I think they moved corruption from under the table, to now being over the table.
Money is worth nothing if you don't have, and wont get, a stable economy. Greece has no foundation for that now. They could have gone back to tourism and inefficiency on their own terms, fixing some of their systemic failures and policies in the process. At-least it would be viable. Now In 3 years they will be have repeated the process yet again.
Whenever things are bailed out, its really the investors who don't take a loss, they are foreign or have no regard for the common man, yet the debt ends up with the public.
So all these fancy projects that were only possible on loant money, turns out they weren't a bad deal once the public had to take the fall for them. When that happens, you sell and buy again, this time with everyone under your foot. They did turn, and do turn a profit, but the greeks never got in on it.
Its the same as London, owned by foreigners too, only Greece has no (longer any) corruption to play with.
They are down to paying with the pensioners fund, how is that fair to the common greek? They have about as much influence over that as they had in their old system. It wasn't just the greeks that turned a blind eye.
Market-speculation that is now made illegal actually outweigh all of Greece's debts in the years it was racked up. When you act like a parasite, and demand to call that real business, someone has to pay for it.
Once it was Vietnam that had all its policies dictated, now its Greece.
Should people 5 generations down have to pay for loans that shouldn't have been issued, practices that shouldn't, and weren't, legal, in a system exactly the same... ?
Im boycotting white interrailing festival-germans with dreads, that shit has to stop.
Also germans with caravans, they are rats with wings.
Everything else I love it.
On the real im trying to boycott metadata, because someone is trying to employ me on my bill.