Release Heboris


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Heboris, a High-speed, highly configurable Tetris-type game.

The game use glshim and will need a small Swap file on CC model (or the demo will likely crash).

And here is a video of the build 04 (with custom background, sound and music) on the Pandora by Ingoreis

History log

Build 05

  • Fixed credits in PND
Build 04

  • Fixed rotation sound
  • Replaced Background with the one provided by Mrk
  • Added Sound Effects by Mrk
  • Added Musik by Klapse
Build 03

  • Fixed a crash in the Ranking screens
Build 02

  • More folder are configurable (title and graphics)
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Using glshim
  • Some Pandora customization (forced fullscreen, keymap)
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Hi all :)

Thanks @Mrk for telling us about that great game, and thanks @ptitSeb for porting it to the Pandora !

I managed to make the game segfault though (on my Rebirth with latest SuperZaxxon release installed, and with GPU driver

./ line 98: 6132 Segmentation fault ./heboris $*

How to reproduce:

- Start the game
- Go to Normal Ranking
- Press right, down and right again

Cheers, Magic Sam
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Hi @Magic Sam .
I tried to reproduce the crash but could not. It just do what expected... I guess there is a right issue on some files. Are you on an Ext formarted SDcard?
Hi @ptitSeb !

Yes, I'm still using an ext3 SD card. I'll have a look at the appdata folder now, see if there are any weird permissions set there.

EDIT: even with very lax permissions (chmod -R a+rwx heboris), the game still segfaults :(

Cheers, Magic Sam
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Here is Heboris, a High-speed, highly configurable Tetris-type game.

The game use glshim and will need a small Swap file on CC model (or the demo will likely crash).

Note that the game as no sound or music, but they can be added. Go in appdata/heboris they in se/ you put sounds and in bgm/ you put musics (look at the text files inside each folder for naming scheme). If someone wants to create music for it, I''ll gladly pacakge them in a next update!

History log

Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Using glshim
  • Some Pandora customization (forced fullscreen, keymap)


You have done an outstanding job! Now we can say that there are only two portable consoles capable of running a TGM !!! The nintendo ds (with a homebrew pretty neat but very sacrificed and not at all customizable) and the incredible PANDORA with HEBORIS, the most complete and breathtaking version of TETRIS GRAND MASTER existing in the world of video games. A game that outclasses the original !!!

Eternal gratitude to :happy:ptitSeb:happy:: your porting is superb, and PANDORA does it turn faster than light !!!!! AWESOME! :p&|a:

And now a problem that needs to be solved: in the version of windows-os there are other folders that are used for backgrounds (BKG and BKGHI, TITLE) and music. In the app-data these folders are missing in part. Why? The chance to change the background is very very important!
While sound effects (SE - folder ) work fine, the music does not work. Can you solve this problem?

@Mrk : glad you liked the port.

About the music, I have not tested myself, but it should work. You put all the music files in "bgm" and still no music? I'll try to find msic to test myself, but probably not this week with my limited bandwidth...

About the other parametrable folder, for now all data (except se and bgm) are embeded in the PND. I can do a copy of the data in appdata/heboris, the same way as for se and bgm. It will "waste" 30Mb of SD space (because of duplicate data) but will allow more customization. Should I do that?
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Hi all :)

@ptitSeb : any news regarding the segfault I experience on my Rebirth ? I don't think it's related to permissions after all (see my previous post).

Cheers, Magic Sam
Ah no, I didn't noticed your edit. I still don't reproduce the crash myself. I'll try to put the pnd in an ext partition just in case.
On your side can you try to reproduce after cleaning appdata/heboris ?
@Mrk : glad you liked the port.

About the music, I have not tested myself, but it should work. You put all the music files in "bgm" and still no music? I'll try to find msic to test myself, but probably not this week with my limited bandwidth...

About the other parametrable folder, for now all data (except se and bgm) are embeded in the PND. I can do a copy of the data in appdata/heboris, the same way as for se and bgm. It will "waste" 30Mb of SD space (because of duplicate data) but will allow more customization. Should I do that?

Yesss. Awesome! For music the problem is the format. Now it works fine! It was enough to choose the correct format in the options screen. Remember: ALL of the folders should appear in appdata . Memory is not a problem. If you have HEBORIS , even better than the original TGM , you have what you need ! <3:D
Does someone mind to make a short video with the music? I'm a bit curious
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Hi all :)

On your side can you try to reproduce after cleaning appdata/heboris ?
After deleting the appdata folder, the problem disappeared. I'll play the game some more, see if I can reproduce that bug now.

Cheers, Magic Sam
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Ok, new build on the repo. Now more folder are configurable, with title and both bg and graphics (highDetail 640x480 only).
I hope you can configure at will now :)

Build 02

  • More folder are configurable (title and graphics)
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This version is perfect ! Soon I will post some pictures of my version :D
Thanks PtitSeb... this game is magic <3
This game is the glory of '80s... Tetris at the solid state! xD
Hi all :)

@ptitSeb : I managed to reproduce my segfaulting bug ! I think it happens after playing some of the Tomoyo modes (I don't know which one yet...).

Stay tuned !

Cheers, Magic Sam
May be just send me the saves files if it's enough to reproduce the crash.
Hi ptitSeb :)

I think the culprit is Tomoyo FP mode, FP level 1. After "playing" that mode (which is a weird one, it ends as soon as it begins...maybe I'm missing something there) and entering a high score, the game segfaults when browsing the normal ranking tables (right, down, then right again).

Anyway, I'll send you the save files ASAP !

EDIT: @ptitSeb : I attached the contents of my data folder to this post. Please let me know if you need some other files.

Cheers, Magic Sam


  • data.tar.gz
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hello @ptitSeb and sorry if I ask one more thing . If you were to do a new build dont forget to add the VOICE folder. This is really the last thing I ask. Only if you have time and desire . Unfortunately I can not do it . Those who want to, can put in Go.wav and Ready.wav and will be executed before starting the game session ( as in Magical Drop III )


  • upload_2016-2-27_15-55-23.png
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@Magic Sam : I have your data but I haven't checked yet. I'll try to do that tomorrow.

@Mrk : that folder VOICE doesn't exists. The 2 files you mentionned ("ready.wav" and "go.wav") must be put in "se" folder like all other sound effects.
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