There is something dodgy, how can he ask for his company to be "wiped off" when he has debts : every people that asked for a refund of their pandora pre-order?
He considers those customers as "handed over to ED", he has made that clear.
So, I would base
speculation (once again that is all we got...) on that, because without that assumption
nothing makes sense.
The odd things are these two, which documents describing the strike off process explicitly forbid:
- Has he sold company merchandise within the last 3 months?
He has sold stuff on and ebay, but as long as he hasn't done it in the OPLtd company's name that is "ok, though a bit odd"
- Note that selling for example an asset like the 3D printer would have been fine, because it is not something you sell to the customers, it is something you use to make the stuff to sell to the customers
[*]Did he really manage to inform all interested parties of this within 7 days of application submission
- since he does not consider the Pandora customers as people who have an interest (as they "have been passed to ED"), probably yest
- but if he does, then why did some people on these forums even receive the announcement while some did not?
Basically there seems to be odd inconsistencies in his actions regarding these two things.
Does he hope we
assume he has covered his back and thus do not try to dig into it, or has he really managed to cover his back?
Inconsistencies continue:
It has turned out in another thread he also has another company in his desk drawer, a "OpenPandora distribution" or whatever company. Has he applied strike off to that too? If not, why is he in such a hurry to strike off this one? To my understanding, if new information comes to light the strike off can be cancelled
even after it has been approved (though, I do not know how expensive that is).
This process he has started would, the way I read it, typically be started for a company that has been dormant for longer than OPLtd.
All in all, it's a mess.
One of the earlier emails that appeared on this forum stated that he consulted a lawyer about this action. If this was the best, "cleanest" option the lawyer could come up with I'm really surprised. I read that as "things are pretty bad so they can't get much worse, so why not try this, you no longer got nothing to loose...".
Of course it could be as he says: Liquidation proceedings are not free(?), so he figured this is a cheaper option to get rid of OPLtd. But if so, then why not just let it hang around, as it has this far?
Whatever. He's practically gotten away with it already... anyone would be mad to dirty their hands in that mess, because they'd have to base their moves on assumptions ans speculation while he has at least some facts. That is probably what he's betting on too.