Openpandora Appreciation Topic

Hey Pandora-people, if you are reading this, stop right now! Close your browser and get back to work! I want my handheld! ;)

That said, I'm still excited and can't wait to get my hands on the Pandora. As always, keep up the good work, I can wait another two months. ;)
Yes, Thank you for developing it, perfecting it, and aiming on getting it to us.
My last year's birthday present is this thing, so I hope it comes soon.
Fanboyish arse lickin! That's what comes to my mind! It's making me cringe.


Well if it isn't batz!

If you troll, we'll automatically assume you look like ^this^, which, of course, you do.
+1 to all devs
typically, most of the haters will fade into the woodwork when the Pandora arrives, mostly to re-register under another "nick" after ordering from batch 2 and posting as "long time followers and enthusiasts"

soon my pretty............soon!

I don't know if you knew, but [/vomit] is definitely not a valid html tag. You should also know that before you put the [/dummy text], you must put [dummy text]. If it is done the other way around or if you exclude the last or first one as you have done, the html code will show in your post, which looks kinda messy. You should look up a tutorial. I'll be happy to help you with learning if you can't find a good tutorial. Have a good day
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I don't know if you knew, but [/vomit] is definitely not a valid html tag. You should also know that before you put the [/dummy text], you must put [dummy text]. If it is done the other way around or if you exclude the last or first one as you have done, the html code will show in your post, which looks kinda messy. You should look up a tutorial. I'll be happy to help you with learning if you can't find a good tutorial. Have a good day
it is called "bbcode" not html, html/xhtml does not use [ and ] as markers for beginning and ending tags :P
Sorry, but on the internet, things about how you see the page must be corrected.
An XHTML valid psuedo tag for vomiting might be <vomit />
if you wanted to add properties you could do things like
<vomit content="bread pieces, milk, eggs, mustard, ham bits" />

Have fun :lol:
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I don't know if you knew, but [/vomit] is definitely not a valid html tag. You should also know that before you put the [/dummy text], you must put [dummy text]. If it is done the other way around or if you exclude the last or first one as you have done, the html code will show in your post, which looks kinda messy. You should look up a tutorial. I'll be happy to help you with learning if you can't find a good tutorial. Have a good day
it is called "bbcode" not html, html/xhtml does not use [ and ] as markers for beginning and ending tags :P
Sorry, but on the internet, things about how you see the page must be corrected.
An XHTML valid psuedo tag for vomiting might be <vomit />
if you wanted to add properties you could do things like
<vomit content="bread pieces, milk, eggs, mustard, ham bits" />
Have fun :lol:

I know how to do it. It's been about two years since I coded my last html forum post layout. I got the two names mixed up. So what?

Anyway, did you even read the guy's post that I was "correcting?" You just defended a troll.
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I know how to do it. It's been about two years since I coded my last html forum post layout. I got the two names mixed up. So what?

Anyway, did you even read the guy's post that I was "correcting?" You just defended a troll.
To be fair, if you're going to correct somebody (troll or not) you better make damned sure that there's no errors in what you're saying otherwise people are bound to pick up on it. Nobody likes a smart-arse; especially one who makes mistakes in his error-correction :P
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My appreciation doesn't only go out to the Open Pandora team but the developers for making all the games and applications. The pandora wouldn't be that great if you couldn't really test its raw power with games such as Quake 3. I think this is what the Wiz lacks because after looking over at the Wiz's forums there is barely any optimism. People are saying things like N64 would never work on the Wiz and you should of ordered a Pandora if you wanted certain things to run. I'm glad I ordered a Pandora instead of a Wiz because I really don't feel like I'm wasting my money and time here.
Yeah, the Wiz I think really is just another device that has potential, but it doesn't have enough to really attract people.
I am glad I chose the Pandora, As we all know, it has full potential, and it is nice that we already have a repository available.