Release Open Notrium


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Open Notrium, an Open source version of Notrium, a top down 2D survival game.

The game use glshim, and has been slightly modified to use Framebuffer instead of glCopyTexImage. The speed is good, and it's working fine on the Panodra (even on CC model).
I mapped the Nubs as buttons on left and mouse on right, plus the Shoulder buttons as left/right click too.

History log

Build 03

  • Updated sources (compiled with gcc 6.2.0)
  • Updated libs
Build 02

  • Fixed Save folder that may be readonly
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Replaced glCopyTexImage by Framebuffers
  • Some Pandora changes
For those interested, here are the diff sources against latest git: View attachment opennotrium.tar.gz

View attachment opennotrium.tar.gz
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Runs well, thanks!

I find it a bit confusing that while it has standard mouse and buttons controls, they're on the right and left nubs respectively - the other way round to the way it is in XFCE.  I guess I could configure that with the relevant files in the appdata, if I could remember what they were called and what I put in them.

Also, I haven't figured out how to get out of the escape pod yet, but I guess I'll just have to figure that one out.
Runs well, thanks!

I find it a bit confusing that while it has standard mouse and buttons controls, they're on the right and left nubs respectively - the other way round to the way it is in XFCE.  I guess I could configure that with the relevant files in the appdata, if I could remember what they were called and what I put in them.

Also, I haven't figured out how to get out of the escape pod yet, but I guess I'll just have to figure that one out.

Yes, I "forced" the Nubs in "FPS" mode, so you can move with DPad/Left Hand and orient the view with the Nub/Right Hand..
But you can change the nub configuration for the game. The file to change are in appdata/opennotrium and are called left_nub and right_nub (there are text file, open them, with mousepad for example, and invert the content).

(And btw, you should try to invert the nubs in XFCE too, I prefer it that way by far, feels more natural to move the mouse with the right hand).
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Thanks, I've played the original a bit when it came out and have been meaning to get back to it one day, to see what has been added since then.
Am i the only one who has issue with the touchscreen in this port ? I loved notrium and want to play again, but my nub precision is rather horrible. I got used to using touchscreen + left trigger for mouse in those games. 
Am i the only one who has issue with the touchscreen in this port ? I loved notrium and want to play again, but my nub precision is rather horrible. I got used to using touchscreen + left trigger for mouse in those games. 

This game cannot be played with touchsreen. It use the mouse in "relative mode" and that's not compatible with touch screen, sorry.
mmm, i wonder if theres anyway to use a touchscreen as a touchpad for those scenario. 
little problem with the pnd. The save folder is not copied over to appdata, which mean you cant save ingame since the save folder error on write. (i believe people usually use a script to create the directory on the pnd start, same with the cfg file). Also ill have a quick look at the source soon enough see if i can hack in touch screen support, did you have to change anything to get it to compile or was it just a straight compile ? 
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I have fixed the save folder issue, the build is on the repo.

About compilation, if you use codeblocks, it should compile with no changes, but I advise you apply the diff I have put in first post to the git sources, or the game will be basically to slow to be playable.

For touchscreen, the main issue is that the Touchscreen is seen as a standard mouse, and I know no way to distinguish between touchscreen and mouse or nub as mouse. So every change you do impact both touch and mouse (and you don't want to have a touchpad like interface when using a reak mouse or the nub).

Build 02

  • Fixed Save folder that may be readonly
haha, yea, i figure ill just somehow hack the mouse to support absolute position. I mean the cursor etc already emulate absolute position using relative so shouldnt be impossible to achieve i hope. Havent looked at the source yet tho. 
haha, yea, i figure ill just somehow hack the mouse to support absolute position. I mean the cursor etc already emulate absolute position using relative so shouldnt be impossible to achieve i hope. Havent looked at the source yet tho. 

You can start with this export:

But I suspect it will not be enough...
sadly no luck with the export. Ill have to setup codeblock and have a go at the code i guess. even export SDL_NOMOUSE=1 had no impact, so im starting to think it might not rely on sdl for the mouse input. 
sadly no luck with the export. Ill have to setup codeblock and have a go at the code i guess. even export SDL_NOMOUSE=1 had no impact, so im starting to think it might not rely on sdl for the mouse input. 

It is relying on SDL for mouse input. The point is SDL_NOMOUSE exist only with fb and gs video driver.
ah ok, well, either way none of the mouse related export had any impact whatsoever.