Release New Video: Complete, Working, Portable Pandora

'Tripmonkey_uk' said:
'Monk' said:
'Vorporeal' said:
Some clarifications for people who have been skimming too much:

From this thread,

'craigix' said:
Just some final tweaks to the case.
They may indeed be minor, but it doesn't seem quite fair to say there are no case problems, IMHO?


Because at the time that the "NO CASE_PROBLEMS_" post was made all we had was the evidence of ED's :pandora1: case not being a snug fit (on video) and MWeston's :pandora1: case not being a snug fit with an MK3 board (on video), and Craig saying "Just some final tweaks to the case.". To my mind, you don't tweak a case design if it doesn't warrant it - do you? Or report to your customer base that there are some issues that you're not quite happy with yet on the blog? Or say on forum that the case still needs "some tweaks"? So to my mind coming down hard on people for "skimming" by shouting there are NO PROBLEMS looked.. inappropriate. Inexact. Imprecise. We weren't told WHAT the problems were, but by that time we had comments in the video, on the blog, and in this thread that there were some kind of issues that OP weren't happy about. We like to go overboard with the "OMG, that's another 6 month delay because a decal was printed upside down!" but that can be spurred on, rather than halted, by going overboard in the other direction and "everything is fine, the banking problems will NOT cause any delay...".

'Tripmonkey_uk' said:
Tweaks to the case is more likely to mean things like making the lid a little thinner, putting some grooves in the battery cover for easier grip, or (as already been mentioned) rounding off the shoulder buttons.
MORE LIKELY... than what? I suggested the issues were probably minor, not even going so far as to specify what they might be. Just that there are SOME PROBLEMS, as opposed to NO PROBLEMS.

I guess I'd quite like, occasionally, to see comments from OP taken and just mused on gently, without looking like a flame war is about to start over every other OpenPandora statement, with people naysaying each other rather than discussing.

'Sphinxter' said:
What's wrong with tux racer?
Based on context I'd have to assume that Gizmodo do not beleive that getting Tux Racer working on the :pandora1: is sufficient evidence of an active and capable pool of :pandora1: developers.
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^ Yeah, I think that's what they meant about Tux Racer. Doesn't count if the Pandora scene didn't make it.

That, and it's probably the only Linux game they've heard of.
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LOL, could be!

Am I the only one who thinks the smiley list here is a bit odd? No obvious laughter emotes for example - maybe there's a downbeat feel to the board at times simply because it's harder work to LOL or ROFLOL etc?

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'Monk' said:
LOL, could be!

Am I the only one who thinks the smiley list here is a bit odd? No obvious laughter emotes for example - maybe there's a downbeat feel to the board at times simply because it's harder work to LOL or ROFLOL etc?

What's wrong with :lol:
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Looks great, guys! Can't wait till it's all ready to ship out to everyone! I can imagine it's even more so for you, after working on this for so long!
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I noticed we're seeing enlightenment instead of matchbox in the videos lately. How much free RAM is there left for each one? I presume matchbox gives you more free RAM?

This could make a huge difference in what games that push the Pandora to its limits, if it works in one OS but not another.
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'MDave' said:
I noticed we're seeing enlightenment instead of matchbox in the videos lately. How much free RAM is there left for each one? I presume matchbox gives you more free RAM?

This could make a huge difference in what games that push the Pandora to its limits, if it works in one OS but not another.
Good point caller, maybe a dual boot outfit one for minimal mem for OS i.e. games and another for productivity e.g. browser/mail etc you get my drift....
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I'm pretty sure you could find a matchbox widget somewhere that puts an active task list in the bar at the bottom. If not, clicking the tab at the top of the screen to pull up the task list isn't so terrible.
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'korky' said:
'MDave' said:
I noticed we're seeing enlightenment instead of matchbox in the videos lately. How much free RAM is there left for each one? I presume matchbox gives you more free RAM?

This could make a huge difference in what games that push the Pandora to its limits, if it works in one OS but not another.
Good point caller, maybe a dual boot outfit one for minimal mem for OS i.e. games and another for productivity e.g. browser/mail etc you get my drift....

One does not have to dual boot to have different window managers if the OS (Ångström) supports them both. But yeah, it may be smart to have different ones. Wonder how a full desktop environment aka GNOME/KDE would perform?
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'GuSec' said:
'korky' said:
'MDave' said:
I noticed we''re seeing enlightenment instead of matchbox in the videos lately. How much free RAM is there left for each one? I presume matchbox gives you more free RAM?

This could make a huge difference in what games that push the Pandora to its limits, if it works in one OS but not another.
Good point caller, maybe a dual boot outfit one for minimal mem for OS i.e. games and another for productivity e.g. browser/mail etc you get my drift....

One does not have to dual boot to have different window managers if the OS (Ångström) supports them both. But yeah, it may be smart to have different ones. Wonder how a full desktop environment aka GNOME/KDE would perform?

On a device with 256MB of RAM, poorly. On my machine with 1GB KDE and Gnome felt slow and unresponsive.
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'arrrgh' said:
On a device with 256MB of RAM, poorly. On my machine with 1GB KDE and Gnome felt slow and unresponsive.
Did you actually look how much KDE used RAM? I have trouble believing that RAM was the bottleneck.

EDIT: ...or gnome for that matter
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'B-ZaR' said:
'arrrgh' said:
On a device with 256MB of RAM, poorly. On my machine with 1GB KDE and Gnome felt slow and unresponsive.
Did you actually look how much KDE used RAM? I have trouble believing that RAM was the bottleneck.

EDIT: ...or gnome for that matter

Could be, the computer I was using only had a 2GHz CPU. Although, unless it's something other than RAM or CPU, I don't think the Pandora will be able to run it at a usable speed.
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'arrrgh' said:
'Monk' said:
LOL, could be!

Am I the only one who thinks the smiley list here is a bit odd? No obvious laughter emotes for example - maybe there's a downbeat feel to the board at times simply because it's harder work to LOL or ROFLOL etc?

What's wrong with :lol:

that's laugh? It's... OK I guess, but dwarfed IMHO by the rule, angry, confused, curious and just slightly "odd" emotes.

It's also so very, VERY static. Looks like a smile or a :P to me, whereas emotes with some life in them, well I guess I've spent too much effort on emotes already ;)
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'Vorporeal' said:
I'm pretty sure you could find a matchbox widget somewhere that puts an active task list in the bar at the bottom. If not, clicking the tab at the top of the screen to pull up the task list isn't so terrible.
As long as there's quick access then no big problem. But a proper task bar makes multitasking so much more enjoyable. I do wonder how well the Pandora will handle multiple applications at the same time, especially if I run something like GIMP. I guess I have to wait and see.
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'Awakening' said:
'Vorporeal' said:
I'm pretty sure you could find a matchbox widget somewhere that puts an active task list in the bar at the bottom. If not, clicking the tab at the top of the screen to pull up the task list isn't so terrible.
As long as there's quick access then no big problem. But a proper task bar makes multitasking so much more enjoyable. I do wonder how well the Pandora will handle multiple applications at the same time, especially if I run something like GIMP. I guess I have to wait and see.

New version of Gimp coming which keeps all its windows together. Should make it a lot easier for the Pandora :)
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