Nintendo 3DS

I've just finished preparing the SD Card I'd set aside for my 3DS, by putting some MP3s on it for the built-in music-player. I can't wait to try that out.

I also have to hand all of the Mii QR Codes I've collected so far, along with a bunch of QR Codes that I've been cutting from packaging, magazines, and so on, just to see if you can get Miis from random non-Mii QR Codes (like the Barcode Battler :lol: ).

I'm glad that the camera feature spits out plain JPEGs as well as the MPO files - I guess I won't be needing that MPO splitter script after all, but I still have it bookmarked just in case.
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I ditnt fill an SD Cart for my 3DS, because there isnt anything i need , i want to put a bunch of Miis on my sd cart when i have my 3DS, i search the internet for qr code from shigeru Myamoto, mario luigi, some rockstars etc, i hope the miis ditnt need to many space on the card..

I use a 3t Party 3DS Stylus on my Nintendo DSlite, because its even better for Okamiden etc.., i got sims 3 from costeless and now i wait for the console to come the day after tomorow..
There's a thread for Mii QR Codes here. We've got the official Reggie Fils-Aime Mii from the US review unit cover-letter in there. :D

Not entirely 3DS-related, but I just picked up one of these as I needed something like this for other gadgets anyway. It might prove handy if the 3DS' battery life does not prove adequate (in two days' time I'll be testing that thoroughly).
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Great, if i have my 3ds on friday, and i found the time between the gaming, i would make my mii available on this thread, maybe some time whe get the qr codes from evildragon, craigix, fatih and mweston on this thread.. :lol:
^ I wonder if we could make Miis by taking a photograph of the team's photograph? :lol:
You can use the outside cameras too, and you can make miis from piktures you have, i trie it tomorow maybe out and upload a mii from evildragon.. :lol:
arstechnica said:
The cameras take images at 640 x 480 resolution, or 0.3 megapixels, and the pictures look just as unimpressive as you'd imagine. Low light is handled poorly, and the limited ways you can play with the image are fun for about ten seconds. The ability to take 3D pictures is fun, but since you can only view the pictures on the 3DS, it's of limited use.

What a pity :( !
^ You believe that?

Nobody in the real world actually cares much about the resolution of the pictures, since it's just plain fun. The ludicrously low resolution of the Game Boy Camera didn't stand in the way of its popularity (over here, at least one magazine ran a monthly section for it, even), and I've no doubt the same will prove true here. The people actually taking and sharing photos certainly don't seem to care!

Also, worthy of note, it IS possible to view the 3D photographs on other devices, as there was/is a line of cameras that uses the same open file format. It's been done, but I'm having a hell of a time finding the video on YouTube right now, as I can't remember the model of the camera that was used! :lol:
There is now no point of return for me, my Unit is getting send from, tomorow i have this nice handheld an can make 3d piktures, and play some nice Games
Congratulations! :D

I'm still waiting for my shipping confirmation right now - my eyes have been on my inbox for most of the day. :lol:
^ You believe that?

Nobody in the real world actually cares much about the resolution of the pictures, since it's just plain fun. The ludicrously low resolution of the Game Boy Camera didn't stand in the way of its popularity (over here, at least one magazine ran a monthly section for it, even), and I've no doubt the same will prove true here. The people actually taking and sharing photos certainly don't seem to care!

Also, worthy of note, it IS possible to view the 3D photographs on other devices, as there was/is a line of cameras that uses the same open file format. It's been done, but I'm having a hell of a time finding the video on YouTube right now, as I can't remember the model of the camera that was used! :lol:
Wait, you can?! Here I was thinking you couldn't save the 3D pictures to your SD card...
^ The 3DS doesn't have user-accessible internal flash memory. That's why it's supplied with a 2GB SD Card, which is the only place your photographs can go (EDIT: Well, they can go on any SD Card you use with it, not just that one :lol: ). The camera feature spits out pairs of files when you take a photograph - a JPEG, for easy sharing over the internet and for printing, and an MPO file.

MPO is an open format for three-dimensional photography, and it's also used by the Fuji Finepix Real 3D W1. This is the camera that people have also managed to view photographs taken on 3DSes with. If you're a Linux user, you can split MPO files using this script, although since the 3DS spits out the equivalent JPEGs anyway (though I don't yet know if it spits out just one, or both) this is not really necessary to use.
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Sure you can save 3D Piktures on your SD Card: There is a container format which include 2 jpg piktures, you can only see they on the 3DS, or an 3D Device, but you can put the piktures eaysely on your sd card..
i received 4 emails from amazon today....none of em are shipping confirmation for 3ds. oh well, ill look at the bright side that i sold an HD camcorder for $430 and that a CD i wish i wouldve pre-ordered from the artists has shipped to me
Wow. Zavvi (they're a fairly well-known chain store) not overcharging like all hell for once? Unbelievable!

Amazon are better to deal with, though, by far. And their price is the same. :lol:
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Unbelievable! I paid £8.99 for Express Shipping to guarantee that it got here today, *and they haven't even bothered to ship it*!