Apr 20 2016 14:58:57
libGL: framebuffer output enabled
LIBGL: Current folder is:/mnt/utmp/origami_farox
[SUCCESS]--- Starting the application ( ) ----------
Cheers, Magic Sam
Thanks @Magic Sam for testing, and yes the credits part are really intensive, but on my CC unit other parts are intensive too.
About the calculations at start i don't know for sure (it's not easy, for me, to read code comments that are in finnish;)) but i presume that mostly are the fractals calculated at the selected resolution.
@Farox : I think you have compiled glshim without the PANDORA switch (explaining why it doesn't detect LiveSystemInfo).
You should use "ccmake ." and activate "PANDORA" (or use something like "cmake -DPANDORA=1").
@Farox : I had a look at the github page, and like you I stared for quite a long time at the comments in Finnish :p

Just out of curiosity, I also ran "sudo perf top" while running Origami. Here are the results:

During loading time, "origami" (0x97fc) uses the most resources, with libm-2.9 and near the end.

When the intro really starts, "memcpy" is the most demanding process (~30%), followed by and "draw_renderlist".

Does that mean something to you guys ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
that means origami is compiled whithout debug info (add "-g" in CFLAGS) making profiling near impossible.
libGLU is probably use to load texture and calculate the mipmap at loading time.
After that, draw_renderlist is, more or less, main rendering loop of glshim (for list and/or immediate mode rendering), so not much here also.
@Farox : I think you have compiled glshim without the PANDORA switch (explaining why it doesn't detect LiveSystemInfo).
You should use "ccmake ." and activate "PANDORA" (or use something like "cmake -DPANDORA=1").

ah ok i followed your at github ..
Ok recompiled glshim lib and Origami (without stripping the exe) and after a quick test @825Mhz seems more faster than before and also runned fine without a swap file.:cool:

In next few hours i'll build an update.
[doublepost=1461440825,1461426056][/doublepost]Build 02 is on the repo.
Update glshim library now build with correct -DPANDORA parameter.
Origami exe is now not stripped.
Thank you @Farox for this updated build :) @notaz ' Live system info is working now (FPS range from ~60 at the very beginning to ~3 during the ending credits...)

Did you recompile with "-g" in the CFLAGS, in order to have debugging symbols ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
Thank you @Farox for this updated build :) @notaz ' Live system info is working now (FPS range from ~60 at the very beginning to ~3 during the ending credits...)

Did you recompile with "-g" in the CFLAGS, in order to have debugging symbols ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
uhmm from 60 to 3 fps...interesting thanks
No debug enabled in this recompile sorry, it's only not stripped...but i build another exe with -g enabled.. if you want i could i don't want to build a pnd with debugging symbols as i think may be slower.
debug symbols will not slow down your builds. It just make them bigger and easier to debug/profile, that's all.
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Just tried this out on my 1GHz pandora running at 1096MHz, probably using the default SGX driver (since Eki's pandora model check can't identify it). It ran pretty well, although the framerate for the credits is sub-10FPS. For your information, it took 3m04s of 'please wait' before the action started.

Also, on a personal note, this is probably my favourite demo currently available on the Pandora scene. Awesome music, cool graphics nicely directed!
just rebuided a 3th revision with (-g) enabled...IMHO seems a little slower but you can test it and report please.
link to download
Also, on a personal note, this is probably my favourite demo currently available on the Pandora scene. Awesome music, cool graphics nicely directed!
Yes is a very nice of my fav at moment, but another will be 8bitWonderland by Kakiarts
that i struggle to finish porting...if someone wanna help...;)
This time I measured the startup time as 3m08s on my 1GHz unit which is within a small error margin so probably unchanged. To my eye the rest of it also ran at much the same framerate, with the credits at the end framerate matching up pretty closely with the hi-hat line in the beat.