On the upgradability of the Pyra

Always back to the camera thing.

I suspect that this is a USB one. If so, a plug adapter could be made to a male Type A?
https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/adafruit-industries-llc/3508/1528-2319-ND/7364306?utm_adgroup=Evaluation Boards - Expansion Boards, Daughter Cards&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Shopping_Product_Development Boards, Kits, Programmers_NEW&utm_term=&utm_content=Evaluation Boards - Expansion Boards, Daughter Cards&gclid=CjwKCAjw9vn4BRBaEiwAh0muDAwZHaKQ1Ykx_iABaN8BBBCqVS7whV5vi7vv-yaBxaosfgaWlNzrUxoCYK0QAvD_BwE

Or, something like this - though you would likely want a shorter cable:

Or, this would fit on a key chain and has a TransFlash (microSD?) slot on it:

But - if you want to connect a camera to a Pyra, the shortest route is through the USB 2.0 ports. You could even do two cameras on them.
I'd consider using a donor camera from a laptop. Laptop webcams compact and are already USB.
At what point do we call the Pyra - or even the Pandora - a Cyberdeck? Is it the UMPC nature combined with upgradability that would meet such a title? In which case would it be just the Pyra and not the Pandora that could be called a Cyberdeck?
A cyber-what now? A cyber-duck?
Believe it or not that exists too, apparently \o/ Check out Hackaday for Cyberdeck builds, just came across the concept after the latest video from Tom’s Hardware :)
Those of you who want a camera can always just buy a USB or SDIO offering. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

-God Ginrai
Are there any SDIO cameras that work on the Pyra? I've thought about both before but USB is unwieldy and I thought that there were no SDIO camera's that would work on the Pyra available.
Regarding the OP, I don't think that the Pyra is supposed to have replaceable components like the PC. ED's stated aims is that it is designed to have the potential for future upgrades without redesigning the case, battery, keyboard or getting a new screen.
It is a lofty goal and worth trying, but whether it works out that way remains to be seen.
Regarding the OP, I don't think that the Pyra is supposed to have replaceable components like the PC. ED's stated aims is that it is designed to have the potential for future upgrades without redesigning the case, battery, keyboard or getting a new screen.
It is a lofty goal and worth trying, but whether it works out that way remains to be seen.


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Yeah, but that's still not like a PC. You can't increase the RAM other than buying an entire new CPU board (which thankfully aren't so expensive). And while a new mainboard could include a different keyboard, I haven't heard ED saying he's got any plans to change that.

But to be fair, the OP didn't say upgradable like a PC, just the possiblity of it having port shields like PC cases have.
Yeah, but my point being that the OP's concern that there won't be enough lines or current ports being outdated and not lining up, are valid but ED has only only tried to make it potentially upgradable. There's no promise.
As "OP", I can confirm I meant this as "closer to a desktop in upgradeability than pretty much anything else, as RAM and drives aside you can't change much on most laptops, and we're not even talking about your average smartphones". It doesn't mean it is fully customizable.
Yet with everyone talking about "the future CPU upgrade board" without mentioning compatibility with the existing boards and cases, I kinda forgot how these are only objectives.