Dear Openpandora ltd


Could crush a grape
May 11, 2009
I know that a number of people don't have their units yet so I hope that I'm not rubbing it in, but I just wanted to say thanks to you guys.

I've had my Pandora for a couple of months now and I'm using it almost every day. When I first read about it I was sure that it would be the answer to my emulation dreams. I was never satisfied with pc emulation, it always felt cold and lifeless compared to playing on the original hardware, console emulation was too hacky, and smartphone emulation was just completely impractical.

When I placed my order I had high hopes that this might be the answer and I would finally be able to enjoy emulation as much as I wanted to, but admittedly I had doubts because I know that I am almost always disappointed with everything that I had any expectations about. Well, the Pandora IS the answer to my dreams and I'm so happy about it that I felt the need to thank you.

I've been having an absolute blast playing with this. I've got a genuine feeling of excitement when I start playing games on it, it transports me back to being 14 and playing Amiga, snes, and megadrive games in my bedroom, which is a wonderful feeling and one which no other devices have been able to give me.

I was almost convinced for a while that the kind of nostalgia that I craved was only ever going to be a brief 2 minutes of playing before turning off in disappointment. The Pandora just makes every game I've tried seem like it was made specifically for it, and really breaths life into my classics, you just can't put a price on that.

Soooooo, yes, thank you so much fellas, you've made a miserable bastard very happy. I owe you all a pint.
I can even relive my own nostalgia! (Well, about half of it.)
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Fun thing I never had a real console (I dont count the msx since its more a home computer) but now I have the pandora. And now I start finishing games, the only games I finished on the PC are adventure games but now I finished, treasure hunter g, zelda link to the past, gianas return, 2 episodes of duke nukem 3d (without cheating :o ) cave story (at least the simpelest ending trying some other endings now etc. 4 campaigns from wesnoth :) and started many other games

This really is a gaming machine
My family was pretty poor when I was a kid. I never had many video games. The only things I ever played when I was a kid was the first Sonic game on my Sega Genesis and some silly game based pretty vaguely on the Old West, I think. The only thing I really remember about that particular game was that it had cactus and tumbleweed in it.

My dog peed on that console when I was playing the Old West game. Broke the system A few years after that I got a magical system called a PlayStation. That one was really sweet. I had a few more games for that system: Twisted Metal 3 (my favorite at the time), Crash Bandicoot, Spyro (I think), And a Tony Hawk game or two. I don't remember what happened to that console. I lost all those discs over time except for the now very badly scratched copy of TMIII. After I lost my PlayStation I used to pop that cd into a boombox or something. I thought it was pretty cool that I was able to listen to the soundtrack that way. I figured most games didn't allow that and ended up putting that game's music into some obscure directory or put them into an odd format. I was maybe six or seven at the time, and I already knew about that sort of thing. Sorry, but I like to brag about that sort of thing.

I think I might have been around ten or so when I got a Gameboy Advanced. Of course like everyone at that time and age I was mainly playing Pokemon games. I had Crystal, Red, and a few other Pokemon games meant for the GBA. I also had one pretty cool BattleBots game. But I think that was all I had. I kept that system up to the time I bought and beat Pokemon Sapphire on my newish SP. I only had that thing for a few months until some kid named Colby stole it when he was in my room. That and my Pokemon cards, but I didn't have many of those because no one knew how to play the game.

After that (or was it before?), I got my first computer. In my room even. I was such a cool Aspergersian kid. The only game I played on that computer exclusively was Virtual-On: Cyber Troopers. Unfortunately there was some weird Russian kid across the street from me that my mom insisted that I play with. At that stage she was trying to get me to act like all the other kids, and what better way to seem normal than to hang out with a barely-English-speaking, sandals-and-kneesocks-wearing kid, right? Anyways, the game was two-player and and he liked it too and he sucked pretty bad at it, so I played with him on the game a lot. I was even able to finish it, got to Nirvana, the last boss level.

Anyways, years pass and I lose interest in games almost entirely. Then the Pandora comes out. It was around September, I think, when I preordered. And on the first day of the Premium orders I bought one of those, too. I think it was within the hour that Craigix pointed everyone to the site, even.

It's really neat to be able to play all those games from my childhood, and be able to discover more games I've never played. They do indeed feel like they were all made for the Pandora. It's pretty incredible how a device is able to pull that off. Even those Gameboy games fit perfectly with the Pandora. I didn't expect that. Unfortunately I'm going to still have to be apart from Vrtual On, but that's okay. I have an extraordinary amount of other games still left to play.
Virtual-on was my favorite game on the sega saturn, and the follow up on the dreamcast. That game had a lot of depth to it when you play it multi-player. I was stupidly good with it being able to beat most people with rarely getting hit, but then maybe I just needed to find the right opponent.
Virtual-on was my favorite game on the sega saturn, and the follow up on the dreamcast. That game had a lot of depth to it when you play it multi-player. I was stupidly good with it being able to beat most people with rarely getting hit, but then maybe I just needed to find the right opponent.

In the insane chance that the Sega Saturn or Dreamcast gets emulated on the Pandora, I officially challenge you to a battle.
The Pandora just makes every game I've tried seem like it was made specifically for it, and really breaths life into my classics, you just can't put a price on that.
This this this this this this this this this.

And the rest of it, too. :P
In the insane chance that the Sega Saturn or Dreamcast gets emulated on the Pandora, I officially challenge you to a battle.

Only If the allow for wifi over the internet, multiplayer support.

Nothing like learning how to use the slow recycle on the dash to dodge with Riaden, or literally walking and weaving between attacks with Viper 2 or Fie-Yen.
Virtual-on was my favorite game on the sega saturn, and the follow up on the dreamcast. That game had a lot of depth to it when you play it multi-player. I was stupidly good with it being able to beat most people with rarely getting hit, but then maybe I just needed to find the right opponent.

In the insane chance that the Sega Saturn or Dreamcast gets emulated on the Pandora, I officially challenge you to a battle.

Oh. Yes.